psuLemon MFP Moderator

  • Re: OPTAvia

    I have had a dozen friends try it. They all dropped out because it's a starvation diet that completely relies on "boosting" your metabolism through eating every 2 hours and heavily replies …
  • Re: To Keto or Not To Keto?

    Can you expand what you think is unhealthy? I would argue my keto diet is probably healthier than most peoples diets. Like with all diets, there are healthy and unhealthy ways to implement.
  • Re: Creatine and aesthetics, does it help or hurt, is it worth it? ...

    You present a single person case study and suggest that either I or others need to have a grown up conversation? Maybe you should evaluate your ability to research before making absurd comments. If y…
  • Re: Intermittent fasting

    No, it doesn't start to eat your heart muscle but you will have greater periods of muscle protein breakdown than periods of muscle protein synthesis. Luecine maximum thresolds are 25-40g to maximize …
  • Re: Fasting

    1. Calories break a fast. It's just how it works. 2. Whatever works for your goals. 3. Doesn't work like that. The biggest question, as alluded above and what are your goals (fitness and body composi…