Weekly Post: 11/2/2014-11/8/2014



  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    @debbie389 @carlsoda @snaps27 bummed to hear you're having tough days! when i feel that fear creeping in that it's going to get harder, I have to remember to take it one day at a time. When I struggling with my depression at it's worst, the thought of another day, another week, another anything was suffocating. my therapist had me focus on today, and today only. not just "I only have to worry about getting through today", but that I only need to worry about things when they come along. I don't have to brace myself and prepare for everything and worry so much ahead of time (does that make sense??). Anyways, how's it's translated to this diet and why it's fitting in for me is that SHIZ HAPPENS. Bad eating days, over-enjoying, bingeing, etc...none of that matters NOW. In a weird way, I almost use NOW proactively to prepare for the things that could come up instead of needlessly worrying or sabotaging myself. If I'm going to look forward at the possible stumbling blocks, instead of using them as reasons to stop or "why bother" or "I'll just gain it back then, so I might as well eat now, too", I just use them to plan. I'll do more now, when I do feel in control and can, and then those things that pop are like rewards or cashing in on the hard work.

    Not sure this really helps...but just wanted to share what has been clicking for me. I feel empowered adding more fast days, so maybe it'll help you, too. But you don't have to do it all the time, like @christine's plan (who is doing amaaaazing!!!) where you just fit it around you schedule.

    GO GO TEAM!!!

    thank you so much, this life style is very doable and has been very encouraging for me.

    We can do this!! Take care
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Happy new weekly post :smiley: You're doing awesome! You keep coming back, you keep putting in the work, you keep learning and listening to your body, you keep making positive changes to make your body feel good and it's definitely showing on the outside, too :)

    As the crazy, busy holiday season approaches, use your new finely tuned and honed fasting skills to change your mindset about food. Food can be enjoyed, holidays don't have to be a season of voluntary weight gain before NYE resolutions, look forward to maintenance and feeling in control!

    You can dooooo it!

    @thecarbmonster So great to be greeted by your post today! Thx for the encouragement.

    Today and tomorrow are fast days. Trying to keep busy, trying to just stick to the plan. Thinking of all of you encourages me to keep at it!

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    debbie389 wrote: »
    ...I think I'm sabotaging myself, as everyone is telling me I'm looking great now...
    Understood...no more nice comments...

    Your hideous...sorry, but I must turn away now.

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    angela233Z wrote: »
    ...I remember when I first started 5:2, I would not even think of the whole day, I would measure my success in hours. Like can I fast for one more hour? and by the end of the day, I was successful...
    Ang, you should have just had a "bing" go off in your brain...you just hit the nail on the head. I have done some ridiculous fasts and when I look back at them and try to remember how I did it, that's how I did it (what you just said). You already have your answer.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    You're all remarkable women...let's all move to Utah and get married!

    Wait, let me make sure it's ok with my wife first...I'll get back to yall on this.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    @debbie389 @carlsoda @snaps27 bummed to hear you're having tough days! when i feel that fear creeping in that it's going to get harder, I have to remember to take it one day at a time. When I struggling with my depression at it's worst, the thought of another day, another week, another anything was suffocating. my therapist had me focus on today, and today only. not just "I only have to worry about getting through today", but that I only need to worry about things when they come along. I don't have to brace myself and prepare for everything and worry so much ahead of time (does that make sense??). Anyways, how's it's translated to this diet and why it's fitting in for me is that SHIZ HAPPENS. Bad eating days, over-enjoying, bingeing, etc...none of that matters NOW. In a weird way, I almost use NOW proactively to prepare for the things that could come up instead of needlessly worrying or sabotaging myself. If I'm going to look forward at the possible stumbling blocks, instead of using them as reasons to stop or "why bother" or "I'll just gain it back then, so I might as well eat now, too", I just use them to plan. I'll do more now, when I do feel in control and can, and then those things that pop are like rewards or cashing in on the hard work.

    Not sure this really helps...but just wanted to share what has been clicking for me. I feel empowered adding more fast days, so maybe it'll help you, too. But you don't have to do it all the time, like @christine's plan (who is doing amaaaazing!!!) where you just fit it around you schedule.

    GO GO TEAM!!!

    Thanks @carbmonster, that's great advice and I'm going to take it and just work on 1 day at a time again.
    orlcam wrote: »
    debbie389 wrote: »
    ...I think I'm sabotaging myself, as everyone is telling me I'm looking great now...
    Understood...no more nice comments...

    Your hideous...sorry, but I must turn away now.

    @orlcam, you crack me up.
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    2nd fast today. Going to concentrate on today and no further. Already logged what I'm having and when. Though fast days aren't a problem for me.

    Maybe I should use the same philosophy for feast days that I use for fast days, and plan them. Or at least for a few days.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    some great motivation and tipps here! I am on my second week, first fast day and feel good. Lots of tea beside me. Yesterday I didn´t have breakfast and lunch due to work and not really being hungry. Since we planned to go out for dinner In thought, hm, then I could fast until then.

    Exactly the testing thing you described above. But then I did the "mistake" (only for me) to eat some raspberries and that was it. I wanted more and started eating small things, an egg, some cookies that we made on the weekend...you get the idea. I am clearly not made for just having a bite or a little bit.

    So fasting until dinner is best for me and now I have my proof :-D
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    All these comments about being in the now, being present, thinking in terms of hours...sounds like a 12 step program! The most important thing is right now and the choices you make right now. Once you do something, it's done...you can't take it back. You can change, so you don't do it, or do do it again, but you can't undo it. So, if you blow an FD, change. If you succeed, understand why, so you can do it again. If you binge on a NFD, accept it and figure out what you can do to change it. The point is, don't beat yourself up...learn.

    Today is my FD, and it will be difficult because I will be with a bunch of people fixing houses in Crisfield, MD. It's also the last 4 days of Whole30, which gives me the motivation to stick with it. It's all about choice and my willingness to exercise that choice to my benefit. Will let you know how it goes.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yesterday's fast turned out pretty well..I ended up having a small amount of ice cream before bed as I was pretty hungry..but my calories did come in under 700 and I did burn 250 calories biking. Even though you are not supposed to eat back your exercise calories on a fast day I made an except since I'm detoxing off sugar :)

    But..on the positive side I'm challenging myself to reduce added sugar in my diet...a weak version on Whole30! I've been eating far too much sugar which has resulted in the scale going in the wrong direction. I can come up with a million excuses why I'm craving sugar..but ultimately it's not helping me in any which way. It certainly doesn't reduce the stress at work! I need some reprogramming of the brain here!

    Today plan is:

    1. Eat to TDEE (1,620 calories)
    2. Walk 12,000 steps
    3. Lift weights after work
    4. IF I'm craving sugar, I need to wait until after dinner and only have a serving size (ie: ice cream) if I have enough calories left. No mindlessly eating anything sugar laden at work anymore!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited November 2014
    debbie389 wrote: »
    2nd fast today. Going to concentrate on today and no further. Already logged what I'm having and when. Though fast days aren't a problem for me.

    Maybe I should use the same philosophy for feast days that I use for fast days, and plan them. Or at least for a few days.

    Sometimes it helps to focus on just the next hour, as in, for the next hour I will do the wash (this is just me, I am all about accomplishing tasks especially those around the house. :) ). What gets me sidetracked is when I think the only answer to the discomfort I feel is eating. Sometimes the answer is to pick a task that is rewarding and that will occupy my time until I am able to let go of the need to eat.

    Great idea to plan for NFDs. For me, it takes the stress out of the day when I have a plan for it. Then when I get out of sorts, I can just say to myself, "What is the plan? Execute the plan."

  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2014
    Today is my 4th day of fasting (I am a newbie :| )

    Also today is the start of my 4:3 which is scheduled on Tues/Thurs/Saturday.

    Today I finished 533 (calories in) and I biked for an hour burning 384 calories (I know we do not count :( our calories out) However I feel that I did well and the 33 overage is okay.

    My goal tomorrow is to eat clean and sensibly to be within my TDEE.

    Good night to all!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014
    First off, congrats everyone who keeps loosing! You're inspiring me to keep going:)

    @carbmonster. I really like your advice about being in the present. I find that whenever I overfocus on "big" goals, ie. being too much in the future (I want to get back into skinny jeans) or lingering on the past (why did I eat those sweets), I'm actually priming myself for failure in the NOW.

    Chopping up the FD hour by hour, seems like a very good idea, making fasting a bit more manageable in the mind, at least. I'll use your trick today:)

    carlsoda wrote: »
    But..on the positive side I'm challenging myself to reduce added sugar in my diet...a weak version on Whole30! I've been eating far too much sugar which has resulted in the scale going in the wrong direction. I can come up with a million excuses why I'm craving sugar..but ultimately it's not helping me in any which way. It certainly doesn't reduce the stress at work! I need some reprogramming of the brain here!
    4. IF I'm craving sugar, I need to wait until after dinner and only have a serving size (ie: ice cream) if I have enough calories left. No mindlessly eating anything sugar laden at work anymore! (...)

    I'm doing a lot of research lately about low-carbing. We all know how carbs and FD doesn't go along well together. So lowering my carbs on NFD as well, was really just a natural next step for me.
    Maybe this article can inspire you?

    Note: I gradually reduced my intake of carbs. First to be removed were simple carbs, eating mostly complex carbs. Now I'm experimenting with really low carb.

    I'm not saying that everyone should low-carb or go keto. All I'm saying is that to keep an open mind about which eating protocols will give YOUR BODY the best fat loss result, according to your goals.

    Disclaimer: t-nation is a site for lifters. So a lot of the information in there is specific for those goals. So take what they're saying with a grain of salt, not too literal >:) I still think there are interesting thoughts floating around in communities who are VERY dedicated to how to most efficiently keep fat off and keep LBM as an overall goal.

    For those of us approaching maintenance:
    In the cliff points of the article, he mentions some supplements. In another article by another author, he recommends: chromium, vanadium, Ceylon cinnamon, r-ALA alpha linoic acid and Indigo 3G. I don't know if any of those supps work.

    Here's an overview of ideas on how to substitute carby foods with low-carb alternatives, which could be useful for FD:
    I know you love icecream, carlsoda...avocado icecream...? I haven't tried freezing full fat greek yoghurt to icecream either. Hmm, now I wanna get an icecream-maker!

  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited November 2014
    Week 9 tally: Total weight loss 9 kg (19.8 lbs) Over halfway...

    Week 1: 8.-14. September:
    SW 70 kg (154 lbs)
    BMI ca 27 Overweight range
    Smallest waist 92 cm (36.2 inches)
    Chest 95 cm (37.4 inches)
    Hips 102 cm (40.1 inches)
    Conclusion: Barrel shaped

    Week 9: 3.-9. November
    CW: 61 kg (134.5 lbs)
    BMI: 23.9 Healthy range
    Smallest waist: 80 cm (31.49 inches)
    Chest: 93.5 cm (36.8 inches)
    Hips: 97 cm (38.1 inches)
    Conclusion: Approaching curves again!

    So if you compare the measurements from SW to CW, I lost most in my waist, not in chest or hips. Although my BMI is within the healthy range now, I'm still a thin on the outside, fat on the inside, TOFI. I plan to slow down the weight loss within 3-5 kg of goal weight.

    To put things in perspective. I used to be chest 88 cm, waist 60 cm and hips 90 cm. I'm not sure if that's possible to get back...

    But I can't express how grateful I am to have found the IF and 5:2/16:8 eating protocols. It works!

    As many of you know I participated in a spinning instructor practical course last weekend. I was cycling roughly 11 hours in 4 days. Most of that was low intensity, but I managed to get up to 95% of oxygen intake TWICE during the more higher intensity phases. (We wore HRMs during cycling)

    I was worried that my bad knees wouldn't stand the massive strain during such long workout hours. But a combination of what I'm eating is clearly helping on the joints. I don't know what it is, lol. I have NO knee pain after the strenuous course.

    Interestingly enough, I didn't feel fatigued/lacking energy either. I suspect that doing such low carb for a while has primed me to use more fat while exercising. Though I'm pretty sure I'm NOT in ketosis. Mystery. Anyway, it was a great experience to feel no carb-crashing during such long hours of physical activity. The only variable that prevented me from doing more were my muscles. Sunday I was totally exhausted. Which tells me that I should probably do MORE low intensity workouts to exercise the slow-twitching muscle fibers = better endurance.

    Have a great week everyone and may the fasting gods be on our side:)
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Btw, I forgot to mention when low-carbing. You must eat more salt. If not, you get dizzy.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    @foamroller: thanks for such interesting posts. I'm going to have a look at the low carb ideas. I already know that when I cut out bread, I lose better.

    I've had a flu bug for about a week and think I have just about coughed out my lung linings! Today I'm fasting. Haven't got on scales but know I haven't been particularly mindful for a few days. DH has suggested we do an alcohol free November. I'm sure it will help...it will be the price I pay for being 11stone something by my birthday at the end of the year. 8lbs to go...it must be possible.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Great posts this week. I love how 5:2 is not just fasting, but making us study ourselves and what works for us. We are all different and once we look at ourselves and asking ourselves questions about what is working and not working we can really see success.

    I love the advise about taking one day at a time (not looking back or into the future). For years I would make charts..."if I lost 2lbs a week I would be X weight"...although I do like to set goals I can't stress myself over what might happen. I think it's also good advise for me in general because I tend to worry too much about everything and end up stuffing sweets in my mouth (without even tasting them or enjoying them). One day at a time, one hour at a time...only deal with what is on my plate today.

    Thanks everyone for reminding me of this!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Great posts everyone - lots to think about!!

    @foamroller - I will check out the article on t-nation. They have some pretty good stuff there so it will be interesting to explore more on low-carbing. I did manage to get my DH to switch from white rice to brown rice. Our main carb staple has been white rice since I gave up potatoes years ago but it's been hard to make the switch. But I like the approach of baby steps!

    Yesterday I did well and only went over by 15 calories, I also walked 10,000 steps and lifted weights! Today is a fasting day and planning to walk 12,000 steps and do some yoga at home tonight!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Great posts everyone - lots to think about!!

    @foamroller - I will check out the article on t-nation. They have some pretty good stuff there so it will be interesting to explore more on low-carbing. I did manage to get my DH to switch from white rice to brown rice. Our main carb staple has been white rice since I gave up potatoes years ago but it's been hard to make the switch. But I like the approach of baby steps!

    Yesterday I did well and only went over by 15 calories, I also walked 10,000 steps and lifted weights! Today is a fasting day and planning to walk 12,000 steps and do some yoga at home tonight!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!

    Carl, we have a team called Low Carb High Fat that is what they are doing. I am doing it on my feast days. Very low carbs close to none and food High in Fat. Amazon has a lot of free kindle books. My macro for carbs should only be 20% but I am still using 30%, I should drop this again now to at least 25%

    Plan for today Tuesday:

    Stay on my regular calories (a bit lower than the TDEE) 1400
    cardio for 2 hours and strength training

    Take care everybody.

    Fasting tomorrow.....
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Very good advise about not looking/planning too far in the future. I also tend to do this and get frustrated if it doesn´t work out like I had wished for. I think the specifics of the 5:2 diet help setting goals that are closer. At least for me it feels like I am more concentrating on the day. On fast days I just think about finishing it and don´t plan much ahead. Only in the evening I start thinking about breakfast the next morning :-D

    But it still amazes me, that on my NFD I can eat. This morning (yesterday was fast day) after my first job I was already thinking about some low calorie dinner solution and then my brain went like: It´s NFD and I got so happy. Silly happy.

    And tomorrow will be another FD and also that is cool.