November Challenge ~ Nov 3rd -- Nov 9th

cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups

15 Push Ups
24 Bicep Burners (8 full curls, 8 half curls, 8 full curls)
15 Shoulder Presses
15 Push Ups
15 Tricep Dips (chair dips)
15 Back Rows
15 Lateral Raises
10 Push Ups
15 Tricep Kickbacks
20 Tricep Pulse Backs

Repeat this circuit 2-3 times

Have a blast!!



  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Hi! taking it easy today as I went out and partied last night. Really unusual for us to that, but met some nice folks, wound up going to a few bars.... Will be working on this tomorrow!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    edited November 2014
    claram5415 wrote: »
    Hi! taking it easy today as I went out and partied last night. Really unusual for us to that, but met some nice folks, wound up going to a few bars.... Will be working on this tomorrow!

    Just glad you found us. Been having issues with the site, connection, etc. I am not sure when my back will be up to working out. But soon I hope. :blush:

    Chris, I think this is a great one! :a


  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Found you :wink:
  • Hello! I've been MIA during my busy month of Oct! Went to Atlanta this past weekend to visit daughter for 31st birthday. It was a great visit! But ate too much! Back on track today.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Hi Lynette and Tracy. Glad you found us. Not sure I am liking this. But giving it a try. Just figured out how to add Chris so she could be a "leader".

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Good morning. October was not a good month for me. But I'm not giving up. Found the group this morning and will try to get off to a good start. I love the challenge Shelley. Hope your back gets better soon.

    I'm going to include walking and tennis with the challenge. Our winter tennis season starts this week. If it's cold outside I will use my DVDs to keep me on track. Good luck ladies.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    Checking in [salute]...

    Hope November heralds a new start for many of us. The challenge looks great!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    October was a bad month for me also. I am on an anti-inflammatory medication, Naproxen. Seems to be helping. So for those of you who also mentioned October being a bad month, I agree. November is going to be a great one. I am going to walk lots today and do light house work. Hopefully I can ease into the challenge Chris put up for us.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    So glad to see everybody! What an adventure this has been...not!! :p

    We will all do great this month! (*) (*)

    I have the gym w/DD and trainer tonight. I'll see what part of our challenge is covered and then do the rest when I get home. I also have to get in my steps on gym days...can we say lazy-butt?? Only 47 days until the wedding. That's 6 weeks and 5 days! Egad!

    Well, back to what they pay me for...bwahahahah! :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Lazy-butt, yep I can say it. But why should I say it Chris? :wink: I took a short walk with my boys. Doc said slow, so I went slow. Hardly any pain. So back to work for me in the morning.

    47 days, stay strong Chris. You got this. So are you guys going to continue with your gym routine after the wedding? I sure hope you do. :l

    My meds made me really dizzy, :dizzy_face: So I have not taken the pain killer this afternoon. So do not like that feeling!

    Stay strong everyone!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Shelley - the meds I have to take for the dentist make me dumb...and forgetful...and, well, dumb! Hope you're feeling well enough to not have to take them. 47 days...5 pounds...we'll see. I gotta do this. (*)

    We have the trainer for a couple weeks past the wedding. I want to continue with her...pricy, but I love it! <3

    Got to get our challenge done and some steps in...

    Later, my friends,


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    I completed the challenge x2 today. I walked about 2 miles this afternoon.

    Shelley - I've taken Naproxen is very strong. Take care of yourself.

    Chris - Enjoy the trainer. That's how I feel when I take extra lessons from one of the tennis coaches.

    Going into the office tomorrow and tennis practice tomorrow evening.

    Good night, Kathy
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Kathy I am glad I finally went in. Kept thinking I would get better. But when I struggled to pick up a small dog, and even had to get help once.....Well it was time to go in.

    Chris I am continuing with the anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxed for now. So done with the codeine. And I agree, I feel dumb. How can people want to be like this?

    You and Kathy enjoy your trainers while you can. And eat your famous soups more to drop that 5 pounds!


    PS, algae is still slowly disappearing! :heart:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Thanks, Kathy and Shelley...our trainer worked us hard and for much longer than our normal session.

    Got our challenge done once before I left for the gym. Enough push ups today to last me a good long while!! We go for a dress fitting w/the seamstress tomorrow so I don't know what I'll be able to do. Also it's voting day...

    Okay, got to get to bed before I fall asleep at the computer and get my forehead dented with the keyboard keys...

    Back tomorrow!

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Good morning everyone! Feeling much better than on Sunday, got my weight lifting done, off to the gym for cardio this am. Have put in my 30 notice to discontinue with my personal training. I've enjoyed it for 3 years, but my lady quit and the replacement could only offer me a Friday night slot. I want to be able to go out on Friday night and after 3 years it would seem they could find one of the trainers with a spot that fits my schedule better. I think I've learned enough to do things on my own, and I have our great challenges!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Tennis practice this evening - 90 minutes. I have to get use to playing under the lights again. When I got home I completed one round of the challenge. Feeling pretty good.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Chris I hope fitting went well. :wink:

    Clara sorry about your trainer. You can continue on your own until a trainer becomes available. :blush:

    Kathy great practice. You rocked it. :w

    I went to work today. Took it easy. Slowly getting back to myself. Zumba tomorrow. Hoping to be able to go. Hope everyone voted.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Fitted, voted, woke up late. Must go now...back this evening.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Shelley, glad you're feeling better.
    Chris, sounds like you had a busy day.
    I slept late so will have to fit a walk in sometime today.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    I only vote so I can have the right to complain! Muahahaha So tell me about the fitting Chris.

    Clara I so want to sleep late! :smiley:

    Zumba is tonight. I am so excited. Going to try and get in an extra walk also.
