Re: 40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are
Earned my red tip in Tae Kwon Do about a week ago, so that much closer to getting a belt in my favorite color :). Getting ready to watch my kids compete in a tournament this weekend.5 -
Re: What should my daily calorie intake be?
You are worth taking care of. Please commit yourself to loving yourself enough to make the steps you need!1 -
Re: 40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are
Just checking in to celebrate that I finally made it to my healthy bmi. Starting to wonder if I even want to lose any more weight, but do want to keep counting calories at this point to make sure I'm…6 -
Re: 31day varied plank challenge JAN 2017
Lazy over the weekend. I completed day 21 and 22 this morning.1 -
Re: 40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are
Felt pretty dizzy last week. Made sure to eat plenty of iron rich foods on Saturday and that seemed to help. Dark chocolate to the rescue :). Now I need to make sure I remember to buy those iron pill…2