1000 miles in 2017

Hello, welcome to 1000 Miles in 2017. Anyone is welcome to join; walkers, runners, cyclists, swimmers, whatever your favourite exercise. If you're looking to increase your mileage then join in and help cheer each other on.

Rules: The rules are pretty simple! All you have to do is travel 1000 miles this year. You can walk, run, cycle, whatever you like. The only caveat is that you have to be challenging yourself to go further than you did last year. If you want to do a combination of different activities that's fine, or if you only want to count certain activities towards your total then that's fine too.

To complete 1000 miles this year, you'll need to average 2.74 miles a day (just under 4.5km a day, and 1609.3km a year if you are using kms to measure). If you do more than that a day, you'll give yourself a bit of leeway which you might need if you get ill or busy with work. If you do less than that then you'll have to catch up when you can!

Tickers: If you want to use a ticker to show your progress then go to a ticker generation site (there are loads!), follow the instructions and you should be given some code to copy and paste. C&P the BBCode into your forum post. The BBCode is the one that starts and ends with square brackets like this [ img ] [ /img ] . If you get stuck then just ask :)

How to track miles: You can use a GPS watch or activity tracker, a smartphone app or use a walking/running route planner website to trace your route. Be as accurate as you can but this is meant to be fun so don't worry if you're a little bit out. No cheating though, you'll only be cheating yourself!

Logging your miles: On the last day of every month I will post a thread for everyone to post their monthly total, but feel free to post in the forum if you've had a great day, or if you're stuck in a rut and need a bit of encouragement.

Rewards: There's no prize for this group, but it's a great idea to treat yourself to something if you complete the challenge. If you want to count and celebrate smaller milestones along the way then please do!
Owner: EauRouge1Leaders: EauRouge1Created on January 2, 201745 membersPrivacy: Public



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