Team Beth



  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    I just finished this weeks Beth challenge. **Heads Up** he swears in this video so think twice before doing it with your kiddos!! But it was a fun, interesting workout!! My thighs are feeling it!!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I just finished this weeks Beth challenge. **Heads Up** he swears in this video so think twice before doing it with your kiddos!! But it was a fun, interesting workout!! My thighs are feeling it!!
    What? I didn't watch the whole thing, but I assumed that all of these Halloween themed workouts are family oriented. The Thriller one is a bit odd too. He's doing the Michael Jackson crotch grab thing... and it looks a bit goofy. Lol.
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yes he swears a bit, but he's not like shouting the curse words... so if kids are hyper and not paying all that much attention to him, maybe they'll be ok? It was a fun workout though!!

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Not sure if this should be posted on my character team or fitness level team, so I'll put it in both places. My strength training consists of using our Total Gym. We've had it just over a year and prior to my surgery in April, I was following their Intermediate Workout DVD; since I hadn't introduced strength training back into my routine post-surgery, I'm back at the Beginner Workout DVD level. It usually takes about 35-40 minutes to complete the circut, and it's a full body workout. I really, really like the Total Gym - it's extremely versatile and can be adjusted for any fitness level. We got the extra AB equipment and the Pilates equipment. Haven't used the Pilates yet, but love the AB workout. I carry the bulk of my weight around my middle, so I know I really need to focus on toning that up, but just in the last 3 weeks I've noticed a bit more definition in my shoulders.
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    I carry the bulk of my weight around my middle, so I know I really need to focus on toning that up...

    Oh girl, you and all the rest of us! :wink:
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    I carry the bulk of my weight around my middle, so I know I really need to focus on toning that up...

    Oh girl, you and all the rest of us! :wink:

    That's the hardest part! I'm really trying to work hard to trimming that down for our upcoming cruise...

  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Has anyone done our character video yet? I'm going to try to squeeze it in tonight (have to take the car into the shop after work; totally screws up my evening plan for workout/dinner :angry: )
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    I just did the character challenge using a dumb bell. It was more difficult than the DA video from last week :)
    I counted it as Strength for 15 minutes ('cause he's kinda chatty!)
    Sorry 'bout your car, JamieLynn
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Great to hear that I can use a dumbbell! That's what I'll do.

    No worries on the car...yet. Our state requires an annual inspection sticker (although the creative mechanics usually manage to find $600-1000 worth of 'issues' every year...)
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    Has anyone done our character video yet? I'm going to try to squeeze it in tonight (have to take the car into the shop after work; totally screws up my evening plan for workout/dinner :angry: )

    I ended up using a broom stick and I did it twice and counted it as 30 minutes of Strength. I think this week I may end up above my requirements ;-)
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    BTW I'm totally feeling it today in my hips and thighs.
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    Beth was amazing last night.
    I think she may not have the great strength like Daryl or michonne. But like she says she has "hope" and I think that is was keeps her determined and she will find a way out.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Our girl kicked some booty yesterday...way to go Beth! Can't wait to see you punch Dawn in the face!!
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Beth is sort of the most well-rounded of the group, if you consider that she has learned a lot about sheer survival from Daryl, and despite seeing all the things her father went through--losing a leg, caring for sick Woodbury residents, and ultimately being killed by the Governor--plus losing her boyfriend, she maintains her strength and her faith and does not withdraw emotionally. It's nice to see her on her own; we have always seen her interacting with the other group members and she responds in ways that we are accustomed to from those developed relationships. But when she's on her own, we see that she can be a bit ruthless (Gorman) and has learned to put herself first (stealing the sucker), but she can also appreciate the symbolism of the painting in the doctor's office and the hope it represents.
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    How about that Beth?! She did great!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Working on the Beth challenge. Got the Mountain Climber (3x) done; will do a repeat of the FB boot camp on Friday. For #3, I'll share that I underestimated my strength. I did this challenge in part two of last season, also at beginner level. Then I was sidelined this summer for a hysterectomy. As soon as I was cleared, I started back on the elliptical machine, but hadn't touched any strength exercises at all. So I didn't want to hold my team back if I couldn't hang with the strength challenges at the intermediate level, and decided to go with beginner level again. So far, I'm doing waaay better than I expected! I'm clearing the intermediate minimums and last week even cleared the advanced minimums. Not to bad for a 45 year old grandma, if I do say so myself! Not seeing any change in my weight (or my middle), but my guns are looking pretty good :)
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Working on the Beth challenge. Got the Mountain Climber (3x) done; will do a repeat of the FB boot camp on Friday. For #3, I'll share that I underestimated my strength. I did this challenge in part two of last season, also at beginner level. Then I was sidelined this summer for a hysterectomy. As soon as I was cleared, I started back on the elliptical machine, but hadn't touched any strength exercises at all. So I didn't want to hold my team back if I couldn't hang with the strength challenges at the intermediate level, and decided to go with beginner level again. So far, I'm doing waaay better than I expected! I'm clearing the intermediate minimums and last week even cleared the advanced minimums. Not to bad for a 45 year old grandma, if I do say so myself! Not seeing any change in my weight (or my middle), but my guns are looking pretty good :)

    Good job @maphammonds!!

    I *did NOT* underestimate myself. I went from running several times a week for the last 2 years to absolutely no physical activity beginning in May (due to switching jobs, moving to a new town--no gym membership anymore, and a PTT injury). I knew finding the time to start back up was going to be difficult, and I was absolutely right. This week is definitely a failure for me, but I guess the thing I can take away from this is that I WANT to work out! I want to start running again! I just have to find a way to fit it all into my life now, and that has been the hardest part.

    So far, this week:
    Cardio: 44/100
    Strength: 0/100
    Calories: Yep
    Character Challenge: Nope
    Punishment: Nope
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    You all have been doing a great job! I love reading these posts, it helps keep me motivated and knowing that I am not alone in working hard on my fitness!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks guys! @ Jamielynn - I'll have extra of both cardio and strength come Saturday, let me know if you want them.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    NSV - did the FB boot camp today (same one we did in week 1). I remember feeling totally wiped afterwards four weeks ago, but today, while still definately challenging, I didn't feel near as exhausted and even did the planksgiving challenge afterwards :)