so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    He does a couple curls then feels up his stomach in the mirror like he's alone.

    i've seen that too, heh. of course, going around absently thumbing your pecs all the time is different. that's, um, checking for doms. yeah. medical.

    enniewhei, there was this guy on the bike path today . . . . usually when a cyclist is overtaking someone they say 'left!' and the other person goes 'yup' and stays to the right and the overtaker goes by. this guy didn't say 'left', but i couldn't figure out what he did say, and he said it a couple of times until i got a little bit pissy with my last 'yup'. especially after i finally realised the word he was saying was 'heel'. then he goes by, and he's not a cyclist. he's wearing rollerblades, trailing a cloud of pot smoke, and being towed at an overtake clip by the hound of the baskervilles.

    well, no wonder he kept saying it. i guess i should feel appreciative that he had a truck-sized pitbull that apparently knows the word 'heel', but i was already in pissy mode after thinking that he'd been speaking to me, and i can't say i really did feel that way.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I have no words so here is what I pictured which is worth 1000 words, right?

  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    Dry shaving pubes in the locker room wins. Hands down. I can't even compute.......
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    So this thread reminded me of one of the most horrifying things I saw at the gym. It was probably 5 years ago...

    I was in the locker room getting my workout clothes on. And you know, you just kind of keep your head down, get your clothes on and get on your way in the locker room. Well, I couldn't help but notice this woman picking at her toe. Just going to town trying to rip off a blister or something. That is gross enough, but whatever. And then...she brought her toe up to her mouth and ripped the skin off with her teeth. No shame. Like an animal. So gross.


    A friend of mine told me a story about she was in her gym's locker room. She was changing and then this older woman came walking over, butt naked, to a bench. She sat down and proceeded to dry shave her pubes. Right in the middle of the locker room. Apparently, she did it enough to get many complaints and was eventually forbidden to go to that gym by the management.

    This wins in the most disgusting category. Hands down.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    So... it was college boy night at the gym it seemed because went lifting after 11 pm and got to see odd things and get a little annoyed trying to find a way to get my last lift done. First is the group.

    During last part of my squats using the rack and first part of OHP (cause someone had left weights on the cage and I was too lazy to take them off) a trio of guys came over. Had with them bags, jug to drink from, etc and they set up camp at the cage. Bar gets moved to the safeties where it ends up being lifted from (they did not squat). One guy removes his shirt cause guess he doesn't need that when he's lifting. They take turns lifting sort of like a small port of deadlift and not quite far enough or bent over enough for row. Smallest guy can't lift as much as the others but he enjoyed his reflection a couple times afterwords but at least had a shirt on. I will say they had some muscles so the work showed. The one without his shirt eventually did a set with 6 45's on the bar while the smallest one took video and/or pictures with a phone. He had to lift the bar after the set while more pics were taken. Then they left and didn't put away the 6 45's.

    At end of OHP, watched a guy set up in the deadlift area then clean the bar into a back squat. Once he had one set done I offered the rack cause I was done using it but he actually wanted to do it that way, so fine. That's all and good except he also took up the leg press. Again, fine except where he took forever doing different reps and moving between full leg and just ankles/calf work, etc. I did leg press and some other machine waiting to see when he'd do another set with the squat. Finally, I had to ask him if I could use it real quick cause I do like 10 reps total for deadlift between warmup and the weight for the day. He was at least nice enough to offer to help and took off the 35's he was using since I needed 45's instead. Still not sure what his game plan was and he'd made a comment about his back bothering him, which was why he was doing the clean in order to squat, but I dunno how much better that is really. Odd night overall.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    he enjoyed his reflection a couple times afterwords

    i loved this. really made my day. you caught this collection of people so perfectly.

    one of the reasons my 'other' rec centre always feels a bit loaded to me is because i have a bete noire 'trainer' similar to the one who was always nitpicking at logg1e when she started. this woman did the taster-set lifting classes that i took when i started last year, and i ended up angry enough that i just walked out of the last session without explaining myself. she's the one who was always putting herself between me and my interest in trying for actual strength. i assume because she's superstitious about rheumatoid arthritis and didn't want me lifting more than a q-tip. anyway, i knew nothing and needed help at the time, but i couldn't get anything helpful out of her no matter how hard i tried, because basically i think she just didn't want me to be in there at all. so she still turns my eyes all slitty when i think about her, and tbh i really didn't want her watching or even knowing about me doing more. especially now.

    so i was a little bit twitchy, going to that centre on that day of the week last night, but she didnt' show up. phew. instead though, two of the women she made real pets out of did. she'd actually teach them stuff and praise their form while seeing any issues with mine as a reason why i ought to go back to the rehab bunker. at least one of them i quite liked, but i hated being tagged as a second-class citizen and being patronized in front of them, so my big-girl panties felt a bit wilty and droopy when i caught sight of them. so homeschooled, you know? and here come the Pros.

    however. form tips are worth more than minor ego and a credibility war i'm never going to win with that woman anyway, so when i handed the rack off to one of them i kept a discreet eye on her to see what i could pick up. she loaded a couple of tiny plates on the bar - no diss there, i was not even comfortable with 70 myself yesterday. and then she got it in high-bar position and backed out and proceeded to do something i just didn't know how to interpret. it was sort of like a 1/4 depth squat, only then at the 1/4 mark she'd lean way forward - like, bar out in front of her toes kind of forward - and i'd go 'oh no wait, it's a good morning . . . .i think?' but then she'd come out of it in a way that was sort of a mix of the two things together as well, so i ended up just baffled. she didn't do much of them either - just a single set of 10 or 12 or something.

    i kind of wanted to ask, because for all i know it was a legitimate lift. but it could have been one of those questions that you mean sincerely and they come off as the putdown of the decade, you know?

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    My coworker squats kind of like that. Squat not very low, lean forward but not quite as far as a good morning, then back up. I'm not sure about it either but haven't said anything. We also don't lift much so she doesn't do them often, just when I'm at her gym with her.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    As I mentioned in the January thread, my gym was quite full of stereotypes on Tuesday evening. First, was what I call the Crossfit Crew. They wear high socks, Beats by Dre headphones, wild colors and that body take stuff, and they take up the whole open area with the rubberized weights. They were using most of the equipment and area even though only one was actually lifting, being loud, and leaving their stuff in the pathways. I deadlifted in the area behind the power cage to stay away from that nonsense.

    Next, when I did get to deadlift and near the power cage, a group of college boys were hanging out around the dumbbells, sitting on all the benches chatting about things like tricking out their trucks, spring break, and buying more Maryland flag clothing. They then all moved to the cable cross machine and commenced socializing and not working out.

    Lastly, I had to wait to squat because the cage was being used by another rowdy group doing things with the chains, and both racks were taken by one guy doing shrugs and another doing curls. The guy doing curls was my favorite, though. He managed to embody every gym faux pas: 1. He was curling in the squat rack; 2. He was wearing a tank top that was cut so that it was like he was wearing a shoe string crossed over his torso; 3. He was "curling" 135 lbs (it's in quotes because he was jerking his upper body back in order to lift that much and I cringe thinking about his lower back); and 4. He left the plates on the bar so that he could go do something silly in the Smith Machine. He was muscular but I still think he's an idiot.

    It took so long to get my workout in, I didn't get to do everything I wanted. At least I got the core workout in and I get to gripe about it here with all of you :)
  • LazyFoodie
    LazyFoodie Posts: 217 Member
    Something happened at the gym yesterday that made me both flattered and uncomfortable since it pointed out that women lifting is still really not the norm.

    So there there is an older, pretty buff for his age, guy at my gym that used to be regular when I first started lifting but hasn't been around for a few months. I remember him as being super nice and friendly to everyone.

    So he was there on Wed and thought I needed a spot or help re-racking while I was doing my squats. He rushed over twice while I was finishing up my sets. I admit I probably look like I'm about to die on my 5th reps so whatever, I'm kinda happy someone is looking out in case I do need help one day. He figured out I was okay by my third set and stopped coming over and said something like good for you for pushing it.

    Later we made eye contact while I was doing bench presses and said hi. Then while I was doing rows, he walked by and asked if my brother or my dad taught me to lift... I did not expect a question like that. At first when the words my brother or my dad came out of his mouth, I thought he was mistaking me for somebody else and was going to say he knew my dad and brother. I told him I just learned from the internet and he said something like you are doing everything right.

    So first I was happy that someone that looked like he knew what he was doing said I was doing things right. But then the more I thought about it, the more I think he only said that to me because I'm a girl and obviously his question assumed that only a guy could have taught me to do proper lifts... Which then made me think that he would have not thought that a dude would need help while squatting...

    I'm sure the guy didn't mean to be sexist. He wasn't saying things like chicks shouldn't lift or anything and instead seemed pretty supportive. But it highlighted the fact that gender based assumptions still exists in lifting, especially in the older population and it makes me uncomfortable because I am just not used to having any gender assumptions actually come up in my life. I will end by saying I think I'm treated the same as any other dude at the gym 99.9% of the time.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    @nancy274 I see what you mean. The way he asked the question made me think of a time when women couldn't own property or a bank account without a male cosigner.
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    So this happened a week ago, but still qualifies. Older fellow (not that I should say anything) over by the hand weights. Shorts, T shirt, terry headband, balding and slightly portly. The whole wall behind the wt rack is a mirror. He's facing the mirror and picks up a couple of the 20# weights, and proceeds to do "curls" with them. Huffing and puffing, face turning red.... but they were the oddest curls I've ever seen. Then it struck me: he looked just like a junior varsity cheerleader waving pompoms. Sorta had the idea, but not quite- would pick up both weights, not in synch, get them near his shoulders, then wave them up in the air round his ears. Drop arms, puff, repeat. Every time I glanced over, I couldn't help but imagine him in one of those little polyester skirt and sweater combos the kids wear. Snork.

    To top it off, he did these maybe 10 times twice, then left the lift room in a sweat- I think it was his whole workout. :open_mouth:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    CHFay wrote: »
    he did these maybe 10 times twice, then left the lift room in a sweat- I think it was his whole workout. :open_mouth:

    " . . . i get a cheeseburger!!"

  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Yesterday there was a dude doing squats with maybe 65 or 70 lbs. Came up on his heels every. single. time. (I was resting between sets on bench, which is how I was able to see him). He then proceeded to bench 135. Ok then.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2015
    There was a fair amount of lame-ity at my gym today.

    First, it was "curl in the squat rack" day. First guy just did his curls and trolloped off to do whatever else. Second guy did supersets of barbell rows, bicep curls, and sit ups, all in the rack. Yup.

    Second, one of the girls using the rack when I got there said she had a couple of sets left and she'd let me know when she was finishing up. So I went over to do my bench press. About ten minutes later, I see some guy approach her. I was too far away to hear the conversation (plus, headphones), but it obviously went something like this: Him: "Are you done with the rack?" Her: "Oh, yeah. Have at it." Him: "Great. I'll get started!" Um, hello?! What happened to my heads up? Grrrr.

    Third, this dude and his friend start using the deadlift bar next to me. No biggie. Except that he decides the best time to get more plates off the side of the rack I'm using is when I'm in the middle of doing squats. Now, was he actually in any danger? No. Was I in any danger? Highly doubtful, unless he tripped or something. But I find it SO rude and so VERY distracting when someone invades your space in the middle of a set. Especially since there are a million other plate stands scattered throughout the gym. So, I said to him, as I'm standing up with 135 lbs. on my shoulders, "Could you not do that when I'm squatting, please?" And when I finished my reps, I continued, "Yeah, if you could just wait until I'm between sets, that would be great. It's super distracting." I'm sure he thought I was crazy, but I don't care one ounce. Grrr. Again.

    Fourth, as I was doing my bicep curls with my 12. 5 lbs. dumbbells (since the 15 lb-ers were missing), the dude next to me is doing shoulder flys (flies?) with 100 lb. dumbbell in each hand. It was *insane*! When he finished his set and got up, I was like, "Yeah. I feel like a total wuss right now." And yes, I did actually say that out loud to him. :) And for the record, this little vignette wasn't lame, it was awesome!

    And fifth but not least, one of the squatting couples that have had date night at the gym since the New Year were there tonight. The girl did about 3x5 with the empty bar. Her form is decent, but of course, the boy had to have his hands on her ribcage the whole time. He stood so close to her that there's no way he could actually see what she's doing to give pointers if necessary. But their lameness came in the form of putting the bar back on hooks that were easily two pegs too high for both of them. So, up on the tippy toes to put back the bar that will someday be super heavy. He actually had to help her lift it up to get it in the hooks. I don't get it -- it's like people think there's some shame in starting with the bar at a lower height, or like I'm going to magically think you're taller if the bar is higher?

    And that is all I have for the day. I either go to a gym full of nimrods or I'm the least tolerant person I know. :smiley:

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    I either go to a gym full of nimrods or I'm the least tolerant person I know.

    right. but at least we all love you for it :D on a more serious note though, thank you for the call-out to mr rude with the plates. i know it's unlikely he'll ever show up in my gym or even my city, but still i feel like every little instance of somebody somewhere instructing someone in general manners, in a matter-of-fact no-wriggle-room kind of way . . . it all somehow helps.

  • MissHolidayGolightly
    I saw another guy curling some insane amount of weight yesterday... I think it was 185. He did the back bend to get it up like Mr. String Shirt. Makes me cringe every time. I just don't feel like biceps are made to lift that much... especially when these guys are using their lower backs to do it. He's the same guy that was doing incline presses with the 125-lb dumbbells a few months ago and making a ruckus. I thought he was going to give himself a hernia.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    edited February 2015
    @crabada‌ I think it's the resolution crowd still. It's been making me crabby, too. My gym has been so busy constantly. When there's more people, there's bound to be an influx of rudeness and douchery. Crowds make me uncomfortable to begin with so it's been putting me on edge. I hope it clears up soon and/or I can get over the crowds a bit until it does.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Oh my gosh!! I forgot what might have been the BEST ONE!

    Dude working it out on the lat pulldown machine. Long basketball-type shorts, tank, baseball cap, earbuds.


    Yep. Freaking sunglasses. In the gym. At 4:30 PM.


  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    My first thought was maybe LASIK, but I had LASIK, and you can't lift heavy things after :P
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a few interesting sightings tonight.

    The show-off trio were there. One of them came over near the end of my set as I was in the power cage and he asked how many sets I had left. I just had one. While I finished, the others arrived and waited. The one did help me unload the bar, then I had to step over their bags and stuff in order to get my notebook and water. I didn't see their show, though, as I went over to the benches. But I returned to the area after and yet again they left 45's on the bar down on the safeties.

    On benches there was a guy who used 3 different ones. Two different incline ones and a flat bench. He had 45s set up on each set and would do short half/quarter reps then do almost a full rep on the last one. Did that on all three.

    In the beginning, when I was doing my squats, there was a couple using the squat rack next to me for overhead press. He was showing her how though wasn't too handsy or anything. He would also do shrugs with a 45 plate at times during her sets. His own OHP rep were a bit different. She had just the bar since was learning the lift. He had 45's and some other, which nice for him. Except, he's do the first rep up over his head then bring it down just below his nose and push right back up again. Kept that way for the rest of the reps each set.

    On the plus side. I saw 2 guys bench a decent weight and put away the plates when they were done, one of which did the same over when he was deadlifting. Nice to know some actually do that.