Weekly Post: 11/2/2014-11/8/2014

Happy new weekly post :smiley: You're doing awesome! You keep coming back, you keep putting in the work, you keep learning and listening to your body, you keep making positive changes to make your body feel good and it's definitely showing on the outside, too :)

As the crazy, busy holiday season approaches, use your new finely tuned and honed fasting skills to change your mindset about food. Food can be enjoyed, holidays don't have to be a season of voluntary weight gain before NYE resolutions, look forward to maintenance and feeling in control!

You can dooooo it!


  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Oh...you just gettin' cocky now! Starting to sound like a motivational speaker....I'm luvin' your confidence.

    Something tells me you're gonna be writing a book about this one day...or something along those lines. By the time you've hit your final goal you'll be an expert...hope I'm still here to see it.
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    on my final week of Whole30. and 1/2 thru week 4 of 5:2. As I said yesterday, the combination of of the 2 (essentially the same at carbonmonster low carb regimen) Its been very successful for me. Also throwing 16:8 for good measure. Am at my lowest wt since the mid '90s!!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I think my other post to you got eaten @mwhite61451- GREAT JOB :smiley:

    Updating my progress:
    Highest (July 2014)- 339
    Start (8/4/14): 331.6
    Week 1- 5.2
    Week 2- 2.8
    Week 3- 1.8
    Week 4- 1.8
    Week 5- 1.8
    Week 6- 1.8
    Week 7- 2.8
    Week 8- 2
    Week 9- 1.4
    Week 10- 2.2
    Week 11- 1.6
    Week 12- 1.4
    Week 13- 2.2
    As of 10/31/2014: 302.8

    Total Down: 36.2
    Since August- 28.8

    I can almost taste the 200's again...ahhhh!

    I am fasting today since I will have a crazy week with a family member's surgery/day at hospital...who knows what comfort eating will be happening lol. But I will try to keep it in check :)

    Thinking of you @orlcam because I am doing a "real" fast today lol...waiting to eat until dinner. Regular fast days for me I have starting having at least a little bit during the day, but today is just green tea wooooo how do you make it during all your experiements lol????
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Awesome progress! Wow!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    I can almost taste the 200's again...ahhhh!
    Oh yeah!
    I am fasting today since I will have a crazy week with a family member's surgery/day at hospital...who knows what comfort eating will be happening lol. But I will try to keep it in check :)
    Hope everything turns out ok.
    Thinking of you @orlcam because I am doing a "real" fast today lol...waiting to eat until dinner. Regular fast days for me I have starting having at least a little bit during the day, but today is just green tea wooooo how do you make it during all your experiements lol????
    That is definitely where working at home can help the situation. Sometimes if I get hungry I just take a short nap till it passes. Also it allows me the added structure to eat (including preparing/cooking) what I want exactly when I want.

    I've found that hunger passes, even the severe pangs (within an hour...or so), but I know that if I start getting dizzy (very rare) it's time to end it. I suspect at this point I could probably do 3 days on 600 calories if I needed to. I would break it up into 100, 200, and 300 cals each day. Remember (if you watched the documentary) the first fast Mosley did was 4.5 days on 50 calories (miso soup) a day.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    I hope this link works, I want it to inspire everyone doing 5:2
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    I've really been struggling this last couple of weeks. The fast days and easy, however I'm eating a lot more on non-fast days, so I've made the decision to do 4:3 for the next 4 weeks to see if I can get myself past this hiccup and move on.

    I think I'm sabotaging myself, as everyone is telling me I'm looking great now, but I'm still not where I want to be. I'm fighting with myself, so I'm hoping if I do 3 fast days, it will tip me over this wall and I'll get back to eating normally, or as I have been doing for the last 18 weeks.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Good morning all! I have been struggling too - it's likely all in my mind but my non-fast days have not been pretty. I even stopped measuring my food which is crazy..I've been doing that for years now! I got on the scale this morning and am not happy with myself at all! So...fasting today and I'll likely do 4:30 this week as a kick start. I need to figure out the non-fast days and get them back under control!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Success Success!!! :):)<3
    October 27 was my official start on the 5:2 and acted swiftly and did the 4:3 fast.

    October 27, October 29 and Nov 2:
    Start weight 163lbs (10/27) - 158.7lbs (11/02) = 4.3 pounds lost (11/03)! <3.
    I have 18.7 lbs to go to reach my healthy BMI of 24.8 or 140 lbs.

    This week I am doing the 4:3: Tuesday (11/4), Thursday (11/6) and Saturday. (11/8)
    Then I am back on: Monday, Wednesday and Friday/Saturday. I am going to do this until Nov 21.
    My cruise is from Nov 23 to Nov 30.

    5:2 resumes Dec 1, may be do a 4:3 then see how it goes.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    debbie389 wrote: »
    I've really been struggling this last couple of weeks. The fast days and easy, however I'm eating a lot more on non-fast days, so I've made the decision to do 4:3 for the next 4 weeks to see if I can get myself past this hiccup and move on.
    Good luck! I'm sure it will work wonders for you!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    I hope this link works, I want it to inspire everyone doing 5:2

    Thanks!!! Going to check it out this morning!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member

    I can almost taste the 200's again...ahhhh!

    YAY!!!!! You are doing so well!!!

  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited November 2014
    I can almost taste the 200's again...ahhhh!

    Great Job! And fantastic about the jeans, I love it when we surprise ourselves by fitting into smaller sizes! Your an inspiration and a great motivationalist (I know that not a word, but it should be or maybe it is a word and I don't know it :\ ).

    I needed to hear your words of wisdom today. The past three days have been rough for me...eating what I want and not tracking, but like you said, I shouldn't feel bad...just keep going! It's not like I messed up my fast days. (Now... if I had those kinds of days and was not fasting then I could worry)
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    debbie389 wrote: »
    I've really been struggling this last couple of weeks. The fast days and easy, however I'm eating a lot more on non-fast days, so I've made the decision to do 4:3 for the next 4 weeks to see if I can get myself past this hiccup and move on.

    I think I'm sabotaging myself, as everyone is telling me I'm looking great now, but I'm still not where I want to be. I'm fighting with myself, so I'm hoping if I do 3 fast days, it will tip me over this wall and I'll get back to eating normally, or as I have been doing for the last 18 weeks.

    I think I was doing what you were doing...sabotaging myself. As a kid I was constantly being rewarded with food and sweets! So now, like you were saying, I am getting complements and seeing my weigh lower than it has been for 5 years and the little kid inside says, "I deserve a treat!" And that is exactly what I have done...for three days :s

    Well (as I brush myself off!!) back to business. And coming up with better ways to reward myself!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Fast day for me today. Treated myself to a fancy coffee (Venti Americano with sugar-free Vanilla). I love going to :o ... sorry I know how some people feel about 'that place', but am an ex-Seattle-ite and it's like home to me. So I had a treat and it was only 25cals...and I'm still drinking it and it's almost 2pm! (I added a bit of Almond milk for an extra 12cals when I got home).

    Wasn't the best idea to go to Ikea today (like I said fasting turns me into a bear)...had to tell myself to keep breathing and counting to ten :# Practicing keeping myself calm on fast days. Although I am sure pushing my two kids around the store helped me burn a few calories. (why is it that there is no way to just pop in and pop out of ikea :| )

    Thanks so much everyone in this group!! You all have helped me tremendously to stick with 5:2ing.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to this group.. Started 5:2 about a month ago... I really, really love it, but find myself "splurging" on my feast days... Must. stop. that.! My daughter is getting married in 19 days... checking in here to try and be accountable. Thanks! Tammy
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    yay, yay, yay...dinner time! Today I am ending my fast day with 400g green beans 104 cals, rump steak tomato soup 135 cals and 67g rice noodles 240 cals = Totalling 479 cals

    Todays Fasting total: 516 cals

    Felt a bit light headed at around 3pm, after picking the kids (like I was going to faint). I think I might have to try and incorporate a low cal snack right before I pick the kids up.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @debbie389 @carlsoda @snaps27 bummed to hear you're having tough days! when i feel that fear creeping in that it's going to get harder, I have to remember to take it one day at a time. When I struggling with my depression at it's worst, the thought of another day, another week, another anything was suffocating. my therapist had me focus on today, and today only. not just "I only have to worry about getting through today", but that I only need to worry about things when they come along. I don't have to brace myself and prepare for everything and worry so much ahead of time (does that make sense??). Anyways, how's it's translated to this diet and why it's fitting in for me is that SHIZ HAPPENS. Bad eating days, over-enjoying, bingeing, etc...none of that matters NOW. In a weird way, I almost use NOW proactively to prepare for the things that could come up instead of needlessly worrying or sabotaging myself. If I'm going to look forward at the possible stumbling blocks, instead of using them as reasons to stop or "why bother" or "I'll just gain it back then, so I might as well eat now, too", I just use them to plan. I'll do more now, when I do feel in control and can, and then those things that pop are like rewards or cashing in on the hard work.

    Not sure this really helps...but just wanted to share what has been clicking for me. I feel empowered adding more fast days, so maybe it'll help you, too. But you don't have to do it all the time, like @christine's plan (who is doing amaaaazing!!!) where you just fit it around you schedule.

    GO GO TEAM!!!
  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    carbmonster - that is great advice. I get so caught up in the past and future that i mess up the present. I messed up a fast day about a month ago and since then, I have had a hard time with them. I keep thinking that "oh last time, I fasted all day until 5 and then ate 1200 calories, what is the point of fasting during the day if I am going to blow it tonight"

    but today is a fast day and I am going to see if I can stick with it just for today. I remember when I first started 5:2, I would not even think of the whole day, I would measure my success in hours. Like can I fast for one more hour? and by the end of the day, I was successful.

    thank you for the reminder and todays fast day is dedicated to you :)