oocdc2 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Huh...I didn't realize that vaccine resistance continues to be such a problem worldwide.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    It also may have to do with exposure--COVID-19 is new to all of us, relatively speaking. We've been exposed to influenza our whole lives in some form or another, so the flu vaccinations won't necessa…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I'm so grateful to my school district that basically sent an email to all the families a few weeks ago and said, "Everyone is wearing a proper mask, The End." No debates, no arguments: eith…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Also, it seems any mention of masks, one way or the other, gets at least one Disagree on this thread. I, for one, actually like wearing masks in public, but that's more about my social anxiety. In re…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    That is the rub, isn't it? I carry my vaccination card everywhere I go, but there's no legal mechanism for anyone to ask to see it--it's all based on the honor system. I can see why they dont want to…