23/11/2014 to 29/11/2014 Weekly Post



  • Calahonda1984

    Welcome to the group. Do you weigh and log everything you have been eating? And do you eat up to or near your TDEE on nonfast days and stay close to your 500 cals. on fast days? I feel it helps to weigh and measure everything when you are starting 5:2. I do know that some on here don't but I feel that's the only way to get a true handle on how much you really are eating.[/quote]

    Hi loveswalking! Yes, I have my little scales int eh kitchen where I weigh my food. My TDEE is around 1700, should I be eating this amount on non fast days then or eating under it but over my BMR of 1400?

    I am aiming for 500cals on my fast days x
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Snaps - hope you feel better soon! So not fun being sick!! :\

    Calahonda - eat to your TDEE on non-fast days (1,700 calories) and 500 on your fast days. They do recommend you do not weigh yourself for the first month as your weight is going to bounce up and down..I'm sure it's all due to water retention!

    Cindy, my fast days are Monday and Wednesday. They are my busiest days of the week at work so it works out perfect for fasting. I don't think you necessarily need to have two days in between fasts. I know some people that fast back to back! And it doesn't matter when you get your calories in on a fast day...you can spread it out or have it all at once. I spread mine out starting at 1:00 pm with some soup and finish up at 7:00 pm with a salad and some sort of protein. :)

    - - - - - - -

    Today is my non-fast day so eating to my TDEE (1,650 calories) and tomorrow will be my last fast of the week. Yesterday's fast was super successful (yay!!) and so far I'm feeling under control today! My problem in the past has been eating far too much on non-fast days, but I'm working to get it under control one non-fast day at a time! :)

    I hope everyone has a truly wonderful day!! :)
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    edited November 2014
    Great to be here, I'm encouraged reading everyone's posts. Yesterday's first fast day was easier than I expected, and it was even a carido day for me. I work from home, so I was really worried that I'd be drawn to the kitchen by habit more than hunger. On my lunch break I took a nap, so didn't miss eating at all :)

    According to the 5:2 website, my TDEE is 1995 cals - that's a lot of food!! So I'm kind of excited for today!

    Blessings to you guys - have a great day.
  • Calahonda1984
    carlsoda - Thanks! Yes, I need to not weigh myself for a while, I was getting so obsessed with it before I started the 5:2 diet. I was weighing myself more or less every day which is silly. I need to snap out of that habit!
    - Have a great day enjoying those 1,650 cals :blush:

    maphammonds - wow, cardio on a fast day! Great idea to have a nap on your lunch break, I think I may take that advice! Enjoy your 1,995 cals today!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Oh, snaps, hope you feel better soon. Not fun to be out of whack. :frowning:
  • mwhite61451
    mwhite61451 Posts: 209 Member
    edited November 2014
    Am suspending 5:2, whole30, exercise until this F(*king cold goes away! Same symptoms as Snap
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Snaps/mwhite: Get better soon both of you! You do need rest and good nutrition to beat any illness including lots of water!

    Today is my Friday at work (yay!) and hoping we get out early...we usually do! It's also snowing here today (boo!) so we'll have a white Thanksgiving. Gosh winter came so early this year!

    Since I won't be at work now until Monday, I won't be around much. I don't like posting on MFP via my iPad because the typing takes far too long for my patience :) But I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and weekend!

    I'll be back fasting on Monday morning!!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I've kicked my fever but every time I try to swallow it hurts like a mother--. It is helping me not to eat too much...it hurts too badly. Guess that's a good thing :\ . I'm so so glad I don't have thanksgiving here (although I miss it terribly) I would be so angry if I couldn't enjoy my turkey day. Please tell me how you all are celebrating so I can live vicariously through you. Enjoy your day all of you and thinking of you all <3 .
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    snaps and mwhite - Hope you both feel alot better soon!

    My second fast day this week is coming to an end. Really loving my homemade soups. They really get me through the fast day successfully. Might do a third one on Friday. One more portion of soup left in the fridge. So that would be a good start ;-)

    To all Thursday fasters - have a great day!
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    Happy hump day everyone! This week I am doing 3:4 on MWF to make up for last week when I only fasted once. My first time trying a 3:4, and I was so hungry at lunch today that I ate ALL my calories in one sitting. What was I thinking? Now it's 7pm and I am drinking rooibos tea by the gallon, I think I can hang on until bedtime!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Happy hump day everyone! This week I am doing 3:4 on MWF to make up for last week when I only fasted once. My first time trying a 3:4, and I was so hungry at lunch today that I ate ALL my calories in one sitting. What was I thinking? Now it's 7pm and I am drinking rooibos tea by the gallon, I think I can hang on until bedtime!

    Hang in there gle! Morning will be here before you know it.

  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    jknight001 wrote: »
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Happy hump day everyone! This week I am doing 3:4 on MWF to make up for last week when I only fasted once. My first time trying a 3:4, and I was so hungry at lunch today that I ate ALL my calories in one sitting. What was I thinking? Now it's 7pm and I am drinking rooibos tea by the gallon, I think I can hang on until bedtime!

    Hang in there gle! Morning will be here before you know it.

    Thank you jk, you are the best :-)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited November 2014
    gle8442 wrote: »
    jknight001 wrote: »
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Happy hump day everyone! This week I am doing 3:4 on MWF to make up for last week when I only fasted once. My first time trying a 3:4, and I was so hungry at lunch today that I ate ALL my calories in one sitting. What was I thinking? Now it's 7pm and I am drinking rooibos tea by the gallon, I think I can hang on until bedtime!

    Hang in there gle! Morning will be here before you know it.

    Thank you jk, you are the best :-)

    So are you.
  • Calahonda1984
    gle8442 wrote: »
    Happy hump day everyone! This week I am doing 3:4 on MWF to make up for last week when I only fasted once. My first time trying a 3:4, and I was so hungry at lunch today that I ate ALL my calories in one sitting. What was I thinking? Now it's 7pm and I am drinking rooibos tea by the gallon, I think I can hang on until bedtime!
    Did you make it until bedtime gle?

    Today is a fast day for me, I managed to have a lie in this morning which helps! I'm going to keep myself really busy today with spreadsheets and try not to eat much until around 6pm so that I can enjoy some yummy prawns I bought yesterday. Maybe just a low cal yoghurt late afternoon!

    Hope you're on the mend, snaps and mwhite... a little suspicious you're both sick with the same bug eh? Hee hee!

    Who else is fasting today and what do you do to get you through the hours? x
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    Did you make it until bedtime gle?

    I did it! And this morning the scale read a full pound lower than I have ever seen before. I put this mostly down to not eating for ~18 hours before getting on the scale but it was still very good motivation to keep going and to try to do that Friday fast too, if I can!
  • Calahonda1984
    Great! all need that motivation :) I'm hoping to see some results soon too!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I had a half-hearted fast day on Monday, but I was coming down with a cold so I didnt stick to it very well. In fitness news I ran a new PB at last Saturday's parkrun (25:10!), which I'm thrilled about. I had to go to the doctor today, and will need some tests on my bone denisty and calcium levels. So I'm going to make sure I eat planty of calcium rich foods each day - Greek yoghurt, sardines, spinach, almonds.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    PS lovely new banner, thank you!!!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited November 2014
    Being a size 36 is getting to be expensive....was invited to a VIP Sale at a good clothing store just over the boarder. 10-20% off and I get taxes back, so much cheaper than in Switzerland...but still not free B)

    They served champagne and salmon crostini and other yummy stuff too...so over today, but third fast planned for tomorrow. Should take care of the extra cals today.

    High black boots with a bit of cowboy flair for Orlcam :p
    ....a pair of braun skinny jeans
    ....and a nice soft turtle neck sweater, both of which match the new blazer I got at last weeks make over ;-)

    Shopping is just sooo much more fun at a German size 36/38 than at a size 48!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I'm all better now and am attempting...duh, duh, duh...a weekend fast. I don't know if I'm just setting myself up for failure, but we will see. Hope everyone that had a Thanksgiving had a good one and all of you that braved BLACK FRIDAY came/come back alive :o .