Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Unfortunately we will not hear from Patsy again. She passed away at the end of August. ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Thank you Lin for finding Patsy's obituary and letting us know our dear Patsy passed away. She will never be forgotten and always hold a special place on our hearts. As Jackie mentioned, I do hope John is being looked after by their kids and that Katie is adjusting to life without Patsy.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Patsy, my writing pal has passed away? I had an awful feeling that this might have happened and it is with great sadness that I read the news, but very grateful to LIN for letting us know. Hope John and Katie are with family. It’s hard to imagine the fun we had composing our little children’s stories is no more. God bless you Patsy, it was a pleasure to have known you.
    Anne. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Anne, please check the email I sent to you last evening.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    LIN, I’ve replied. I found your email about a hour ago. Patsy was truly amazing. Thank you so much, it was awful not knowing what had happened.
    Love, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Well, it is snowing here now. I am settled in for the duration. Most of my neighbors put their trash bin out tonight. Pickup is on Tuesday but I didn’t want my bin to blow over in the strong winds that are expected by morning. It can wait for next week.

    Finished cutting out the Shamrocks for the St. Patrick’s Day cards but my paper shipment still hasn’t emerged. Want to see the exact color of my selections before going any further.

    Hoping everyone is safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A bright and cheerful teapot

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited January 9
    With the weather being so awful, this time freezing and slippery, I threw myself into housework and food preparation yesterday. I was so sad to learn we had lost our dear Patsy but goodness, what a life she had! Weren’t we all lucky to meet her online and get to know her.
    Sunshine around midday melted surface ice enough for me to walk round the block with George and Betty. Another walker warned me of black ice where he had come from but generally, I felt safe. Before we went out I prepared vegetable soup with whatever I could find so it was ready to blend when we came home. It was delicious and warming with a couple of cloves and teaspoon of Moroccan spices and there is enough for at least two more lunches. After that I made a chicken casserole in my slow cooker so now, just like Lin, I’m in for the duration!
    This morning it’s trying to snow and although there’s not much at the moment, I know how it can quickly build up on the moors.
    That is a cheerful teapot Lin and a reminder we are going in the right direction towards Spring, even if slowly!

    Sandy, I hope you are managing to fight off that cold. Try to rest just a bit if you can. I did think of you when I found the butterfly in my window because I remembered you once telling me it was a spirit come in to visit. Perhaps I shouldn’t have sent her out into the cold but being chased by Brady would have been worse!! 😁

    Take care everyone and keep warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited January 9
    Happy Tuesday! :) We have some snow with more to follow all day. I am still going for my eye injection for my macular degeneration but I am not driving as Marisa is going to take me in her truck. This will be better than my friends picking me up from the eye doctor and going to lunch for an hour or two so my eyes get adjusted from being dilated. The snow is only supposed to get heavier as the day goes on so I will be home and comfy before it gets too bad.
    I am still fighting but will take Jackie's suggestion and get some rest the next few days, at least I hope so.

    I did love the pictures of Patsy and she certainly did look like I pictured as well, fun and always smiling.

    Have a good day everyone and please stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 9
    Dreadful day here as well. At the moment a sort of rain and sleet mix. The Bean and I won’t be venturing out.
    “But if winter seems unkind, spring is never far behind”.

    The one thing that Patsy’s passing has done for me is make me realize that time doesn’t stand still and given me an urge to write again. The other thing is I didn’t expect to be so saddened even though in my heart I feared she had died. So dear friends please take care of yourselves and especially on days like today with the awful weather.

    Not much going on here. I’m still standing but that’s mainly because apart from meals I isolate myself with Jilly bean. The meals are nothing to write about because of temporary staff! ‘Nuff said! On the newsletter there are now only seven active cases. Cross fingers the meds have got it under control.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited January 9
    Hello. The snow has slowed considerably but the winds have picked up. The snow removal guy had a breakdown with his snowblower so I went out and shoveled for a while. When he got it going, I went to dig out my back deck in case I need to get to the exhaust from my furnace. Depends on the weather but it can get blocked with icicles that need to be removed. That is finished and my gloves, and jacket are soaked. My boots are dripping on the mat. I am tired out. The snow is the heavy stuff. Just right for making snowmen and snow forts. No, I don’t plan on doing that.

    At last report, we have 10+ inches of snow. More expected later in the week coupled with a forecast for below zero weather on the weekend and next week. Eeeck. Winter has arrived with a fury.

    I miss Patsy as well and I did get out her book just to look through it again. And I do hope John is getting along well and someone is taking care of all the things Patsy used to do for Katie.

    Sandy, I hope your shot went well and was not painful. Good idea to ride with Marisa in her truck.

    Anne, keep on taking care of yourself. I heard Toronto was expected to have snow. Must be following on from the rain/sleet mix. I hope you do get back to writing. I am sure you have plenty to share!

    Jackie, yummy, vegetable soup. It is always so delicious but usually has a different mix of ingredients. Magic! I am chomping right through my little batch of cooked beans. It will be time to make more soon. I did laundry this morning. One load ended up in the dryer while the second load was hung on the lines in my basement. You were fortunate to have a little window of good weather to get your laundry dry. Did you find someone to do battle with that German heater?

    Well, time to move along. I am going to have some more hot tea.

    Be well.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3:'( f So sorry to hear about Patsy's passing. I saw her address in my notes and wondered if I should sent another card. It is a reminder to enjoy every day both in our own lives and the lives of our friends.

    :)Sandy, My Sunday walking friend has been getting injections for macular degeneration about every four weeks for the last year or so. I pick her up and drive her to her appointment. Either I do an errand or two while she's there or sit in my car in the parking lot and read or listen to a book. The appointments are 45-90 minutes long. This last time she found out that the treatments are working and her next appointment is in eight weeks.


    Here is Annie in her new bed. She chewed through two layers of backing on the old bed to release the foam stuffing and it was too difficult to repair. The new bed is canvas and looks relatively indestructible. It's big enough for her and her toys

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We ended up with several inches of snow but most of it came after I was home.
    The appointment took forever and did not get the injection because it has to be approved by my insurance company. It seems my right eye is dry macular degeneration and my left could be wet. I go back on February 6 to have an angiogram to test my left eye. If approved I should get the injection in my right eye and depending on results maybe both eyes. I am a little apprehensive about this shot as it is new and has side effects, however if I don't get the injections my sight could get worse at a faster pace.
    I am going to call my regular eye doctor today just to confirm this is the right decision. The thought of not being able to drive wants me to do all that I can.
    My cold is better today and I will be staying in and resting possibly until Saturday depending on weather.

    Barbie, do you know if your friend has wet or dry macular degeneration? The injection for the dry is new since 2023. I also would have to go once a month which is a problem as I will need a driver. Rob lives over 30 minutes away from me and takes and picks up kids from school while working from home.
    Marisa will be back in college and Cheryl is the only one who might be able to take me but she also works from home and goes to many work events. I will have to figure this out but hate asking people for rides.

    Lin, be careful shoveling please, you know how dangerous that can be. We only got about 3 or so inches of snow and I thought that was a lot. I think more is coming tonight along with colder temps. Got to love the Midwest. Ugh.

    Anne, glad to hear you are still standing, you are being very cautious, good for you. Sorry about the meals but so glad you have Jilly as your faithful companion. Please do continue writing, it will mean a lot to your boys to have all those memories.

    In my heart I knew something happened to Patsy as we all did. I will miss her sense of humor, her kind words and her stories with Katie and John. Rest in peace dear Patsy.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    A bit of bad news here. The meds thought they had Corvid contained at last. Well, when I came out of my apartment for breakfast and to lock my front door the lady next door came out of her unit at exactly the same time. Our front doors are next to each other and she wasn’t wearing a mask. I was. I said “where’s your mask Gertrude.” And she said she didn’t need it anymore. Off we went to breakfast. Well, this afternoon, my lovely cleaning lady Fatima dropped by to see me at the end of her shift. You can guess the rest. Opening my door so I could see out, Gertrude’s door is plastered with infectious and quarantine notices. Since then, the nurse says she will test me in four days time! I’m not worried about me, but Jilly might have to go to Michael’s if I’ve caught it. However, optimistic as ever, I don’t think I’ll test positive and there’s no point worrying at this stage.

    Just cross your fingers please for me. I have trouble breathing in winter ever since I got pneumonia a few years ago, but I have a humidifier which really helps.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good evening.

    Anne, fingers crossed my friend. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 being optimistic is good! Jilly, look after dear Anne.

    Sandy, the situation with your eyes is a bit confusing. I hope you were able to get in touch with your eye doctor. Let us know what you find out.

    Barbie, oh look at darling Annie in her new bed. I hope this one lasts longer. I thought about sending a sympathy card but I have decided I will not. I don’t know what condition John is in. A gentleman in my church passed away and the family has requested we not contact their mom. She is suffering from confusion and dementia and doesn’t understand what is going on. I went back and looked at Patsy’s profile. She last was on MFP on May 14th. I cannot believe how long ago that was.

    Jackie, I hope you had a good day. We have another round of snow heading our way by tomorrow evening. Total speculation on how much snow we will receive and how stormy it will be. Ah, stormy weather, not my favorite.

    Well, my paper arrived and I have been cutting background pieces and another die cut for the front of the cards. I might start putting some things together tomorrow. And a surprise, there is a birthday party for a little boy in our church on the 21st. I want to make a card and send either a gift card or a gift. He is an Elmo addict I am told.

    We’ll be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    What a day I had yesterday. All plans went out the window, and I had quite a few, but Linda phoned in the morning to ask if I could invite her and the lady that works a plot at the allotments I used to dig, over for coffee. Of course I said yes and Rachel arrived first, in tears. It turns out she visited her plot on Tuesday to find the nasty man I had so many problems with sitting there with a bonfire, burning her possessions. When she confronted him he physically attacked her so she had to go to A&E! He bruised her face and lip pushing her face into frozen ground and also fractured ribs so she has reported it to the police and was waiting for them to contact her for a statement but apparently nasty little man has already been to the police to say she attacked him! She’s in bits so Linda and I will support her any way we can but meanwhile I will visit the site later to take photos for her. Don’t worry, I’m not scared of him and anyway, I’m bigger but will let Linda know when I arrive just in case!

    It remains very cold but more sunshine this morning so I have a cycle of laundry to hang out for a couple of hours.

    Goodness Anne, this Covid outbreak is a constant worry for you. Everyone should be wearing masks unless in their rooms but sounds like you are the only sensible resident! Any chance you could return to your old homestead and live in the basement until Spring?

    Lin, we could have done with that tea set and caption yesterday! It’s beautiful.

    Sandy, my friend who phoned me from the South of France last week has the same macular degeneration diagnosis but has been told the injections don’t work for her so I’m guessing that’s to do with whether it’s wet or dry. I do hope you can get some encouraging information from your regular doctor.

    Time wrap up warm to walk with George and Betty but I’ll check back later.
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited January 11
    Jackie, what a day you had yesterday! That crazy man is a criminal and should be put away! I am shocked at the level of violence. Please do be extremely careful. Insane, that he went to the police to accuse her. She’s the one with a bruised face and fractured ribs. I doubt he has any injury. I am so angry to hear this. Bullies seem to rule the world.

    Changing subjects, we had snow squalls overnight so I need to use the snow shovel again. At least my deck and porch need attention. Another storm is on the way later today with another 6 to 9” of snow expected. The roads are still not great. Lots of ice apparently. The tow trucks are out trying to clear all the stranded vehicles. 68 counties had a tow ban which was lifted. What a job those guys have.

    Glad I have plenty of supplies although I will run out of fresh fruit. Good to have frozen fruit as well as some dried fruit.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No snow today but a storm is coming tomorrow. Sergio, Marisa's Godfather is taking us out to dinner tonight before Marisa has to go back to school Sunday. I am not a 100% better but will manage dinner. I think I am going to skip my meeting today only because I didn't sleep well again and would like a nap before going to dinner. I might change my mind but we will see.

    Jackie, I can't believe that bully is at it again. Rachael should press charges and bring her medical records and pictures to prove what a bully he is. What right does he have to burn her stuff? Something is wrong with that man and he keeps getting away with all his nastiness. You are a good friend and I hope you can help her get some peace.
    The injections for the wet macular have been out for years but this is new for dry macular. I did talk to my own eye doctor and he reassured me this is the best way to go to stop the progress of it getting worse at a slower rate. The goal is to keep me able to drive and said he has complete confidence in his referral. I trust his opinion so will follow through with the new doctor.

    Lin, my eye situation is confusing but now that I talked to my eye doctor I am fine and will get the injections needed to help with the macular. How nice of you to think of the little boy at church, I am sure he will appreciate anything you do. Glad you got your card stock for the cold days of winter.

    Anne, how inconsiderate of some people. If there is Covid going around and you feel ill, either stay in your room or wear a mask. I do hope you are fine since you are so cautious. Life is so complicated at times.

    Have a good day everyone, I know we will all be happy when Spring arrives.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 11
    JACKIE, I’m so worried about you. You mustn’t go to the allotment alone. Can you get a policeman to accompany you.?. Bullies are everywhere it seems. I never mentioned it earlier but I had a most unhappy time with a woman who lives close and complained the first day I arrived about Jilly barking when I left her alone when I went for a meal after years of living with me constantly in the house. Said she needed puppy school and a muzzle! I doubt I’d find a muzzle small enough, more like a rubber band.! Anyway, Jilly being Jilly soon won everyone else over with her friendly grin and waggy tail which means the woman has shut up and we content ourselves with glaring at each other when we pass. However I keep a close eye on Jill because I think this woman is quite capable of giving my wee girl a kick when no one’s looking.

    Funnily her only pal is Gertrude who lives next to me and now has the virus. I said to Gertrude as we locked our doors at the same time. “Gerty, where’s your mask?” And she replied she didn’t need a mask anymore. I took it to mean she thought the crisis was over, but now realize she meant she’d got the virus and didn’t need a mask, and to hell with you lot if I pass it on. I’m surprised her friend Ida hasn't caught it. Judging by the accents of the two of them, maybe they aren’t keen on Englishwomen with Yorkshire accents! lol.

    Maybe my cozy old basement is a good idea JACKIE, although I doubt newlyweds would welcome dear old gran living in their basement. Hobbes the giant cat would be okay. He and Jilly Bean get on well.


    PS. Sandy you popped in ahead after I posted. So sorry about your eye problem. Very worrying.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Watch out, MFP is playing hard to get again so I had to bypass their password and somehow get in via Google. At least that worked this time!

    I’m more worried about you Anne, especially after you worked so hard to avoid Covid when you were in your previous home. You’re right of course, the world has changed so much that joint families with a variety of generations aren’t as common anymore, except Asian families. Yes, do keep an eye on Jilly with grumpy next door. She obviously doesn’t understand pets need time to settle, as do we.

    I’ve spoken to Rachael on the phone this evening and she told me she has contacted the police again and been told the case has been referred for investigation. The problem in this country now is so many government cutbacks in police and NHS staff they have to prioritise cases but the doctor she saw in A&E says she would have got similar injuries in a car accident so the bully can’t justify what he did. He behaved like some sort of psychopath, one minute smiling while telling blatant lies, the next trying to snap her neck and suffocate her. The police officer she spoke to was sympathetic but it might be a couple of days before he visits to take a statement. Ivor is crazy, mad and we think he should be locked up too but in case not, we are going to follow official procedures to get him sacked as a local councillor and also a very good friend of Rachael’s, who happens to be a local journalist, is so furious, as all of us are, she won’t stop until his behaviour is publicised!

    Sandy, that’s good, your eye doctor has put your mind at rest so you are doing the best thing for you and continuing driving. Being told my driving license might be taken away was what made me brave enough to face my two cataract procedures!

    Lin, do be careful shovelling all that snow. It’s only January 11th so lots more Winter to come! That’s an interesting tea set. I wonder if the word Jerusalem refers to our unofficial English anthem. Anne might know, being our font of knowledge on all things poetic. Dark Satanic Mills Anne; what do you think?

    David just phoned to check if I’m ok and now it’s suddenly 7.30pm so I had better think about meal preparation.

    Take care dear friends.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mmm, I’m no expert Jackie, but definitely dark satanic mills. “And did those feet in ancient times walk upon England's green and pleasant land.” It was my old school song as well sung with great gusto by grubby little Yorkshire girls at Assembly. Happy days. Sigh.
