November Challenge ~ Nov 10th -- Nov 17th



  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Challenge completed x2 this a.m. We are celebrating Thanksgiving at my MILs this afternoon due to them and us being out of town next week. Exactly 7 days from today I will be in CANCUN!!!! I am sooooo ready for some time away. Just hoping the weather allows our drive to Cleveland and the plane to depart on time.

    We did get more snow last night but it is very pretty out there. Love this kind of sparkly snow but would enjoy it more if it could be warm too lol

    Enjoy your day ladies. Get up, get moving :smiley:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Paula I am getting out my whip. No more lazy bumblebees. Time to shake out tail feathers instead. Now give me some pushups and cardio! :p

    Lynette that sounds so fun. You enjoy your time off. :blush: Caccun sounds exciting. :smile:

    Did my kettles and walked the boys. They kept getting ice between their toes. :confounded: It was 7 degrees outside. But they still had fun.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Shelley -- I can't even imagine 7 degrees. I whine at 60!!

    Lynnette -- I'm jealous! Have a blast in Cancun! We need pictures!

    Paula -- Off your fanny, my friend! Just tell yourself you're going to do five minutes ...then five more...or do a countdown...96 reps to 12...84 to 12...72 to're at 00 to do in no time!!! Or start at the bottom of the list and work your way to the top...Mind games are necessary!! You can do this...I know you can.

    Today I walked two miles with DD, future SIL, DH and Bean!! DD isn't feeling all that great and her voice is still missing. We walked until she was feeling yucky. Then I went out by myself for 4.5 miles in 64 minutes! I posted it at 4.5 miles an hour!!!!

    The boys picked up our new screen door today. I'm hoping it gets installed this week. We have a Casper screen at the front door, but the wind is too much for it. We went with a security screen door this time.

    Sunday will be great!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Chris we had to put a metal plate on a screen door once to keep the wind from constantly tearing it apart. I sure hope she feels better soon. No fun. But glad you were able to get in a walk. Just no more whining at nice weather! You make me so envious.

    Off to bed, have a great Sunday everyone!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    DD was feeling and sounding a little better this morning. We got out there and did 4.5 miles. It was a good walk. DH went with future SIL and they got fitted for their tuxes.

    I went grocery shopping and made a new Chicken Curry Soup...I think it was supposed to be a stew in the crock pot, but I did it on the stove. Pretty tasty. I changed it up a bit. I will do it again a little differently. It has a diced potato in it and the silly recipe calls for it to slow cook for 6 hours...I don't know of any diced potato that will last 6 hours without turning to mush, I don't care how low the heat is. I'll see how it is tomorrow.

    I'm going to read and just sit here. We have the gym tomorrow. Our trainer threatened up with a really tough workout because we only went once last week instead of three times. She has no pity.

    See you all tomorrow!


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Worked yesterday and then went to a friends birthday party. Lots of fun. They had a craps table and we enjoyed Las Vegas style gambling without spending any real money. Good idea as it got all the guests gathered around doing something together. Stayed real late and spent today resting and recovering.
    Shelly-7 degrees! You must live way in the north!
    Chris- the chicken curry soup sounds great!
    Good night, all!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    edited November 2014
    Clara, what a beaut!!!

    Chris, curry chicken soup recipe please, sounds yummmmers!

    Did my 10 pushups and 13 curls. Seems wimpy but flashed back to last year when my wall pushups were six inches from the wall. Now they're 36 inches. And my curls were 1# soup cans, now they're 8#. But couldn't lift a five gallon water bottle over my head today, need to beef up!

    Shelley, I know I speak for Chris also in saying you are welcome to come visit anytime! That way you don't need to be envious. :bigsmile:

    Lynnette: pictures!!! Make Shelley envious. :smiley:

    :heart: Paula :heart:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Hello everyone. Sorry busy weekend. My team won on Saturday however my doubles partner and I lost our match. We won the first set then totally fell apart. :( We were so upset with ourselves that we got up and practiced for 2 hours on Sunday. Can't wait to get back on the court. I've also kept up with the challenge. I really like this one.

    Shelley - You're so right I have to watch my meals and remember my goals. Very glad you're doing better. :) I'm getting my DVDs out to start using them again. The weather here is crazy.

    Chris - You're doing great as usual. Curry Chicken Soup sounds wonderful.

    Lynette - Enjoy Cancun...jealous :)

    Clara - Gambling party...sounds like fun.

    Paula - Keep up the good're going to have great tank top arms.

    Have a great Monday, Kathy
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wait...a...minute...did MFP just move My Groups back to the front page or have they been there all along and I've just been wearing a dunce cap?? I just saw it now! I liked it better right under the list of groups, but I can work with this...

    Paula you want me to post the recipe here? or ??

    I have the gym tonight w/DD, so I'll be back.

    eck...I'm having food issues today...



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    edited November 2014
    Chris stay strong. You are almost at the finish line! :wink:

    Guys I am really busy the next couple of days. Be back when I can.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Wait...a...minute...did MFP just move My Groups back to the front page or have they been there all along and I've just been wearing a dunce cap?? I just saw it now! I liked it better right under the list of groups, but I can work with this...

    Paula you want me to post the recipe here? or ??

    I have the gym tonight w/DD, so I'll be back.

    eck...I'm having food issues today...



    They did move them but it's less clicks so that's kinda cool. No one's posting on the entry for this week so I think post it on the new week.