so there was this guy in the gym . . .



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice. I don't mind if someone offers advice but it really depends on how they make the approach. Some just come off poorly. A nice approach and I'm more than happy to listen, plus it's just nice to talk to someone since it rarely happens.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Had a couple of interesting ones though always forget to post about them by the time I get home to my laptop.

    Yesterday was the guy doing bench with decent amount of weight who had another guy come up to him and talk about his build. Ahh the interesting talk of how much to eat and protein. Then, when he was done he didn't unrack the weights. There was also a guy doing unsteady bench press that was a little lopsided. He did flat, then I got the bench when he was done which wasn't very many sets. Then he went to decline followed by incline. All a bit lopsided so it almost made you wonder if just maybe one arm is a little shorter than the other. He left the weights on the incline and I watched him walk away as I was eyeing that next and both left there stuff around the same time on the benches. Suddenly, he turns around, goes back and takes off the weights from the bar. Like he read my mind.

    Also, there was a woman in the changing room when I got there, dying her roots... topless. Cause you don't want to get hair dye on a shirt or bra, so yeah, public place, no top, good time to color ones hair. Interesting approach at least.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm always baffled by what people find appropriate to do at the gym locker room.

    One gym I went to had a hot tub, and found one woman in there shaving her legs.....

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Yikes. Now that is a bit much.

    Today had a guy jumping around on the little "field" area near the racks. He would hops some then hop up on the softer blocks/steps that were stacked one on to of the other, do a twist hop down, then handstand walk. He was having fun.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    The handstand walk is impressive. I took gymnastics as a kid and our pre-show/competition nervous energy went into handstand contests and handstand walking contests. It's not easy! My wrists won't support handstands anymore, but I never lost the fun of being upside down :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Think that was an episode of Supernatural. A cat was in a locker and one of them screamed like a little girl.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    Think that was an episode of Supernatural. A cat was in a locker and one of them screamed like a little girl.

    Funniest SPN moment to date!
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Oh dear, yesterday I actually saw a girl in the gym pull a roll of cellophane wrap and lotion out of her bag and start to wrap her midsection.

    I just wanted to shake some sense into her...meaningless torture...
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    Think that was an episode of Supernatural. A cat was in a locker and one of them screamed like a little girl.

    Funniest SPN moment to date!

    the only things i know about supernatural are from me playing a mafia game that was themed around it. nothing was said about cats :tongue: the missing impala came into it though, along with various witches and demons and stuff.

    man, what a brutal game. i was about the only non-rabid-fan player who had no idea and not too much interest. i know people who are still ticked to this day that i got the 'character' dean, and didn't fully appreciate it.

    the bad guys shot me on i-believe the third or fourth night.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    For reference here is a clip from the show:
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    It's even better when you know that Dean is normally Mr. Tough Guy all the way!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i kind of liked it more when i thought it was just a fun little piece of little-kid why-not Logic. i mean really, why shouldn't a cat be in a locker?
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited June 2017
    idk if this one was what i took it to be, but the interpretation is slightly flattering to me so i'm taking it anyway.

    i had my Big Deadlift bar down on the floor and the room was pretty quiet so i kept wandering away between reps to do accessory/procrastination things like pullups and such. i came back to it and there's these two very noob teenage boys standing one on each side of it and doing not-sure-how-this-wrorking-out-thing-works-but-i-wanna-work-out presses with each other for company. they're talking to each other across it so i felt a little bit of something when i came back to my bar on the floor. small double-take or something. they're standing EXACTLY one at each end of the bar so i was directly in their speech path.

    i say to the closest one 'i think i'm right in your way'. and he double-taked again and said 'oh. no, i was just . . . surprised, is all.' and a little while after that they evaporated.

    now, it could be that all he meant was 'i didn't know anyone was even using this bar'. but i deliberately wore the kind of loose pants and blouse to work today that would allow me to go straight from my desk to the gym. and i did have, well, 170 pounds going on if my math's right - maybe even 173 depending on what you tell yourself the standard women's bar weighs.

    so i choose to see it as 'holy um, see. i didn't think YOU would be using that bar.' especially because i was still all dressed up in my loose and blouse-y type 'middle aged woman has to dress nice for suit-and-tie workplace' clothes.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    A few days ago I called out a guy who left 300 lb on the bar and a kid-you-not-puddle of sweat on the bench, and he later came over to apologize. Saw him again today and he's sweating like crazy again and wandering around doing a loose circuit, I guess? That or he didn't learn from being embarrassed the other day. Anyway, he lays down to do more bench presses (upper body or BUST, amirite?!) And his shirt rides up a little. Well now I know why he's sweating so much--he's wrapped his torso in Saran wrap under his shirt! I was this close to telling him, nicely, that he was more likely to dehydrate himself and pass out than accomplish any additional fat loss in his tummy, but I chickened out at three last minute. I didnt want to come across like I was picking on the guy.

    When I was a kid, there was a trend in dance wear that we called trash bag shorts--warm up shorts made of a really thick plastic stuff with elasticized, high waists and thighs that were supposed to make you sweat more in the waist, butt, and upper thighs. Supposedly this made for a slimmer lower body. Of couse spot reduction through sweating doesn't work, but we all had them and proudly sported our wringing wet leotards with sweat stains. I just couldn't get that image out of my head when I saw this guy's Saran wrapped belly.
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Man, I feel like joining a gym is worth it just for the entertainment factor!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited July 2017
    this one's on me. it was very quiet in the gym (sunday lunchtime ftw), but after a while as i squat i notice this very . . . well, untrained-looking teenager in the zone behind me. it wasn't just she had that aimless drifting movement pattern, she also just didn't look like someone who'd spent even the past month doing anything athletic, let alone lifting. she's there when i start one set, she's there sort of not-even-hovering while i do it, she's there when i do the next set and the next one. and she doesn't really do anything.

    so while i'm changing plates i sort of put on my Lifters Are The Friendliest Most Helpful People In The World look, you know that look right? not accosting her, but trying to look as accostable as possible my own self. she's still sort of just - there. so just to be safe i cut it with about 50% of the are-you-waiting-to-use-the-rack look. i make the eye contact just before i duck under again, to give her the chance.

    but before i can speak she beats me to it. "you don't have a plate on that side."

    holy cow :D:D:D:D:D
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Womp womp canadian! Hahaha.

    Today I almost gave a talking-to to a guy who got an attitude with me for finishing my set after he invaded my space. I was resting between my 2nd and 3rd sets of split squats and he walked up, addressed the guy next to me (ignoring me) and asked for a tool I'd pointed out to the first guy 10 min before. Came back over, plopped the stuff right in front of the box I was using for split squats, and starts doing his thing without so much as looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was there. So I walked up to him and interrupted his set to ask him to move. (only pushups, no risk of injury). He gave me the most disgusted, scornful look when I said I was doing split squats right here....bit my tongue hard but I was ready to go to town if he hadn't moved over. I was here first, buddy. Shove over and do your pushups where no one else is already working. I also notice he didn't flop down in front of the other guy, just in front of me. :angry:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Today I almost gave a talking-to to a guy

    *monster eye roll* i rarely have to deal with that type, but i've assembled a very nicely neutral way of saying 'you're going to be in my air space when i step out' to the dudes who set their benches too close to the rack. and a nicely bootfaced expression for saying it with, if they appear to be attitude types.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    Here's a new one for me...

    A guy at the gym was benching, and he made the sign of the cross and kissed his crucifix before every set.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    did he point at heaven after every one too?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Big strong guy at the gym ran past me, sweat flying in all directions, up to the mirror (so he was almost against it), lifted his shirt up and started to peer at a weird looking bulge on his abdomen. What?!

    This other guy (you know heavy upper body, looks in the mirror every set and not to check his form/technique), a couple of weeks back started to get really agitated when Rammstein (German industrial metal) came up on the playlist. I was pretty pleased actually! He was bellowing how it wasn't even English and shouted at the co-owner to change the tune. What?! (can I do the same every time a ruddy Eminem tune pops up and that is every time I am in there, grrrrrr!)

    Found this, it might have been seen by loads already (might even be in this thread somewhere already, oops!), but I just discovered it yesterday, I did not know whether to laugh or cringe. Yikes!

  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    did he point at heaven after every one too?

    Ha! No, but that would have put it over the top!
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,519 Member
    klrenn wrote: »
    Here's a new one for me...

    A guy at the gym was benching, and he made the sign of the cross and kissed his crucifix before every set.
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    klrenn wrote: »
    Here's a new one for me...

    A guy at the gym was benching, and he made the sign of the cross and kissed his crucifix before every set.

    Saw a kid do this in the movie Gran Tourino, and now it repeats in my head every time I go somewhere and I am checking to make sure I have all my things with me. Sunglasses, keys, wallet, and phone (spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch - figured out the keys have to be the testicles lol). Nothing religious for me, just one of those weird things your brain picks up and never lets go of.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Guy on the flat bench today was doing abs and bench at the same time. Instead of benching for a set, then doing leg ups or whatever that is called, he literally did them at the same time. Legs up and bar down with some reps doing pauses at different points in the motion. It was interesting. He had on neon socks too that were visible during the motions.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i gave up the bench to a couple who had asked if they could have it after me, and then kept a bit of an eye on them since i was going to take it back when they were done. middle-aged guy, and, well . . . i bet he doesn't have much luck in the singles bars. asian woman. both of them extremely polite and nice.

    so i watch them and clearly he's teaching her how to lift and i realise who he's reminding me of. mark rippetoe. not for the teaching itself, the physical presence and mannerisms. if you've watched the videos, you know that slightly pop-eyed stare rippetoe has? like he's absent-mindedly reading something off an autocue on the front of his skull and just kind of parking his eyes on your face while he talks? this guy had that and he also had this subliminally-odd manner of standing - not exactly too close physically. but he'd stand right on the border of 'personal space' between him and her and then his stance would be sort of craned around not into it . . . but it was like she had this vertical plexiglass cyclinder around her and this guy was plastering himself against its surface.

    so rippetoe, except NOT rippetoe in his own form. hers was actually very good for a brand newbie, and he sure talked a lot and very earnestly so idk. maybe rip has gone blonde, put on shiny blue-baggy shorts seven sizes too big and moved to the pacific northwest and found somewhere to get his hair permed.

    i liked them actually. but omg, he worked in with her and when i got a look at HIS form . . . just, holy god. and not just the form, he was miles and miles and miles and miles too heavy for his own self. so an odd couple. i saw him showing her cable pulldowns after they gave me the rack, and damn me if when i caught sight of them she didn't have her hands on the cable helping the bar to go down while he did his demo. he had it as heavy as that.

    interesting though because nothing about either of them gave me that ego vibe around him. they seemed happy and were very pleasant to me.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    i gave up the bench to a couple who had asked if they could have it after me, and then kept a bit of an eye on them since i was going to take it back when they were done. middle-aged guy, and, well . . . i bet he doesn't have much luck in the singles bars. asian woman. both of them extremely polite and nice.

    so i watch them and clearly he's teaching her how to lift and i realise who he's reminding me of. mark rippetoe. not for the teaching itself, the physical presence and mannerisms. if you've watched the videos, you know that slightly pop-eyed stare rippetoe has? like he's absent-mindedly reading something off an autocue on the front of his skull and just kind of parking his eyes on your face while he talks? this guy had that and he also had this subliminally-odd manner of standing - not exactly too close physically. but he'd stand right on the border of 'personal space' between him and her and then his stance would be sort of craned around not into it . . . but it was like she had this vertical plexiglass cyclinder around her and this guy was plastering himself against its surface.

    so rippetoe, except NOT rippetoe in his own form. hers was actually very good for a brand newbie, and he sure talked a lot and very earnestly so idk. maybe rip has gone blonde, put on shiny blue-baggy shorts seven sizes too big and moved to the pacific northwest and found somewhere to get his hair permed.

    i liked them actually. but omg, he worked in with her and when i got a look at HIS form . . . just, holy god. and not just the form, he was miles and miles and miles and miles too heavy for his own self. so an odd couple. i saw him showing her cable pulldowns after they gave me the rack, and damn me if when i caught sight of them she didn't have her hands on the cable helping the bar to go down while he did his demo. he had it as heavy as that.

    interesting though because nothing about either of them gave me that ego vibe around him. they seemed happy and were very pleasant to me.

    I see pairs like this a lot at my gym regularly, except it's usually two guys. There's one in particular who is teaching himself Olympic lifting, after I think dong SL 5x5 for a while. He seems very serious about it and is polite when I see him, but he lifts way too heavy for his form and belts up to add even more weight. He looks like a noob who's progressing faster than is good for his back, and I fear he'll hurt himself before long, especially with the more complicated Olympic lifts. I don't really feel qualified to say anything to him though, so I just cringe when he gets going. :worried:
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    edited August 2017
    It pains me to tell this one... because it involves an inattentive trainer

    He had this woman in the squat rack (great!) but the pegs were set too high and she had to tiptoe to unrack/rerack the bar (eek!)

    And when she was squatting, she would start walking forward to re rack the bar before she had fully completed the just above quarter squat depth she would start stepping forward to rack the bar!

    He was there...he should have seen this...and known better...
  • pitbull603
    pitbull603 Posts: 73 Member
    The comic book coming soon!
    LMAO!...this just made my day