avskk Member

  • What We're Eating

    Autumn has fully arrived and I'm cooking about it. Breakfast: toaster waffles with yogurt butter and syrup, fried ham, coffee. Lunch: leftover chili with cheese, sour cream, and a few corn chips. I'm…
  • Re: What We're Eating

    I had a killer breakfast this morning -- I cubed and quick-fried a leftover baked potato in a little yogurt butter with various spices, fried a couple of eggs over-medium and put them on top, and bas…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I bought a shirt a few months ago that I love, but it was always tight around my hips. When I wore it, I felt awkward and constricted; I was always having to adjust it because my lower belly and hips…
  • Re: Thanksgiving splurge?

    I'm thinking of scaling back Thanksgiving this year; I really want to spend it with just my son and, maybe, his grandfather. I'm going to do roast sweet potato coins topped with celery-pecan salad as…
  • Re: Tips for intuitive eating?

    I've been working on intuitive eating, and I've managed to keep a stable weight for almost a year now (I've never had a stable weight before). Some of the tools I use are: * checking in with how I fe…