November Challenge ~ Nov 3rd -- Nov 9th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Well all I got in was my zumba. It was fun. My back is a bit sore and stiff. But getting better. :wink:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Shelley -- Her dress is beautiful!! It fits her perfectly. They marked where to put the hooks on the back so we can get the dress up out of her way during the reception, and they are going to move a hook and eye, so it's easier to hook at the top of the zipper. I won't have my dress altered until the beginning of December.

    Sorry...Traffic was awful the entire commute home then I got sidetracked with Bean and grocery shopping. The kids are at a wedding-planning-scheduling meeting and we are puppysitting. I didn't get anything done today. Tomorrow is the gym, and I'm hoping to get our challenge down before we leave.

    Back then...have a great Thursday, everyone!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    Shelley - I was one of the people who got Naproxyn before it was OTC. It kicked my crippling arthritis. Hope you feel better soon. Congrats on your un-blooming tank!

    Clara Kathy & Chris - good job on all your working out. I love the new challenge (well, except for the "repeat 2-3 x's part") but am stuck in lazy-butt mode. No legitimate excuse, just exhausted.

    :heart: Paula :heart:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    Shelley: The group pictures shows your boys lolling in the sun and the weather channel says you're getting hit by an arctic blast. How did that happen so fast?
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Paula, we all just do what we can. Maybe just do 1 round of the challenge and not the repeat part until you are more in the mode.
    I didn't do anything yesterday but did get in a workout this morning.
    Having to deal with workmen replacing sheetrock and painting after a pipe leaked. And to top it off, another workman, that has done work in the past for me,came by and cursed at the sheetrock guy. He's a good guy but has been coming around drunk. I have checked into it and if he comes around, I'm going to call my local deputies and issue a crimminal trespass warning to him. When he's sober he does great work, and we were hoping he was getting himself straightened out, but when he comes around and scares other people, it's time for him to go.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Hello all. I finally found the group. Hate this no search for groups issue. But I am here and hope to get active. Love that you are feeling better Shelley. Paula - you and me better get our butts in gear. Little by little we can make this a routine and daily habit. I want to play tennis still Chris but haven't found a buddy yet. Still asking around. Clara - you can do it now without a trainer. I think I need one though that would show up at my house at night and force me into a workout. I am not sure where to find one of those.
    - Have a great day
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    I had a good day...60 minute tennis lesson and the challenge x2.

    Shelley - I hope your back continues to get better.

    Chris - i can't wait to see pictures of your daughter in her dress...and you too of course :)

    Paula - I've been in "lazy butt" mode for about 2 months. I completely understand

    Kim - glad you found us
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Paula that picture is a month or two old. It is of 3 of my darlings and my grand dog. I took the picture to show my daughter they do get along. Paula every time I start to climb out of my lazy mode I injure myself! Hoping to beat the slump this time. My new phosphate reactor arrived today. It fits behind the back of the tank. I will hook it up tomorrow. :blush: Thanks for the well wishes.

    Sounds beautiful Chris! Can hardly wait to see pictures! :smiley:

    Kim I am so sorry. I should have sent you an invite. To busy feeling sorry for myself. Muahaha. I am there with you, still looking for my mojo. Zumba is helping.

    Clara good luck with your sheetrock. Having someone trespassed is a bit more than a warning. At least it is here. I would not want him around either. Wish you all the best.

    Kathy my friend you and Chris have stayed so strong. You both inspire me. You may think you are in lazy butt mode, but tennis? So not lazy. You are rocking.

    Paula did you get my card? If so, I know it was bad. But I could not help myself. Please forgive me. :wink:

    I was over my calories tonight. So making tomorrow a great day.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    I can't put the pictures up yet because both DD and future DSIL can see any pictures I post.

    I'm pretty sure those of you who have misplaced your mojo will find it soon. I can't give up because my dress just fits. I want to lose seven pounds, so I don't have to worry about it touching my skin. My trouble spot is my stomach. I'm working on that.

    Got our challenge done once with a bunch of steps then went tot the gym with my daughter for 40 minutes. It was a good day. I have tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday off, so my plan is to work up a sweat for the next five days. :o What fun!

    I get to sleep past 3:30 a.m. tomorrow!! :D

    Hope you all have a great Friday.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Shelly the reason it's a trespass warning is that he hasn't been told yet that he's not welcome. Once I do that either verbally, or with a deputy around to give him a written warning, he won't be able to come around without getting arrested. Last time I saw him he was sober and did a good job. But he can't seem to stay on the wagon, so he'll have to go. It's a shame.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Did my workout this am and tonight will either go to get DH a new car or go to the gym. Depends on DH and if he's gotten his paperwork done.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    New car! New car! New car! New car! New car! New car!

    When I was 21, I had a '69 Camero 327, 4 speed, with a dual feed-holy and a radical cam...I don't know what those first husband was a mechanic and did things that made my car go really, really fast...I loved it. I traded it in on a 280Z...I loved it too! Then I had kids...Mom cars all the way around. Now I see the new Cameros and I drool...saw a deep red one with black stripes last night and it all the markings of a jet-fast car!! **jealous**

    I get in my Sonata and dream...

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Challenge x3 completed. Adding in some planks to keep the abs strong this winter. Really trying to get back at it regularly again. Just super busy with work and daughters senior year. I know, excuses, excuses but I am pooped lol.

    Off to California University of Pennsylvania Bright and early in the a.m. Nice three hour drive down so hopefully the yucky weather holds off.

    God night ladies.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Lynette - I remember those days. Hope everything went according to plan.

    Got the challenge done and about 8,000 more steps. Had Bean for the day, and he's here for a puppy sleepover! We didn't go walking. The teachers stayed at the school too long, and it got too dark. Gym tomorrow morning, lunch w/DD and a friend then shopping. It'll be a fun day!

    Everyone have a great Saturday.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Yep, the new car is pretty sweet. I'll post a picture of it later. Off to the gym and then a friend is having an old fashioned tea party. Have a great Saturday!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Oh Chris I need to get back into the gym.....SOON!!!!!

    Clara how fun to get a new car.

    The Cal U visit went well. DD decided to apply today (fee free) and their program seems like a good fit for her. Crossing our fingers she hears soon from Malone and Cal U also.

    Challenge x2 weighted and completed.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    We had our first match of the winter season. It went well, we won 2 of 3. I did not play today. My doubles partner and I were there to lead the cheers and support the team. I believe we play next week.

    Today was a rest day.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Love working out w/DD at the gym! Got the gym done then walked w/DH and Bean then DD and I had lunch with a friend then we shopped a LOT!!!! It was so fun and my feet are talking about it! Tomorrow is DD and future SIL's Couples Shower. It should be fun. We'll go early to help set up.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Well, went to the tea party and avoided all the sweets. Went and picked up DH's new car with windows tinted and then went looking for a new dining room table. (have been saving for a long time and now it's time to get these things) wound up going out to eat and having 2 martinis and a bit of dinner. All good as far as eating but did not get to the gym so have to do that tomorrow.
    Chris, sounds like you had a great day.
    Lynette, college visits seem to be going well and good going on the challenge.
    Have a good night everyone!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Up bright and early to knock out the challenge x3 with 3 one minute planks and some leg lifts.

    We have a Vera Bradley BINGO (all the prizes are Vera items) this afternoon for the Marching Band so need to get motivated early today.

    Chris have fun at the shower and take lots of pics.

    Enjoy your day ladies :heart:
