October Accountability & Weigh In

Hello October, hello multi-coloured trees & darker days (for those of us in the northern hemisphere)! For what it’s worth, it makes going to the gym a lot easier in the evenings!

So far the thing that has stood out throughout the September thread (I am conscious we still have three days left) is that, despite a lot of bad things happening in people's lives, there has been a lot of maintaining. That's a major win and deserves to be acknowledged given that it would have been all too easy to give up! <3

I’m now officially down to a PT session every other week instead of every week. It means I have to push myself that little bit harder to keep focussed, which is probably a good thing. Bit gutted though that the PT who does the Pilates class on Thursday's is doing her last class today as she is leaving. Her classes are epic. There's another PT who does it on different days, but her classes aren't anywhere near as good. Ah well, can't have it all.

One of my October goals is that I have a black tie event to go to on the 1st of November and want to feel and look sufficiently slimmer & more toned for that. With that in mind I do have a weight target, but body fat is going to be a more aggressive goal which hopefully I will hit through weight training.

Height: 5'10"
HW: 183lbs
SW October: 166lbs (last September weigh in)
Ultimate goal: Around 154lbs
October goal: 162lbs
Body fat goal for October: 25.8%

26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
31st Aug: 169lbs - Body fat 27.2%
6th Sep: 168.4lbs - Body fat 27%
13th Sep: 166.6lbs - Body fat 26.8%
20th Sep: 166.6lbs – Body fat 26.8%
27th Sep: 166lbs – Body fat 26.6%
4th Oct:
11th Oct:
18th Oct:
25th Oct:



  • FreshBrew92
    FreshBrew92 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I am ready to gear up for October. I did not meet my September goal of 150. So I am making that my goal for October. I have really struggled the last few weeks of this journey and plan to take some time this weekend to review my meals and exercise. I do not exercise consistently, only when I have a chance. But I am realizing that I have got to make it a priority if I want to have the body that I really want. I am looking to make a real lifestyle change, not just drop a few pounds and gain the weight again later. I am looking forward to the "maintenance" phase.

    I am also still looking to connect with others on MFP. So add me as a friend. <3

    Height: 5'8.5'
    HW: 169.5lbs July 24
    Current weight: 153lb
    Goal range: 145lb - 148lb
    October goal: 150lbs

    Sep 30:
    Oct 7:
    Oct 14:
    Oct 21:
    Oct 28:
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Your eating is going to have to be so tight. Minimal refined sugars, less simple carbs when you can (I loathe to cut complex carbs because they're the best energy sources). It'll be interesting to see how you do. :smiley:
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi everyone. I skipped out of the september group because I was on holiday for 2 weeks and I knew I would have less control over food and exercise and no scale. Luckily I lost the holiday weight (4lbs) pretty quickly and am now back to pre-holiday weight and back on track to get back on it this month. As before I will take my Libra weekly average on a Saturday.

    Height: 5"3
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Current weight: 133.4lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    October SW: 133.4lbs
    October GW: 131lbs
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm going to set a goal of losing 2lbs this month, I'm not 100% sure how much more weight I want to lose, my body is definitely toning up, and I feel lots better, but I need to have a buffer zone, I feel the weight I am now is the upper limit.

    Height 5"5

    Heaviest weight 10 stone 11.7lbs (January this year, although had been over 1 stone heavier than this previously)
    CW 9stone 9.8lbs
    GW 9 stone 7lbs ??

    My aim this month is to do BBG 3 times a week, and run once or twice a week :)
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited September 2017
    Looks like October is going to be a nice active month on here! I weighed in this morning (I do weigh daily to discover trends) and I was 165.2lbs, so technically almost at my September goal of 165...
    @rianneonamission Your eating is going to have to be so tight. Minimal refined sugars, less simple carbs when you can (I loathe to cut complex carbs because they're the best energy sources). It'll be interesting to see how you do. :smiley:

    But I like simple carbs and refined sugars :'(

    In all seriousness, I will be better. However, I have always said that I will never cut anything from my diet, just be more mindful of what and how much I eat. It'll be good because one of the ladies I share an office with is starting a health kick on the 8th of Oct and as part of that she cuts out refined sugar, dairy, carbs and alcohol. When she does that (she's done one before) it prompts all of us (there's four of us) to be better, and we tend to eat less of those things too.

  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    I am the same @rianneonamission I haven’t cut anything out of my diet, maybe that’s why it’s taken so long to lose my weight, but I feel if I stop eating things I like then I’ll just binge on them more frequently.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Looks like October is going to be a nice active month on here! I weighed in this morning (I do weigh daily to discover trends) and I was 165.2lbs, so technically almost at my September goal of 165...
    @rianneonamission Your eating is going to have to be so tight. Minimal refined sugars, less simple carbs when you can (I loathe to cut complex carbs because they're the best energy sources). It'll be interesting to see how you do. :smiley:

    But I like simple carbs and refined sugars :'(

    In all seriousness, I will be better. However, I have always said that I will never cut anything from my diet, just be more mindful of what and how much I eat. It'll be good because one of the ladies I share an office with is starting a health kick on the 8th of Oct and as part of that she cuts out refined sugar, dairy, carbs and alcohol. When she does that (she's done one before) it prompts all of us (there's four of us) to be better, and we tend to eat less of those things too.

    Yeah, I have never cut anything especially not carbs, I just cut down. I could never have the endurance I have without carbs. It's like, you see those 12 1 minute boxing rounds in fights and I've had sparring sessions where we've have had to go full contact for the whole 45 minutes, only stopping to drink a sip of water every 4 or 5 minutes so we don't die. :lol: Plus it sets a bad precedent in terms of once you get past your 'goal' that you add them back in, usually via a binge, and you gain anything you've lost because it's not a feasible way to lose weight. For me, anything less than 150g of carbs a day will make me cry. But, that being said, I do cut simple carbs like chocolates/sugars etc on off days because I feel like they're a bit unnecessary. I haven't moved from the settee I don't need a twix. :lol:

    Why the 8th? A Sunday too.
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Yeah, it's an 8 week program with weekly group weigh ins on Sunday mornings. Not my sort of thing, but she likes it. Thing is, she does really well for that time but afterwards she gradually slips back in to old habits. I really do prefer using MFP and calorie counting. Much more sustainable if you ask me.
  • shadowbaby4
    shadowbaby4 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone, my October goal is to lose 5 lbs and tone up a little, maybe get to the point where I'm not DYING after five minutes of cardio. I'm currently doing 3 hours of judo and 2 of jiu jitsu per week, and I'd like to push myself to add one more class each week OR work out at home if I can't squeeze in another class.


    HW: 139.8
    CW: 128
    GW: ???

    My weight fluctuates quite a bit depending on time of day and time of month and if I drank a glass of water before weigh-in or I'm wearing a heavier sweater or, I don't know, if I saw a picture of a kitten on Facebook that morning. Who can explain these things? Anyway, I want to get my weight low enough that I'll be under 120 even on a bad day.

    I'd like to think I could get there in one month, but two is probably more realistic.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    Hi all! Excited to be back at it again for October! September was a weird month for me, I only lost a teensy bit each week, bordering on being stagnant, then the last few days of the month I had a big “whoosh.” I’m not anticipating another whoosh in October, but hopefully my losses will stay consistent.

    Height: 5'3”
    Highest weight: 126lbs
    Ultimate goal: 110lbs (then recomp, so maybe back up to 115 counting muscle)

    Here are my last few months’ averages. I’ve really cracked down lately, and it shows!
    Beginning of July: 119.9
    Beginning of August: 118.7
    Beginning of September: 115.0

    Beginning of October: 112.4
    October goal: Ideally, 110 (goal). But, I would be happy if I got to 111.
  • Ree13x
    Ree13x Posts: 46 Member
    Happy October! The scale surprised me this morning. I guess i was retaining more bloating than i had expected this month but now that that's over i feel like I'm in a really strong place to kick off some goal achievement.

    Height: 5'3"
    Age 29

    HW: 128lbs
    SW (Last September weigh-in): 116 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 110lbs
    September goal: 112lbs

    Sept 24: 116.0
    Oct 1: 114.0
    Oct 8:
    Oct 15:
    Oct 22:
    Oct 29:
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    Hey guys! My goal is to lose anywhere from 2-5 pounds this month haha. Looking forward to see your progress in these following weeks <3

    Height: 162.5 cm
    Age: 18

    Hw: 152 lbs August 10th
    Cw: 145 lb
    Ugw: 110 lbs
    October goal: 140- 142 lbs

    Oct 5:
    Oct 12:
    Oct 19:
    Oct 26:
  • vnukinga
    vnukinga Posts: 130 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies,

    a new month, a new start!
    I am continuing my journey into healthy eating and working out. (mostly walking and Yoga)

    Age: 40
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 122 lbs.
    Goal weight: 110 lbs.

    September 25: 122
    October 2: 120
    October 9:

    It looks like I'm moving in the right direction!

    I hope everybody has a great week!
    Good luck to all!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member

    Plenty of newbies this month! Welcome @ellenmarielifts, @seximami79, @shadowbaby4, @tiinytorii, and the return of @jesspen91.

    @alcomer: Yes, boot season. Looking forward to dusting mine off too!

    @Ree13x: You’re almost there! Have you got any idea of a goal weight range yet, or do you want to get to 110lbs first? I’m liking your approach to the morning exercise plan. Hope it works for you!

    @mrssunshine78: it must be nice to feel like you have achieved your top limit. Well done! Now to find your comfortable range. (And: I prefer losing weight slowly – I think it’s helped me keep it level during bad weeks/months)

    @ellenmarielifts: They do say dropping body fat is 80% food and 20% exercise. Good to hear you can start working out again, you’ll soon build muscle! Just take it easy as you get back in to a routine.

    @FreshBrew92: 3lbs sounds like a nice healthy target now that you’re so close to your goal range.

    @seximami79: You sound determined, though I do wonder if you are including any rest days? They are equally important.

    @jesspen91: Well done on losing the holiday weight so quickly. It’s amazing how easy it becomes to snap back in to a routine once you’re used to your new MFP lifestyle!

    @shadowbaby4: Do you have scales at home? If so, weigh yourself one day of the week first thing (and naked/underwear only) as that will cut out a lot of variables. Previous day food will still affect it, but at least that way it’s more reliable. And I’d agree with two months being more realistic; I’d even say more sustainable.

    @brianneangell08: Well done! Not far to go now!

    @tiinytorii: Is your profile pic what you look like now?
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Nice start @vnukinga! 2lbs just like that!
  • FreshBrew92
    FreshBrew92 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I am ready to gear up for October. I did not meet my September goal of 150. So I am making that my goal for October. I have really struggled the last few weeks of this journey and plan to take some time this weekend to review my meals and exercise. I do not exercise consistently, only when I have a chance. But I am realizing that I have got to make it a priority if I want to have the body that I really want. I am looking to make a real lifestyle change, not just drop a few pounds and gain the weight again later. I am looking forward to the "maintenance" phase.

    I am also still looking to connect with others on MFP. So add me as a friend. <3

    Height: 5'8.5'
    HW: 169.5lbs July 24
    Current weight: 153lb
    Goal range: 145lb - 148lb
    October goal: 150lbs

    Sep 30: 152.5
    Oct 7:
    Oct 14:
    Oct 21:
    Oct 28:

    Morning all!!! So I am almost at my goal and I am so excited. On Friday I was 152.5 but today I was 150.5. I know that part of my weight for the last week or so was due to water weight and I was very happy to see it drop off over the weekend. I kept my carbs low and I worked out consistently. I will not workout today, but I will tomorrow - Saturday and then rest Sunday. My ultimate goal is 150, but I would like to be a few pounds less to account for water weight.