jryepin93 Member

  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    Today I FINALLY ran my first 5k all the way through without stopping! Cried when I crossed the finish line too! I never thought I would be able to do this. I remember posting in this thread months an…
  • 40 lbs down!

    Before-216 After- 175ish Hello Everyone! So excited to finally post my progress pics after about a year of tracking and lifting consistently. I didn't use any specific lifting program (did the moves …
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I ran two miles without stopping! This was a huge accomplishment because this time last year I couldn't even run 3 minutes without having to stop for a break.
  • Re: How do your loved ones support you?

    My boyfriend told me that ever since I've started to track my calories (almost a year ago whoa), he's been more mindful of what he cooks me for dinner when I go over to his house. He always is suppor…
  • Losing weight didn't make me happy

    Losing weight didn’t make me happier. Being able to run for longer than 10 minutes in a row made me happy. Lifting weights made me happy. Being able to go for long walks with my Mom made me happy. No…