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Tentatively Tiptoeing towards Spring: February Accountability & Weigh-In



  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 126.8
    February Goal: 122 LBS

    Feb 6: 126.8
    Feb 13: 124.4
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Friday was such a bad day. Food, drink, no exercise…though an excellent night with friends! I made up for it at the weekend, including a Saturday night gym sesh. Yesterday I saved calories to have pancakes for dinner (hey, it’s only once a year!) after a tough workout with my PT. Slowly getting in to a downward trend again and am feeling positive. Added to that the tell tale signs of ToM are appearing, so I think next week might actually be a nice drop in weight.

    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs
    SW February: 163.6lbs (last January weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Around 154lbs
    February goal: Break the 160lbs barrier
    February Body fat goal: Get as close to 25.5% as possible
    End of January Measurements (in cm): Waist 78, Belly 96, Under bust 88, Bust 101

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    31st Aug: 169lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    27th Sep: 166lbs – Body fat 26.6%
    25th Oct: 164lbs - Body fat 26.3%
    29th Nov: 161.4lbs – Body fat 25.7%
    20th Dec: 163.6lbs – Body fat 26.1%
    3rd Jan: 165.4lbs – Body fat 26.6%
    10th Jan: 164.6lbs – Body fat 26.4%
    17th Jan: 166.2lbs - Body fat 26.7%
    24th Jan: 165.8lbs – Body fat 26.5%
    31st Jan: 163.6lbs - Body fat 26.2%
    7th Feb: 164lbs – Body fat 26.3%
    14th Feb: 163.6lbs – Body fat 26.1%
    21th Feb:
    28th Feb:

    @rjnl No gain is a win!

    @nic_27_grassisgreener I cannot wait to reach maintenance. I’m a way away yet. Even hitting my initial goal of 154 is not going to get rid of my belly fat enough I think, so may well have to drop below it before recomping.

    @jamie_reynolds What have you set your MFP weight loss target at? 1250 seems a bit low and may make it a bit harder than it realistically needs to be?

    @mrssunshine Birthday duly noted! Fingers crossed maintenance will help you a bit.

    @bribucks It’s probably the bloating. You’ll soon feel better I’m sure!

    @Starflight00 Amazing progress so far, you have lost a lot of belly fat! Well done!

    @KelseyRL Nice downward trend! Hope the chocolate doesn’t compromise that though… By the way, I downloaded Happy Scale at your recommendation and am going to try this trend weight tracking for a bit. It’ll be interesting to see what that shows.

    @tiinytorii I doubt that the full 4lbs is actual weight. Some if it is likely to be water weight. There is no way you overate that much – just more sodium rich foods. So there may be some weight gain but get back in to a routine and it should soon drop off.

    Welcome @Llamapants86. Never too early to start!

    @Go_Deskercise Nice loss!

  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs

    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    September SW: 134lbs
    October SW: 133.4lbs
    November SW: 131.8lbs
    December SW: 132.7lbs

    January SW: 133.3lbs

    February SW:131.7lbs
    February GW: 131lbs

    February 5: 132lbs
    February 14: 131.8lbs

    I'm pretty pleased that I've managed to lose a bit this week as I've had to dial in the exercise as I've been ill. Unfortunately, the illness did not affect my appetite!
  • kg_lydon
    kg_lydon Posts: 15 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 175
    February weight goal: 157
    GW: 150 (or under, that would be amazing!)
    1/17 162.2
    1/24 162.2
    1/31 160.8
    2/7 160.2
    2/14 161.8 (up 1.6)

    ARGH! I keep telling myself not to be discouraged but come on! I’m exercising and I’ve been under my calorie count all week. Could it be water weight? I understand muscle weighs more than fat, but I don’t want to accept that answer. I’m still going to aim for 1lb weight loss for next week, and I might even try to weigh in on Saturday. If I try for my February weight goal of 157, I have 2 weeks to lose 4.8lbs. I think that is too lofty of a goal at this point, but I’d like to see how close I come. I’m also giving up sugar for Lent, so I should see a difference next week in weight, if nothing but for the sugar!
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    @kg_lydon: Muscle does weigh more than fat. It's a fact. Realistically though you haven't gained that amount of muscle mass in one week, nor fat (isn't it something like 3500 cals a week that translates in to roughly 1lb of fat?). Did you eat more sodium rich foods than normal, despite being under calorie goal? Is it your ToM? Both of those could have quite the effect on weight. I normally find that, as long as I continue my normal diet after a high weigh in because of water weight, it normally drops back down after about 2-3 days. Same with ToM: My ToM weigh in tends to be higher, but then drops back down by the next weigh in.

    Perhaps a rolling average from daily weigh ins is a better option for you. Weight fluctuates from day to day based on a number of factors, and that can be an issue with a weekly weigh in. Don't let it get you down though.
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Height: 5'0" / 133 cm
    HW: 61.7 kg
    GW: 47.5

    SW: 56.5 kg / 34.9% BFP
    Feb GW: 55.8 kg / 33.4% BFP

    Jan 30: 56.5 kg / 34.9% BFP
    February 6: 56.4 kg / 35.3% BFP
    February 13: 56.1 / 32.2% BFP (Moving average 55.4kg)
    February 20:
    February 27:

    Sorry I'm a day late on this one!

    So a few big changes this time. For the first time in the past 8 years, I actually bought myself a scale (eek!), and a nice body fat one as well. Instead of being scared of the numbers on the scale, I decided that a bit more day-to-day understanding will actually give me a better health picture, and therefore make me feel better. Spoiler Alert: It did.

    So yeah, got the new scale, and got the Happy Scale app, as I was intrigued by this whole "moving average" concept...

    For consistency, I've kept my weekly weigh in numbers at the same day/time as when I'd do my old ones at the gym - the moving average numbers come from a morning weigh-in, hence why they're so much lower. But again, how empowering to see a swing of nearly 3/4 of a kilo over a day!

    Body fat percentages are way different between my home and the gym scale, so I've decided to take out my goal for that and reassess that after 4-6 weeks of my new scale's measurement. There's always a massive margin of error on all electronic body fat measures anyway, so I take them all with a grain of salt, but at least I want to work towards a consistent picture.
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Not surprised I'm up a little, but I'm surprised it's not by more. I've been eating terribly lately and Valentines Day chocolates didn't help. Plus I have a farewell lunch today and Vday dinner out tomorrow. I hate having to go out to lunch at work. It takes so long and it's so unhealthy. Everyone here seems to eat out every day and I don't get how they're not fat and broke. Hopefully next week I'll have a better weigh in and reach my goal- it's just so disappointing because I was almost there last week.

    HW: 176
    CW: 162
    Height: 5'8"
    January weight: 164
    February goal: 161
    Ultimate Goal Weight: low 150's

    Feb 1: 163.5
    Feb 7: 161.5
    Feb 15: 162
    Feb 22:
    Feb 28:
  • Height: 5'7"
    Feb start weight: 145.5
    2/8: 144.5
    2/15: 144.1

    I had a very big NSV this week. I've been aiming to switch to the "Starting Strength" weight lifting program. I started getting familiar with the equipment little by little, had a few setbacks... and the one final thing that was intimidating me was the "olympic weight lifting room" - this is the place in my gym to do deadlifts with the barbell. It's a completely enclosed room that just really intimidated me, but yesterday I finally used it!! I feel absolutely great about overcoming that, and I'm excited to officially start doing the program in full.

    @theknitpicker Glad you are tracking your weight on a trending app, isn't it amazing? It totally keeps things in perspective for me.

    @kg_lydon Don't be discouraged. Our weight fluctuates for so many reasons, that have nothing to do with "fat loss/gain". My weight can go up as much as three pounds overnight! If you eat a high salt meal, or higher than normal carb meal, it'll look like you "gained" on the scale - but you didn't. Even exercising can make you retain water, making it look like you gained. This is a long process. If you know that you're doing everything right, just stay the course. Don't try to eat less or exercise more, the scale might need a little extra time to catch up.

    @jesspen91 I've been sick this week too, no fun! And agreed, I felt SO hungry!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Terrible week for me, I can’t get into anything at the moment, my trending app still says I’m moving downwards, but it doesn’t really look like that. I’m going to try so hard this week, I’ve said this so many times, but need to get my *kitten* into gear.


    SW 61.8kg (from last week)

    2/2/18 61.8kg totm
    9/2/18 61.8kg
    16/2/18 62.2kg

    Can I just wade in here with the muscle vs fat (please don’t anyone take offence!!) 1lb of anything weighs the same as 1lb of anything else, with muscle and fat, muscle is more dense, so 1lb of muscle is smaller and looks better, but it does weigh the same as 1lb of fat.

    Hope everyone has a good week :)

  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Can I just wade in here with the muscle vs fat (please don’t anyone take offence!!) 1lb of anything weighs the same as 1lb of anything else, with muscle and fat, muscle is more dense, so 1lb of muscle is smaller and looks better, but it does weigh the same as 1lb of fat

    My bad. I meant to put ‘muscle is denser than fat’. Because I do know and normally preach it
  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    SW: 113.4
    feb Goal Weight: 110-115-Maintenance. 111.5 trending would be awesome
    Feb Fitness Goal: continue healing but up my mileage slowly.

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- 115
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Start of oct:113
    Start of Nov-112
    Start of Dec: 111.5
    Start of Jan: 113.5
    Feb 2: 112.4
    Feb 9: 112.1
    Feb 16:114
    Feb 23:
    Struggles/success: I have been traveling a whole bunch this past while and will continue for a few more months. It’s been quite difficult. I have just started with a pt who thinks that my knee issues will be able to be resolved with some work on my hip alignment and some stability issues. So I am relieved to have someone on my side who is working with me as my plan was not. She thinks I will potentially be able to race by April 8th which is my goal. Weight is up a bit due to a sodium bomb last night so not that worried though I would have really liked to have been able to have been in the 112s this week too.
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    Can I just wade in here with the muscle vs fat (please don’t anyone take offence!!) 1lb of anything weighs the same as 1lb of anything else, with muscle and fat, muscle is more dense, so 1lb of muscle is smaller and looks better, but it does weigh the same as 1lb of fat

    My bad. I meant to put ‘muscle is denser than fat’. Because I do know and normally preach it

    I know I was totally preaching, sorry!!
  • Tryingtogetfitdeb
    Tryingtogetfitdeb Posts: 294 Member
    SW: 113.4
    feb Goal Weight: 110-115-Maintenance. 111.5 trending would be awesome
    Feb Fitness Goal: continue healing but up my mileage slowly.

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- 115
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Start of oct:113
    Start of Nov-112
    Start of Dec: 111.5
    Start of Jan: 113.5
    Feb 2: 112.4
    Feb 9: 112.1
    Feb 16:114
    Feb 23:
    Struggles/success: I have been traveling a whole bunch this past while and will continue for a few more months. It’s been quite difficult. I have just started with a pt who thinks that my knee issues will be able to be resolved with some work on my hip alignment and some stability issues. So I am relieved to have someone on my side who is working with me as my plan was not. She thinks I will potentially be able to race by April 8th which is my goal. Weight is up a bit due to a sodium bomb last night so not that worried though I would have really liked to have been able to have been in the 112s this week too.

    Fab you’ll be able to race again soon
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    It looks like I wasn't the only one to struggle this last week. I totally missed all logging, I exercised for the weekend as I went on vacation and did lots of hiking, walking and dancing and tried so hard not to over indulge (so hard...). However, when I got back home I brought a sinus infection home with me and just stopped focusing on good choices and made choices that would make me physically feel better, regardless of what it was (*sigh*). Unfortunately that resulted in lack of exercise and a bit of a gain. Hopefully I can level myself out this week and get back into my groove.

    I love reading all the post from you ladies, it's nice to know that there are women out there like me who want to better themselves despite the tribulations we all face with progress and not perfection!

    Well here's my accountability / goals
    Height: 5'7"
    2/8 W: 152.8
    2/16 CW: 155.2
    February weight goal: 147
    GW: 130

    I'm going on two hikes this weekend and I want to add in some circuit training back into my routine to rebuild my strength that I lost lying around this last week hahaha
  • itseclair
    itseclair Posts: 43 Member
    Height: 163 cm
    hw: 152 lbs

    January Sw: 142 lbs
    January Gw: 140 lbs 138 lbs
    January Ew: 138 lbs

    February Sw: 138 lbs
    February Gw: 136 lbs

    Jan 31st: 138 lbs
    Feb 11th: 142 lbs [+ 4 lbs] :/
    Feb 18th: 140.5 lbs [-1.5]

    goodness, february close to ending, i think its best to say getting back to 138 lbs is my goal for this month.

    @KelseyRL thank you for the encouragement and tip, it honestly made me feel much better! I also downloaded Libra as you've suggested <3

    @rianneonamission yeap! it was water weight, but i definitely did put in about 2 pounds
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs

    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    September SW: 134lbs
    October SW: 133.4lbs
    November SW: 131.8lbs
    December SW: 132.7lbs

    January SW: 133.3lbs

    February SW:131.7lbs
    February GW: 131lbs

    February 5: 132lbs
    February 14: 131.8lbs
    February 19: 131.5lbs

    Quite an active week with lots of walking. It's paying off!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member

    02/13: 146.6 lbs
    February GW: 144 lbs

    Other Goals: Get back to the gym 4x a week (Following 5/3/1 at low weights right now to get back into the groove)
    Walk a little bit more.

    Good start to last week, but I struggle with the weekends. This weekend was particularly dreadful food wise.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 126.8
    February Goal: 122 LBS

    Feb 6: 126.8
    Feb 13: 124.4
    Feb 18: 123.8
  • choyison
    choyison Posts: 16 Member
    Age 41
    Height 5'5"
    HW: 150.2 lbs.
    CW: 137.2 lbs.
    Feb. GW: 133 lbs.
    Ult. GW: 125 lbs.

    Feb 1: 143.8
    Feb 8: 139.8
    Feb 15: 138.4
    Feb 22:

    Hi everyone! I'm late, but I made it. I hope I did this right. I think going over to my family's house to eat or going out with my friends is my biggest set back. I can't control my eating
  • theknitpicker
    theknitpicker Posts: 63 Member
    Height: 5'0" / 153 cm
    HW: 61.7 kg
    GW: 47.5

    SW: 56.5 kg / 34.9% BFP
    Feb GW: 55.5 kg 55.8 kg / 33.4% BFP

    Jan 30: 56.5 kg / 34.9% BFP
    February 6: 56.4 kg / 35.3% BFP
    February 13: 56.1 / 32.2% BFP (Moving average 55.4kg)
    February 20:55.6 /31.8% BFP (Moving average 54.9kg)
    February 27:

    Good week overall in terms of progress, though my workouts haven't felt as strong in general as they usually do. It's nice to see consistency in the difference between the moving average number (morning) and my weekly evening check in - about .6kg over the course of a day.

    The next few weeks are going to be interesting. My dad is visiting from abroad later this week, and so I'm doing a full 14 day diet break (a la Lyle McDonald) starting on Friday, essentially holding myself at just below maintenance for a little break and to help my metabolism reset a bit for the next round of loss.

    Since I've been pretty actively losing since mid-September last year (with a brief holiday interlude), I'm actually a bit nervous about maintenance. But that fear is making me a little more sure its the right thing to do!

    Adjusted Feb goal weight as I beat it this week.