so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    I'm sure they left all the weight on the bar because they always do that for the heavy weight lifts.

    guess at least they didn't leave their shirts lying around for someone else to deal with, which they sound like the types to do in their homes. there's something really fascinating to me in people who have got no class at all and your gym sounds like a hotbed.

    i had a weird moment on my ride home tonight. it's totally trivial but so fricking petty i'm still kind of irked about it. i was coming up this long unserious slope at one point, and i overtook someone. the thing was, it's not like i screamed past him or snickered or anything; i was just in pragmatic mode. he was moving much slower than me, i'd had a block or two to catch up with him in and it just looked like he was in leisure mode, so i didn't even think anything of it.

    well, apparently this is something you should not do to men in late middle age with the ex-hippie hair. damn me if he didn't make a POINT of stepping it up and re-passing me about a block after that. and he *kitten* snarked off at me as he blew past! in this really childish, 'nyah nyah see now i'm passing you so haha, guess you shouldn't have overtaken me in the first place' kind of juvenile way. he actually said something to exactly that effect. like it proves something. or something. i'm just, the hell if i know.

    and then he deked down the first turning he came to before he lost any of the face he'd just blown himself out to regain. for crud's sake. get a LIFE.

    My husband and I ride together recreationally on the weekends a lot, and we both notice this phenomenon. He passes a dude--no problem. Then I pass the same dude, dude seems barely to notice, but then looks over and realizes I'm a woman. All of a sudden, it's on.

    I will admit that one day years ago a nun in full habit passed me (she was FAST!) and it was a touch humiliating, but mostly I'm competing with myself.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    @DawnEmbers they sound like the group of guys that I saw video themselves curling in the squat rack a while back. One was curling, one was taping, and one of feeling his abs in the mirror. It was revoltingly narcissistic.

    @canadianlbs I just pictured Adam Sandler from Big Daddy throwing a stick in his path while he chided you. What a double canoe ;)
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I hate to say this, but I don't understand the 'double canoe' expression....I've seen this a few times and am wasting too much work time trying to puzzle it out.....
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @threnjen I have in fact seen them lift. They like to use the safeties in the squat rack while loading up the bar to pull it up from there. A smaller guy is sometimes with them though he lifts less and doesn't take off his shirt but has a smaller body fat so his muscles show more and he's not always hanging out with them. The main one who likes his shirt off the most has to make sure his picture is taken during the really heavy lifting then they just up and leave with the 45s still on the bar. Sunday night, the two without shirts were doing deadlifts and encouraging each other. As for what they do over by the dumbbells, that I don't know. Think I saw them maybe doing skull crushers on the floor with barbells but I could be wrong on what they were attempting. They do put on a show on a regular basis at night though.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Crabada was trying to type douche canoe but autocorrect made it double canoe so now it's a thing.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    edited March 2015
    ^^^ Hahaha! Just thought I'd pop in and say I'm a little giddy that it's a thing now. <3
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I saw a guy doing a workout video in the gym today complete with laptop and DVDs. I thought the point of Beach Body was not having to leave your house. It was pretty hilarious.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited March 2015
    scrittrice wrote: »
    I will admit that one day years ago a nun in full habit passed me (she was FAST!) and it was a touch humiliating, but mostly I'm competing with myself.

    I love this ^^^ so much I can't even put it into words. Absolutely made my day. :)

    And because I have to say it (per the movie) -- Katro! Stop trying to make double canoe happen! It's NOT going to happen!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Stop trying to make double canoe happen! It's NOT going to happen!

    sez who?

    back on track: i had a nice guy-in-the- story today. bike again. coming home down the hill, where there's a pedestrian crossing at the bottom before the road goes back up. so for a whole three blocks' worth, i got to see four kids distributed across the crosswalk in single file, with very distinctive poses. the guy with the camera got his shot just before i reached them, so they were breaking up by the time i got there. i said 'you guys looked like abbey road' as i went by, and i think i made their day. one of them yelled 'that's what we were aiming for!' after me.

    it was nice. looked like a school yearbook thing; little 8th-graders like that getting their beatles on.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I saw a guy doing a workout video in the gym today complete with laptop and DVDs. I thought the point of Beach Body was not having to leave your house. It was pretty hilarious.
    This is awesome. Were you tempted to join in?
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    I was tempted to stand behind him and do the workout a la the beginning of Bridesmaids.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Stop trying to make double canoe happen! It's NOT going to happen!

    sez who?

    Lol yessssssss
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    scrittrice wrote: »
    I will admit that one day years ago a nun in full habit passed me (she was FAST!) and it was a touch humiliating, but mostly I'm competing with myself.

    I love this ^^^ so much I can't even put it into words. Absolutely made my day. :)

    Not my proudest cycling moment! Although I guess nuns can be fit. I don't know why not.

    Today I went to the gym and lifted, and only afterward when I was changing did I notice there was a HUGE hole--like big enough to put my fist through--in the armpit of the t-shirt I was wearing. That must have looked very attractive while I was bench pressing. Between the grunting, the gas, and my general dishevelment, I'm always glad my mother can't see me.

    The other day a trainer at my gym told me that when someone came in to open the gym that morning, they found a dirty pair of (men's) underwear in the middle of the weight room. I don't even want to know...

  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Full habit. That's so funny. I am picturing the flying nun whizzing by you. As for the dirty undies, hopefully they just fell out of someone's bag and that someone didn't poop their pants lifting.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited March 2015
    I almost forgot to mention the guys videotaping each other last night using the big set of cables doing different types of seated rows and pulldowns and such. One guy manned the camera while the other two took turns doing the two different lifts.

    One used wrist wraps for the long bar (i usually use that one for lat pulldown) but he did seated rows while balancing on a dumbbell on top of the bench. The other didn't use stapes but he also sat on the dumbbell for that one. It was entertaining at least.

    It also was the night for couples as I saw at least three sets of couples in the lifting areas. One I've seen often and they are pretty focused on lifting, so that's cool. One set I hadn't seen before and they were a bit touchy but still did their thing and didn't get in people's way much.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited March 2015
    squat king was in and i glanced at his final attempt but didn't want to encourage him by actually counting his plates. they filled up the entire free end of the bar, i know that. so i'm guessing he was trying for whatever 13x45 is. he got about 1/4 of the way back up and then bailed, which isn't the point. and he brought the whole gym to a standstill with his noise-making both before and during, which also isn't the point. he always does that. i'm getting damn tired of him.

    what is the point is that this time around i saw something i'd not seen before. his little retinue were standing around him while he was preparing to step in and get under the bar - and they were spanking him. well, whipping him all over his back and legs with little switches or maybe just their bare hands, i actually have to admit i forget. i can imagine what the point might have been, kinesthetically or whatever, but it looked like something right from a porn-pride parade. except he was still swaddled up in his inch-thick sweatsuit, with the hoodie pulled way down over his face and the little toddler-sixed triangle of button nose and pointy little chin sticking out form under the toque inside that. oh, and the belt on over the sweatsuit, of course.

    other odd sights on this day:

    - woman on her back on a bench inside the smith machine, preparing to leg-press idk, 70 pounds i believe, with her feet on the bar. i'm not sure why. she got herself all settled down upside down, set out to begin a first rep and then i guess something logistical needed fixing because i saw her sit up. then i got busy with my own bench press so idk what came of it all. but to tell the truth i thought the whole thing was as silly as heck. i later saw her doing swimmer type stuff while lying on her stomach across the same bench. at least she'd hauled it out of the smith by that point.

    - crappy little woody-woodpecker personal trainer who always seems like he's in there the same time as me, working with a new female client i've not seen before who topped him by two or three inches. i've eavesdropped/watched this guy a whole lot over the past year with multiple clients and on the technical/physical front he seems to be extremely good. his crappiness and my profound mistrust of him has nothing to do with his technical chops and everything to do with his off-duty manner, i.e. the way he acts and talks when his squatting buddies come into the gym. anyway, i caught a snatch of him putting this new woman through partial pushups against the bar of the smith machine, and snickered to myself when i realised he was casually standing on one of the 'feet' of the thing while talking to her afterwards, just so as to bring his eyes to the same level as hers. i THOUGHT he had suddenly grown.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Oh Squat King, how we've missed thee. At least in this thread, if not in real life. ;)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I almost forgot to mention.

    This wasn't at the gym but noteworthy nonetheless. At the park where I was doing my couch to 5k attempt, there was a guy today riding a unicycle. Yep. Some guy just mowing along on the garden path on his unicycle. Fun times.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    You must have missed the chapter in SS where Rippetoe totes the benefits of whipping your backside before squatting :wink: It helps you get low.

    It's so weird when people leg press in the Smith, especially on a bench. I've seen a guy do it after loading the bar so much that it permanently bent. I don't know why he didn't just use the leg press machine...

  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    There was a unicycle guy on campus when I was in college. He'd always wear shorts and I'd always inadvertently look at his cajones because they were just, like, there :flushed: