Intermittent Fasting 18+ Hrs During Coronavirus

Some say it shouldn’t be done because it can cause stress on the body and make a person more susceptible to the virus... what’s your take on it?

I appreciate all responses.


  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    I’m mostly doing it for weight loss and calorie restriction. ^
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    xophne wrote: »
    I’m mostly doing it for weight loss and calorie restriction. ^

    So what will you have learned once you've reached your goal weight? Will you continue eating like this? If not then I would reconsider if this is the right way to go for you. Losing weight is not just losing the weight but also the period where you learn new habits for the time after weightloss. If you don't learn how to eat afterwards then there's a substantial risk that you will regain the weight.

    Yes, I will. Thank you for your concern.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Do you exercise or plan to exercise while fasting?
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2020
    KHMcG wrote: »
    Do you exercise or plan to exercise while fasting?

    No, I workout after I’m done fasting and a few hrs after eating. I feel the best when I do it that way. I’m shooting for a 20 hr fast today, I’ve been doing 16 & 18 hr IFs for some time now. Lost 45 pounds before the coronavirus thing blew up.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Thx for answering. I'm planning to research fasting. Any good resources you would recommend?
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,371 Member
    I exercise pretty regularly while I am in my fasting window. It has not only not affected my performance, I believe it helps me personally because I am sluggish when I eat before a workout - not to mention that if I eat and do a hard workout, I have problems with feeling nauseous because of the food in my stomach - and no, since I already get up at 4:30 to workout, I am not going to get up earlier to have a longer time difference between eating and working out.
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2020
    KHMcG wrote: »
    Thx for answering. I'm planning to research fasting. Any good resources you would recommend?

    Of course! I do like Dr.Berg’s explanation and stance on it:

    How to do intermittent fasting for serious weight loss:

    Intermittent fasting basics for beginners:

    There are loads of other sources on this topic and he has more YouTube videos if you check him out as well. I just personally like how he breaks things down.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    I exercise pretty regularly while I am in my fasting window. It has not only not affected my performance, I believe it helps me personally because I am sluggish when I eat before a workout - not to mention that if I eat and do a hard workout, I have problems with feeling nauseous because of the food in my stomach - and no, since I already get up at 4:30 to workout, I am not going to get up earlier to have a longer time difference between eating and working out.

    Agree. I like to do my cardio HIIT before breakfast or dinner.

    I have missed breakfast on purpose but never fasted longer consistently for fitness reasons.
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    I exercise pretty regularly while I am in my fasting window. It has not only not affected my performance, I believe it helps me personally because I am sluggish when I eat before a workout - not to mention that if I eat and do a hard workout, I have problems with feeling nauseous because of the food in my stomach - and no, since I already get up at 4:30 to workout, I am not going to get up earlier to have a longer time difference between eating and working out.

    That’s true, I’m considering working out during a fast but right before I break it and see how it pans out. Maybe later I will work my way up to mid fast.
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    IF doesn't stress the body more than other forms of dieting, if you're talking about the typical 16:8, 18:6 or similar protocols. It could be argued (and has been, by me, elsewhere) that the large stretches of time each day that you give your GI tract a break from food is good from a physiological stress point of view. As far as more extreme forms of IF, like not eating anything for 48 hrs or alternate day fasting, that's not a good idea right now. I wouldn't be pushing your body harder than it needs to be pushed while trying to stay out of Covid-19's warpath.

    Any form of calorie deficit is bad when you're sick, regardless of eating schedule. The immune system needs fuel to fight infections, and that's why "starve a cold, feed a fever" has evolved into "feed a cold, feed a fever" as people have gotten smarter about nutrition's impact on health. At first sign of illness, in general but especially right now, I'd pull the plug on dieting and switch to nutrient-rich, maintenance calorie dining until healthy again.

    I've continued with IF through this quarantine, with a few binges due to there being too many cookies in our emergency food stash. I always feel better and less stressed when doing IF and really adhering to the schedule. I have no idea if that has beneficial impact on my immune system; it's probably irrelevant. My protocol is 17:7 (eating window of noon to 7 pm) with an hour of cardio, usually in the morning, and I don't see any downside to that from a virus point of view. Over the last 10 months of doing IF, I've discontinued my calorie deficit when I got colds (twice) but otherwise stayed on the IF track as much as possible.

    Thank you! Great answer.

    I do want to continue IF fasting, I was just concerned because I’m going past an 18 hr fast and eventually aim to hit 24 hrs. I agree that extreme fasting, 48+ hrs, would be very stressful on the body.
  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    People are disagreeing with personal comments that aren’t meant to be factual. Nice move.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    xophne wrote: »
    People are disagreeing with personal comments that aren’t meant to be factual. Nice move.

    Meh, some people just do this. I have over 70 disagrees about my personal story and journey. It's impossible to know what the disagree is for... Jealousy, my skill with the English language in me not. conveying my thought accurately, some part of what I said, thier mood today, thier story or bad experience.... etc...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    xophne wrote: »
    People are disagreeing with personal comments that aren’t meant to be factual. Nice move.

    It happens. There are some who just disagree with something but never have the gumption to say what or why. And sometimes people mistakenly hit the disagree button while scrolling on the app. I've had disagrees on straight up, neutral, uncontroversial statements.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    xophne wrote: »
    People are disagreeing with personal comments that aren’t meant to be factual. Nice move.

    There's a lot of that here. Ignore it, especially if you plan to opine on IF. Some people here are driven into paroxysms by IF talk and, especially, personal testimonials that it works. Once you're under their skin as an IF-fer, you can get a Disagree for saying "Thank you for your concern", as you experienced a little earlier.

    Welcome to MFP. Congrats on the 45 lbs. I hit 71 lbs lost before Covid-19 AKA "the Diet Killer", and now I sadly must report it's only 67, the first time in 10 months I gave back any of my progress, but I'm pretty much back in the saddle and kicking Quarantine's butt at this point. Unfortunately boredom binging was always a problem with me and Quarantine is heinously boring. Ah well, I guess I'll get off the computer and go watch Breaking Bad for the third time.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited April 2020
    I would not want to add mental stress right now but unless you are tapping out all your normal energy reserves exercising while fasted I do not see why it would add physiological stress.

    Mental stress/misery though is something to avoid. Not because it might make you more likely to get ill which does seem to happen to some people too regularly to be coincidence but because isolation can be hard enough. I have no way of knowing who might feel this way or if anyone would. I am just speculating.

    Exercising while fasted is interesting. I have found that if I do not establish a limit I can burn enough calories to run myself off an energy cliff which is unpleasant for many hours even after eating. I feel poorly and I have a headache. I assume if I feel that bad I am experiencing some physiological stress. I am certainly feeling some mental stress.

  • xophne
    xophne Posts: 19 Member
    edited April 2020
    lgfrie wrote: »
    xophne wrote: »
    People are disagreeing with personal comments that aren’t meant to be factual. Nice move.

    There's a lot of that here. Ignore it, especially if you plan to opine on IF. Some people here are driven into paroxysms by IF talk and, especially, personal testimonials that it works. Once you're under their skin as an IF-fer, you can get a Disagree for saying "Thank you for your concern", as you experienced a little earlier.

    Welcome to MFP. Congrats on the 45 lbs. I hit 71 lbs lost before Covid-19 AKA "the Diet Killer", and now I sadly must report it's only 67, the first time in 10 months I gave back any of my progress, but I'm pretty much back in the saddle and kicking Quarantine's butt at this point. Unfortunately boredom binging was always a problem with me and Quarantine is heinously boring. Ah well, I guess I'll get off the computer and go watch Breaking Bad for the third time.

    Yes, I see that lol. Thank you for the welcome and congratulations. 67lbs is still great progress, I’m trying to lose about 20 more. I feel great overall and much less hungry and I’m at my 19hr 21 minute mark. I def plan to continue this longterm, as I love how IF makes me feel. Before IF I cleaned up unhealthy eating habits so it helped me fast without feeling as hungry/uncomfortable with cravings.

    Sorry about the setback! & I love Breaking Bad as well. How did you feel about El Camino?