so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • MissHolidayGolightly
    That's so bizarre, @crabada. It sounds like they literally had no idea what they were doing. Speaking of back contorting, I looked up rack pulls online and one of the images is a woman arching her back while lifting. It's like women exercising stock photos are really just women booty popping while posing with weights.

    @canadianlbs I was being a little tongue-in-cheek with that. One of my small fears with working in with someone is that he or she will to start spouting nonsense and detract from my workout. It would have been cool if he asked for pointers, though. My ego would swell up if that happened and I'd have to tell myself that I'm not that awesome.

    I've heard great things about morning lifting but I just don't want to get up early. I am already one of the later arrivals at work coming in around 8:00 am :-\
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    When lifting with someone, trying to pick when to mention form and when to not can be a slight struggle. I got a comment once on having my right foot slightly forward compared to the left and honestly, I wasn't too worried because with weight, it's hard to look down and make sure they are the exact same.

    Watching though, to me it seems like what is being done by fellow lifter is half attempt at squat and half attempt at good morning. Starts to move down with legs but doesn't get far then seems to bow forward a bit but not all the way down like a good morning either.

    Say something or let it go? I'm no expert on form but with a buddy, it would seem more applicable to speak up. Yet it's a little awkward.
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    So this thread reminded me of one of the most horrifying things I saw at the gym. It was probably 5 years ago...

    I was in the locker room getting my workout clothes on. And you know, you just kind of keep your head down, get your clothes on and get on your way in the locker room. Well, I couldn't help but notice this woman picking at her toe. Just going to town trying to rip off a blister or something. That is gross enough, but whatever. And then...she brought her toe up to her mouth and ripped the skin off with her teeth. No shame. Like an animal. So gross.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2015
    EW. Just ew.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i posted this somewhere else a few months ago, but oh well.

    explanation: the squat rack was taken so i was warming up for back squats using fixed-weight barbells that are stored on a kind of pyramid rack. also, i'm not the world's greatest overhead-press-doer.

    me: *brings out 60lb barbell*
    random guy, rushing over: here, need some help with that?
    me: no, i got it.
    guy: *backs off, watches me wrangling the thing overhead and then onto my traps.
    guy: o_O
    me: i can take it out, see. just some days i'm not sure if i'll get it up.
    guy: oh. yeah . . . guess we all know what that's like. *leaves*
    *five seconds pass*
    me: pskrnnrrkfft!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    @AbsoluteTara79 er ma gerrd that's gross. Especially on a foot that's been on the locker room floor/in a gym shoe.

    @canadianlbs‌ :joy: that's what she said! I had a guy do the mad rush over to me when I was carrying two 35-lb plates over to the squat rack. If I'm going to work out with them, I can lift them, k thx bye. Def will try to work in a dick joke next time that happens.

  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    CHFay wrote: »

    Thanks for that! I laughed so hard I almost had an accident. Glad I have my own office at work :-)
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    "I get a taco" hahaha. Best part!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    edited January 2015
    So this thread reminded me of one of the most horrifying things I saw at the gym. It was probably 5 years ago...

    I was in the locker room getting my workout clothes on. And you know, you just kind of keep your head down, get your clothes on and get on your way in the locker room. Well, I couldn't help but notice this woman picking at her toe. Just going to town trying to rip off a blister or something. That is gross enough, but whatever. And then...she brought her toe up to her mouth and ripped the skin off with her teeth. No shame. Like an animal. So gross.


    A friend of mine told me a story about she was in her gym's locker room. She was changing and then this older woman came walking over, butt naked, to a bench. She sat down and proceeded to dry shave her pubes. Right in the middle of the locker room. Apparently, she did it enough to get many complaints and was eventually forbidden to go to that gym by the management.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    As I was taking off the plates from squat and moving to overhead press, had a guy ask me if I was done with the cage. I said I didn't mind switching if he needed it cause I can do ohp over on the squat rack instead. He declined and said he was going to be doing curls. *blink blink* Yeah... Then the girl he was with came over with one of the lighter fixed bars and they did well, nothing. They moved away and took their stuff and he didn't even curl in the squat rack.

    Yep, guy asked for the power cage to do curls. :neutral_face:
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    As I was taking off the plates from squat and moving to overhead press, had a guy ask me if I was done with the cage. I said I didn't mind switching if he needed it cause I can do ohp over on the squat rack instead. He declined and said he was going to be doing curls. *blink blink* Yeah... Then the girl he was with came over with one of the lighter fixed bars and they did well, nothing. They moved away and took their stuff and he didn't even curl in the squat rack.

    Yep, guy asked for the power cage to do curls. :neutral_face:

    Probably embarrassed that you were OHP'g more than he could curl in front of his girl. Snork.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    So this thread reminded me of one of the most horrifying things I saw at the gym. It was probably 5 years ago...

    I was in the locker room getting my workout clothes on. And you know, you just kind of keep your head down, get your clothes on and get on your way in the locker room. Well, I couldn't help but notice this woman picking at her toe. Just going to town trying to rip off a blister or something. That is gross enough, but whatever. And then...she brought her toe up to her mouth and ripped the skin off with her teeth. No shame. Like an animal. So gross.


    A friend of mine told me a story about she was in her gym's locker room. She was changing and then this older woman came walking over, butt naked, to a bench. She sat down and proceeded to dry shave her pubes. Right in the middle of the locker room. Apparently, she did it enough to get many complaints and was eventually forbidden to go to that gym by the management.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Saw quite a few things today. Must be couples day cause that was common around the weight area this time. Few sets of couples working out together. Did see some awesome things though. Girl did a couple reps on bench with 135 (big girl plates) and I admired it while I was waiting to attempt my next set. Guy on leg press had 8 45's on... one side. So, that times 2 as he had the weights on both sides. Goodness glaciers. Though he didn't put them away when he was done but after my 30 minute walk I saw someone else getting ready to use it at that weight.

    And for the "that guy" factor - the hands on boyfriend helping his girl squat combined with the girl who whined each set. A couple times he was right up behind her, hands near her lower back and lower, "helping" with her form. And when she lifted she complained "Why is it so heavy" "Why is it so high up".. omg. Though dude should have maybe dropped the setting down a tiny bit cause she wasn't as tall as him and that way she wouldn't have needed him to help lift the bar off to set it in place for her to squat but that may have been on purpose. They later hung around the calf raise thing (I'm guessing that's what it's for, pads for shoulders, lift to toes to get it to move) while I did rows as they needed that spot and bar next. Guessing he was going to show her deadlift but I didn't stick around to find out.
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    Saw quite a few things today. Must be couples day cause that was common around the weight area this time. Few sets of couples working out together. Did see some awesome things though. Girl did a couple reps on bench with 135 (big girl plates) and I admired it while I was waiting to attempt my next set. Guy on leg press had 8 45's on... one side. So, that times 2 as he had the weights on both sides. Goodness glaciers. Though he didn't put them away when he was done but after my 30 minute walk I saw someone else getting ready to use it at that weight.

    And for the "that guy" factor - the hands on boyfriend helping his girl squat combined with the girl who whined each set. A couple times he was right up behind her, hands near her lower back and lower, "helping" with her form. And when she lifted she complained "Why is it so heavy" "Why is it so high up".. omg. Though dude should have maybe dropped the setting down a tiny bit cause she wasn't as tall as him and that way she wouldn't have needed him to help lift the bar off to set it in place for her to squat but that may have been on purpose. They later hung around the calf raise thing (I'm guessing that's what it's for, pads for shoulders, lift to toes to get it to move) while I did rows as they needed that spot and bar next. Guessing he was going to show her deadlift but I didn't stick around to find out.
    Sounds like she wasn't really into it.
    I'm always paranoid about being 'that couple' at the gym. DH and I don't really do the same workout though, we pretty much do our own thing. Except snicker at each other occasionally when the music is really terrible.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Girl did a couple reps on bench with 135 (big girl plates)

    WOW. i'd admire too. and i'd be watching her form like the kremlin, hoping to pick up some tips.

    i had a nice moment today - let's hear a shout-out for non-sexist men in the gym, when we do run into them. guy was doing something or other with 45's on the 30lb bar and i hovered nearby until i saw him take the plates off and then move to put the bar back. i jumped in. said 'i'll take that off you if you're done', and he handed it over. and then he said 'do you want to keep the plates too?' no biggie; like it was a perfectly natural question to someone half his size, twice his age and a woman to boot. i really appreciated it even though i did tell him no thanks for today.

    saw a young dude in cool lifting tights from adidas or nike or somesuch like that. except there was a big 4-inch split in the seam of one hip, and the underwear showing through was lacy. lacier than anything i've ever worn in my own life, at least. i enjoyed that.

    and finally, on guys and their girlfriends and both in the gym . . . it's an unfortunate thing i've seen a lot of so far, with some younger guys. it's not confined to just girlfriends either, because i've seen it quite a few times when one 'buff' dude is introducing a more newbie buddy to How To Lift. their intentions might be good to start out, but once they've got the person into the gym and onto their turf, it seems to take really rare strength of character for the vet to really keep it at the newb's level and never introduce any sub-flavour of 'hee, look, see how far you're out of your depth where i'm totally comfortable, me.' seen the same mentality in some trainers and i feel like just decking them.

    the squat kings were in today, and i heard one of them speak. the one in the hoodie and tuque with the face-to-die-for while doing deadlifts. only problem is, whatever he said was so forgettable that i've . . . . um well, forgotten it now.
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    edited January 2015
    It was surprisingly busy for a Sunday morning at the gym today.

    The good: A nice teenage boy put away one of my 45 plates for me and mouthed, "you rock" to me when I mouthed, "thank you" to him (we were both wearing headphones).

    The bad: The squat rack I used today is fairly close to the mirrored wall behind it. There's enough room to unrack the bar, step back, and squat, but not enough room to use the space as a walkway if someone is squatting. While working my sets, an old man (in his 70s or older) walks over my way and starts practicing standing on one leg while making very close eye contact with himself in the mirror directly behind me. I have no idea what the heck he was doing, but as annoyed (and puzzled) as I was, I couldn't bring myself to ask him to move. He was clearly working hard in his "exercise" outfit of pressed, belted jeans and a tucked in t-shirt with very white velcro sneakers. Not sure why he chose the weight room to perform the one-legged maneuvers.

    The ugly: The cage I used today has a regular bar on one side and a Smith on the other. I used the bar side facing the center of the cage, and an older gentleman used the Smith side to do declined presses with his lower body facing my direction. I got a much too personal view of ALL of him right up the legs of his shorts, despite my desperate attempts to look anywhere and everywhere else.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    hehehe That is pretty bad.

    I had a guy sort of stare at me on the treadmill. I don't think he was actually paying attention but he was stretching before doing his running. The way he had to stretch involved facing towards me and it was just a little awkward.

    Though I almost forgot to mention: A few lifting sessions ago, when I was over doing my accessories where all of the dumbbells were located. A guy was using one of the upper body things I don't have a name for or know what it works. Anyways, after a few times lifting, he moved over to get a better view of the mirror, lifted his shirt up and spent a couple of minutes checking out his stomach.

    I sort of giggled a little in my head when I saw him admiring his reflection.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Do these people not have mirrors at home?

    I mean, I know muscles tend to plump up a bit after working them, but unless they are working out right before hitting the beach, who else is going to see them like that? I don't get it. :p
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    @DawnEmbers‌ 135 is cray good. It's more than I squat. The female part of "that couple" might be brand new to lifting and may feel self conscious. I remember feeling that way a few years ago before I was enlightened and empowered. The whining though :disappointed:

    @canadianlbs‌ lets hear it for good men and those that wear lacy undies!

    @TheMOC I feel a little bit self-conscious, too, working out with my husband even though we mostly do our own thing and we're not very stereotypical. On lifts we do together, he helps motivate me when I'm being a baby and I help tweak form issues.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    @ephiemarie‌ sorry you got a face full of junk at the gym. Sometimes people will naturally work in with each other when they're using opposite sides of the cage so that they don't have to stare at each other while doing their sets which can be distracting.

    @mirrim52‌ I've seen people do this. He does a couple curls then feels up his stomach in the mirror like he's alone. It's quite the display of narcissism and I absolutely get a kick out of it.