dewd2 Member

  • Re: Just started running- advice pls

    As a person who runs all the time, I also HATE running on a dreadmill. If that's all I had I'd probably give up. Get outside a few times. Even over winter I'll probably use the dreadmill only once or…
  • Re: Knee Problems while running/jogging

    There are fewer and fewer of these folks out there but they still exist.... The fastest marathoners in the world run with a 8-10 mm drop. Why aren't they changing????
  • Re: 5k in under 30 mins

    You're probably already working too hard to make productive gains. You must first learn to run slowly before you can gain speed. Slow down. If you can't run 10K without stopping (or longer) then don'…
  • Re: fast or slow cardio?

    FWIW, heart rate is pretty much irrelevant. It has more to do with the amount of work you are doing. Running at any pace gives you similar calorie burns (mass over distance, not time). Same with walk…
  • Re: Torn... thoughts?

    A couple comments... First, why does everyone seem to be so hung up on hitting daily goals? Why not work to hit weekly goals? Or even monthly? Then when you go over on a day it's not such a big deal.…