All, Since it's a very common question when it comes to bulking, I wanted to create a running list of programs that can provide a solid foundation for members, whether they are in the beginning stages of bulking, going back to a cut or looking to maintain their gains. Since the majority of our advanced lifters tend to…
Since one of the most common threads in this section seems to be that people struggle to gain weight, I wanted to create a one stop source for members to read on how to gain (particularly, specific foods to help and some techniques). First, you have to eat enough calories to get above your maintenance levels; you cannot…
Has anyone who gets stomach cramps with monohydrate run HCL? If so, what was your experience. I have tried three different brands of monohydrate and every time i get bad stomach cramping. Layne Norton posted a video yesterday on creatine and noted HCL can help some people. Figured I would solicit feedback from the lifters…
While in another thread, I was browsing one of the links and found this rather interesting. It walks through several conditions and corresponding training experience in which you can gain muscle. Figured i would bring this in, as it's highly discussed on the forums.