Sharon_C Member

  • Re: If there was ONE thing about maintenance you would share with everyone...

    I've been in maintenance since January of this year. Nothing much has changed from losing to maintaining. I still weigh and log all of my food and I weigh myself daily. I have a weight that I will no…
  • Re: Life after dieting......

    You'll have to play around with your maintenance calories until you find that sweet spot. And you'll have to be super diligent. I still weigh and log all of my food and I weigh myself everyday. I all…
  • Re: Weigh fruit with skin?

    I disagree. Especially if you are trying to lose those last 10lbs and every gram makes a difference. For instance, banana peels weigh roughly 50g (I eat a lot of bananas so I know this). That's an ex…
  • Re: So Discouraged :(

    If you don't weigh yourself every day how do you know you haven't lost weight? You could have been 3 pounds lighter a few days before you weighed yourself. This is why I think its so important to wei…
  • Re: Help help and help

    For exercise, choose something that gets you moving, that you love, and that you want to do for the rest of your life. Some people have to start slow, like a walk around the block, and build up to ru…