ccrdragon Member

  • Re: Bony to Beastly... A Scam?

    Scam. Biggest red flag to me is the site uses somatypes to classify people and somatypes have been debunked for years. Also, skinny people do not have faster metabolisms than non-skinny people, they …
  • Re: Day three of keto

    ok Neil - you don't like Wiki... try these: https://www.…
  • Re: Keto diet anyone?

    So some random blogger on the internet puts up a site, makes a lot of incorrect claims about a diet and you want everyone to jump on the bandwagon with you (I did go cruise her site and reading all t…
  • Re: Keto diet

    So much nope... 1. Keto is not easier or harder than any other diet to eat healthy on (in a lot of ways keto is actually harder because you have to juggle the carbs to get all of the micro-nutrients …
  • Re: Intermittent Fasting 18+ Hrs During Coronavirus

    I exercise pretty regularly while I am in my fasting window. It has not only not affected my performance, I believe it helps me personally because I am sluggish when I eat before a workout - not to m…