so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • Annie81503
    Annie81503 Posts: 43 Member
    This is the third week in a row where I see dad and his son (9 or 10 yr old) at the gym. The kid starts squatting with the bar only, then dad adds weights gradually. The boy obviously can't squat much weight on his own, but dad keeps adding weight and spots his son. They reach the same weight that I am squatting and the kid can't even get up, dad is doing all the work as his spotter. I just don't see the point, he doesn't show him proper form or anything, hopefully he doesn't get hurt, it's painful to watch!
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    Full habit. That's so funny. I am picturing the flying nun whizzing by you. As for the dirty undies, hopefully they just fell out of someone's bag and that someone didn't poop their pants lifting.

    Yup, that was it--flying nun on a bike. It was in Central Park, and apparently she was a familiar sight there. The park where I bike now has several (I think) modern Orthodox Jewish women biking and running. They wear these kind of long Lycra skirts over tights, and bandanas under their helmets to cover their hair. Props to anyone who gets it done, no matter how they're dressed!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Annie81503 wrote: »
    This is the third week in a row where I see dad and his son (9 or 10 yr old) at the gym. The kid starts squatting with the bar only, then dad adds weights gradually. The boy obviously can't squat much weight on his own, but dad keeps adding weight and spots his son. They reach the same weight that I am squatting and the kid can't even get up, dad is doing all the work as his spotter. I just don't see the point, he doesn't show him proper form or anything, hopefully he doesn't get hurt, it's painful to watch!

    yikes. the park board out here won't let kids into the weight room of their fitness centres until they can prove that they're 13 years old.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Show-off boys were back tonight. Well, two of them but one was the one who always has to take his shirt off. This time they did rows using the bar on the squat rack. I never see them do a whole lot, just couple of lifts at most. Of course, they left the weights on the bar when they finished. No cameras this time though or any extra entourage, just the two doing the one lift and taking turns.

    Also had odd moment near the adductor or abductor, whatever those thigh ones are called. It's always kind of awkward when someone uses them as it's right by the power cage. This one female had done a sort of wave or I dunno earlier when I was doing squats, but I don't actually know her. Well she was using one when I did good mornings (the squat rack was taken). She did the whole, hit the muscles thing, in between sets. And later was standing and just kind of moving her hips a bit and looking at the mirror. Yeah, just kinda awkward.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Got 2 from today's workout at the gym.

    Short guy who still was taller than me used the squat rack since I had the cage. He would get the weights, get set up, then suck in a bunch of air so his cheeks were nice and puffy before dropping down to squat. He held his breath during the squat so he didn't release the air till he was back up again. So his cheeks were puffed out the whole time. He kinda looked like a monkey when he did that.

    A monkey that knows WTF he's doing.

  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    edited March 2015
    That's crazy to see a kid that young in the gym. I'm glad his parent is teaching him how to work out like a bro early. It's not universal policy but I've seen a lot of gyms not allow kids under 16 in because of liability.

    I saw a guy helping his lady squat yesterday and it met all the stereotypes plus more:

    -They used the cage but moved the bar holders to the outside of the cage so that there were no safety pins and no one like me could use the space behind them to do rows.

    -He set the holders 4-6 inches too high so she almost had to hop to get the bar in and out. She almost dumped the weight and fell over tying to get one side up at a time. He then pretty much racked and unracked the weight for her.

    -He placed his hands on her mid section the entire time she was lifting. Part of me (OK all of me) wished she'd rip one while he was up in her business at the bottom of the squat but, alas, I was disappointed.

    -He told her to look up more. Fool!

    -They hung around the cage talking for about 10 minutes after. I did assisted pull ups glaring at them like Robert De Niro at his peak level of insanity in Taxi Driver during this time. They only left when I asked them if they were done but they seemed genuinely confused why they couldn't hang on the cage chatting.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited April 2015
    scrittrice wrote: »
    up, that was it--flying nun on a bike. It was in Central Park, and apparently she was a familiar sight there. The park where I bike now has several (I think) modern Orthodox Jewish women biking and running. They wear these kind of long Lycra skirts over tights, and bandanas under their helmets to cover their hair. Props to anyone who gets it done, no matter how they're dressed!

    i went to a convent school. it had a swimming pool, and i don't know how to convey the disturbance of 'borrowing' it on a saturday (long story, my dad ran the tennis mafia and we were out there a lot) and suddenly seeing mother superior on the edge of the pool in a black one-piece. and no veil. it was just too damned much. mother superior was at school with MY mother, and scared the *kitten* out of the whole bunch of us.

    i mean, even typing this out, my brain automatically won't have it and insists she was wearing her veil. she wasn't though.

  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    I shipped my friend's bike to her when she moved to New York to join a convent there. There were a lot of young sisters there who loved to bike!! Maybe it was one if them! An aside, the bike tech who dismantled the bike was so awesomely kind and wrote multi page instructions to her on how to reassemble. I thought that was so nice of him!! She was so happy to receive it!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    There was a girl in the locker room taking mirror selfies in her underwear. Isn't that like. .. something you should be doing at home? Isn't a public locker room a place where it's not really appropriate to be taking pictures. ....
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Plus she was striking sexy poses and generally looked like an idiot.
    Nice body though, I was a little jealous.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't know why anyone would assume taking pictures in a public change room would be appropriate. That's just so.... Not cool. Like geez some people.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Kind of weird but maybe she doesn't have a decent mirror at home. I had to stand on a step stool in order to take my first set of pictures since I didn't have the courage to let anyone else take it in order to get pictures done at home. Some do it for the selfie post-workout.

    Now I wanna watch broscience. Think he had a bit about locker room etiquette and proper uses of the mirror in there. lol
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    -He set the holders 4-6 inches too high

    why do men do that. i'm convinced that whether they're even conscious of their motivation or not, it's subconsciously to keep reassuring themselves that they're taller than her. 'look, i'm much taller than you. let's try it out just to make sure . . . yup, your shoulders don't come to where my shoulders come to. i'm taller than you'.

    but you'd think, in that case . . . wouldn't their unconscious be equally happy to set it way LOW, so as to send the message 'look! you're only tiny compared with my manly heighthness.'

  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Kind of weird but maybe she doesn't have a decent mirror at home. I had to stand on a step stool in order to take my first set of pictures since I didn't have the courage to let anyone else take it in order to get pictures done at home. Some do it for the selfie post-workout.

    Now I wanna watch broscience. Think he had a bit about locker room etiquette and proper uses of the mirror in there. lol

    If you had seen her, you would be similarly unimpressed. She was making sexy duck face pictures, not taking utilitarian progress pics lol
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    So, the one show off guy literally does take off his shirt for almost every lift the group does. The others keep clothes on except for one pal who takes his off on occasion, but the one likes to have his shirt off often. Tonight it was dumbbell work, cable and weight machines... I just wanna go up and ask "why?" but probably will never know.

    There was a girl I think taking a picture of herself when I went to get my stuff after lifting but she moved away from the mirror when I went in as I had to walk by to get to the locker I had used. Though, I'll be honest... I'd rather see girl in bikini bottom and bra than the random topless woman which is what I got when I first got to the gym and went in the locker room. Never know when someone will be changing or how long they take to put something on, so that happens from time to time.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    topless women . . . this is the first place i've worked where they had a 'communal' locker room, with separate shower cubes at least. i could live with that if these people were strangers, and thank god no-one i actually work with all day is in there. but some of the people who do use it are people i have occasional 'business' with doing my work.

    the wandering around topless/bottomless/bare is honestly a little more than i want to know about someone i'm supposed to work with later. i don't need to know where they got their tattoos in order to get my job done.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    -He set the holders 4-6 inches too high

    why do men do that. i'm convinced that whether they're even conscious of their motivation or not, it's subconsciously to keep reassuring themselves that they're taller than her. 'look, i'm much taller than you. let's try it out just to make sure . . . yup, your shoulders don't come to where my shoulders come to. i'm taller than you'.

    but you'd think, in that case . . . wouldn't their unconscious be equally happy to set it way LOW, so as to send the message 'look! you're only tiny compared with my manly heighthness.'

    I think they set it too high for themselves too, as if it makes them taller than they really are. It's like men won't by size smalls so sizes start at medium.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    Kind of weird but maybe she doesn't have a decent mirror at home. I had to stand on a step stool in order to take my first set of pictures since I didn't have the courage to let anyone else take it in order to get pictures done at home. Some do it for the selfie post-workout.

    Now I wanna watch broscience. Think he had a bit about locker room etiquette and proper uses of the mirror in there. lol

    If you had seen her, you would be similarly unimpressed. She was making sexy duck face pictures, not taking utilitarian progress pics lol

    Right, you shouldn't be snapping photos in a public locker room when others are in there changing. She could have at least waited until it cleared out so that others didn't have to worry about displaying a full moon on someone else's Instagram. Actually, that's not a bad idea in case I ever experience this. I do love a good mooning.

    I'm surprised in general at how people are completely unembarrassed by taking selfies. First, I thought it was weird that people would be so comfortable sitting alone at a restaurant snapping photo after photo of themselves until they get it just right. Now the bar has been set at being fine with taking nudies in a public place.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Second time tonight I saw a woman do extremely heavy hip thrusts (I think that's what it's called - lean elbows on a bench and thrust hips upward, sometimes with a bar to add weight). Well, the first time I saw her wheeling all these rubberized plates, I figured she was deadlifting or something, but was genuinely confused when she took out the neck pad and put it on the bar. Then I see her get under it and thrust it shakily a few times. Does a couple other sets of one or two reps then takes all the weight off. I counted 185 lbs tonight. Such a strange exercise to go so heavy. I wonder if there is a power thrust competition she's training for.

    That's the only exercise I've seen her do with heavy free weights. The rest of the time I saw her she was playing around on the smith machine. So strange!

  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    Second time tonight I saw a woman do extremely heavy hip thrusts (I think that's what it's called - lean elbows on a bench and thrust hips upward, sometimes with a bar to add weight). Well, the first time I saw her wheeling all these rubberized plates, I figured she was deadlifting or something, but was genuinely confused when she took out the neck pad and put it on the bar. Then I see her get under it and thrust it shakily a few times. Does a couple other sets of one or two reps then takes all the weight off. I counted 185 lbs tonight. Such a strange exercise to go so heavy. I wonder if there is a power thrust competition she's training for.

    That's the only exercise I've seen her do with heavy free weights. The rest of the time I saw her she was playing around on the smith machine. So strange!

    I actually use the neck pad for a hip pad when I do hip thrusts too :| Otherwise it bruises your hip bones, especially with that much weight; the low number of reps seems silly, though. It is a really weird exercise to watch people do. I honestly skip it half the time if there are too many people in the gym, especially since the free-weights room has been taken over by some extremely intimidating football players who saunter around in cut-off shirts so their abs are on display.

    If I had abs like they do, though, I might be tempted to do the same thing, saunter and all.