New to EM2WL?? Read this!!!



  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined. I'm at a plateau and have been for the past 4 months. Next week I go in for surgery on my neck and then afterwards PT which will help strengthen what I've lost in my arms. I've been walking and will be able to walk after the surgery just not right away. So my start will be later in the month or starting in May, but am curious to see the results. Would love some new friends who are at this stage, too, so we can help each other out. Thanks and good luck to everyone!
  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    I NEED FRIENDS! Add me if you want! ;)

    I would be happy to be your friend. Letsjustgetitdone!
  • MzPanDuh
    MzPanDuh Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm new to the group but not to the site. I'm currently working on dropping a few pound and inches however its extremely hard for me since I have such a horrible eating habit. Mainly cause I just can't seem to get enough calories. Currently I'm supposed to be getting about 1900 cals a day but I'm barely getting 1200 and what makes matters worse is I'm hardly hungry. I hope there are ways that can be supplied to me that will help me to eat more so my body will let go of the pounds that I'm working really hard to get rid of.
  • NewDeb16
    NewDeb16 Posts: 232 Member
    @MzPanDuh ...I was advised to incorporate more nuts and nut butters into my diet. I too struggle trying to meet my goal. Avocados are high in calories too and good for you. Like you, I'm new to the group and I'm learning here too.
  • batgirlqt3
    batgirlqt3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone....I am new and thanks for being here for me. I am 47 yrs. old. and last year I was at a good weight of 144 lbs. I was using myfitness then, going to gym & had a trainer. Over this past summer I had testing and brain surgery so I had to recuperate and the lbs. came on. When I was younger they were easier to lose. I lost 6 lbs. already, but have hit that plateau of 150 lbs. I have a sit down job and have JUST started walking on treadmill as recuperation takes a long time overall. I love Quest protein shakes. I am unsure of calories, proteins, carbs, etc. I don't have a trainer anymore to advise me...I hope someone will help me out. This is taking too long now!!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    batgirlqt3 wrote: »
    Hello everyone....I am new and thanks for being here for me. I am 47 yrs. old. and last year I was at a good weight of 144 lbs. I was using myfitness then, going to gym & had a trainer. Over this past summer I had testing and brain surgery so I had to recuperate and the lbs. came on. When I was younger they were easier to lose. I lost 6 lbs. already, but have hit that plateau of 150 lbs. I have a sit down job and have JUST started walking on treadmill as recuperation takes a long time overall. I love Quest protein shakes. I am unsure of calories, proteins, carbs, etc. I don't have a trainer anymore to advise me...I hope someone will help me out. This is taking too long now!!!

    Go to my profile page and download the spreadsheet - Just my TDEE and Deficit Please.
    Be honest with your daily activity level, and your realistic amount of exercise you can do (sounds like that could start increasing fast as recovery happens though).

    Follow directions at bottom.

    Except, if you discover you were eating well below TDEE just to lose those 6 lbs and are still eating low - read the links about doing a reset and eat at TDEE.
    Increasing daily calories on weekly basis slowly up to TDEE gives body a chance to speed up as you are eating more.
  • RogueNanna
    RogueNanna Posts: 23 Member

    I'm 56 and have been using mfp for a couple of years. My shift from calorie restriction to giving my body a more efficient fuel source began a few months ago. I have maintained a 20 lb weight loss over the past year with some fluctuations. I estimate my bmi to be about 50% fat.

    I have hit a plateau and am experiencing pre-diabetic blood glucose levels. I know that I need to get moving in order to get healthy. I rested on my laurels ( a fairly muscular body underneath all the fat ) for a long time after several physical traumas, but inactivity has caught up with me.

    I am hoping that this group can help me make the transition from inactivity, to using weight bearing exercise in a safe and progressive way. A gym membership is out of the question. I have to use what I have at home; bands and light weights(for now).

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Bands, light weight, and more importantly bodyweight can get you pretty far on many muscles.
    Legs will lose out first.

    Here's a program setup, when you click on the workouts, there's body weight and dumbbells. Pick one of the orders, depending if your back or chest needs more help you figure.

    Note the guidelines at the bottom for use. Try to get 3 x 15-20 reps with good form at start, increase weight until it's really hard on last reps, barely keeping good form. 3 x weekly.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Kerrymac14 wrote: »
    Well hello, I am new and I really have problems with eating enough. I just started exercises but, with my bad back it is really hard to lose the weight. Plus, I run out of food. Being on disability. I am trying to save money for food later In the month. So......I need some help

    I don't know how mobile you are, but find a vegetable stand in your area. You'll save a nice chunk of change compared to a supermarket. My vegetable stand pusher gave me her cell and I text her my order and she let's me know when it's ready.
    New here also and trying to stay within the MFP guidelines but it's difficult. I had a 800 calorie deficit yesterday. Would like to half that without affecting my other numbers negatively.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    The idea to eat more to lose weight is very new to me. I just started with a new trainer guy and he had me to a BodPod. He said that I need to eat 2500 calories a day and that is only marking me as lightly active. He wants me to keep cardio to only brisk walking and focus on strength training 3x a week. I was really just like what?!? Eat more and burn less calories? It is the opposite of what I've been told with all my past doctors and dietitians (been trying to lose weight for 10 years after my last child was born with no success).
    But he said that my body needs at least 1650 calories to function properly....then add calories for everything I do....that I've been starving my body for 10 years. I guess I was starving myself if these numbers are true. My normal calorie intake daily was about 1450. In the past as low as 1,000 -1200. Because I kept being told eat less and workout more...and by workout...more cardio...longer cardio...cardio cardio cardio. Which is hard / pain for me since I have asthma.
    I will say 2 of this new plan. I am feeling good! More awake and energy. Not getting the mid-day lull where I wanna take a nap. I'm not craving anything. (my previous diet person had me capping my fats, sugars, and carbs....even if they were the good ones mono fats, or from fresh fruit...and I was craving fat and sugar of any kind all the time). My new plan doesn't have any caps on things. Just if I eat trans and limited sats....otherwise eat away. It seems so simple and easy...too good to be true. lol. I am feeling more confidant though that this just might be what I needed these last 10 years now that I've read these posts and am doing research into the idea.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    scaryann1 wrote: »
    I started my weight loss journey like so many people have, decreasing how much I ate. To the point where my daily average calorie intake was at 500 calories. Every time I tried to tell my doctors I wasn't losing weight their reply was always: "you're simply eating too much". Thirty-two years ago, I stopped eating breakfast. Thirty years ago I stopped eating lunch. About twenty-two years ago I started eating every other day. Finally I went back to eating at least one meal per day. By the time I graduated high school I was eating once a day and weighed 225 pounds. After graduation I had a brief time when I worked a very physical job (almost 3 years), I managed to get down to 185 pounds. But then after I was laid off from that job I started gaining again. I started bringing up the fact that I couldn't lose the weight to my doctors and every single one of them told me I was eating too much. So I would cut back on what I ate some more and packed on more weight.

    When I started using MFP in 2012, I was at an average of 500 calories a day and 305 pounds. I finally got a referral to a nutritionist. I currently have myself up to 1200 - 1500 calories a day. In six months I am down to 279 pounds! I never dreamt that it would be so hard to eat! In a way I would love to see some of those doctors that had me at 500 calories just so I can rub it in their faces. I'm currently considering upping my calories to 1600 per day now.

    I hear you. I've been trying to lose weight for 10 years now. I am currently up to 263ish. Every doctor in the past would say things like, "Well you don't look that bad", "Just eat less and workout more", etc. Even when I told them I was eating 1000 or less a day, had a very busy and active lifestyle, and was workout out 1-3 hours a day. I ended up becoming muscle fatigued, and feeling sick and tired all the time. Now, my new guy wants me to eat MORE and burn LESS. Minimal cardio - concentrate on strength training...and eat 2500 calories a day! I've just too early for results yet, but I am feeling weirdly great physically!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great trainer keeping up with research and new info. Well, not that new actually.

    Normal Dr's that get 1 course in nutrition and who knows how old that info already was, and unless they personally wanted to keep up on it - they are going by ancient ideas.

    Good job going along with it.

    Just a suggestion - increase calories slowly - give body a chance to catch up.

    Because if you are/were eating that low and not changing weight - that is your literal TDEE right now.
    Otherwise you'd be losing weight.
    It's suppressed from potential TDEE likely - but still your TDEE right now.

    So slow increase in eating levels - like 100 more daily for a week at a time, will cut the potential for fat gain which happens when eating more than body is burning.
    You jump up that 1000 calories daily extra - you will be gaining 2 lbs of fat a week until your body has sped up enough to remove that surplus - and that could take a month or more easily.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    edited May 2016
    trinty425 wrote: »
    scaryann1 wrote: »
    I started my weight loss journey like so many people have, decreasing how much I ate. To the point where my daily average calorie intake was at 500 calories. Every time I tried to tell my doctors I wasn't losing weight their reply was always: "you're simply eating too much". Thirty-two years ago, I stopped eating breakfast. Thirty years ago I stopped eating lunch. About twenty-two years ago I started eating every other day. Finally I went back to eating at least one meal per day. By the time I graduated high school I was eating once a day and weighed 225 pounds. After graduation I had a brief time when I worked a very physical job (almost 3 years), I managed to get down to 185 pounds. But then after I was laid off from that job I started gaining again. I started bringing up the fact that I couldn't lose the weight to my doctors and every single one of them told me I was eating too much. So I would cut back on what I ate some more and packed on more weight.

    When I started using MFP in 2012, I was at an average of 500 calories a day and 305 pounds. I finally got a referral to a nutritionist. I currently have myself up to 1200 - 1500 calories a day. In six months I am down to 279 pounds! I never dreamt that it would be so hard to eat! In a way I would love to see some of those doctors that had me at 500 calories just so I can rub it in their faces. I'm currently considering upping my calories to 1600 per day now.

    I hear you. I've been trying to lose weight for 10 years now. I am currently up to 263ish. Every doctor in the past would say things like, "Well you don't look that bad", "Just eat less and workout more", etc. Even when I told them I was eating 1000 or less a day, had a very busy and active lifestyle, and was workout out 1-3 hours a day. I ended up becoming muscle fatigued, and feeling sick and tired all the time. Now, my new guy wants me to eat MORE and burn LESS. Minimal cardio - concentrate on strength training...and eat 2500 calories a day! I've just too early for results yet, but I am feeling weirdly great physically!

    Yay for more calories! will definitely give you the right guidance to increase your calories to the level your body needs. You are on the right path!
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Hi Ptrevino! EM2WL is not about eating all that you want and still losing weight. It's about eating at a smaller deficit that is more sustainable for our bodies. We still eat LESS than what we burn, but instead of eating 1000 calories less per day, we might eat 400 calories less per day. A smaller deficit allows us to eat more, but still lose weight. The weight comes off slower, but it's sustainable and is something we can maintain for a lifetime. Welcome!

    That sums it all. Eating at a small deficit will help shed the extra weight while keeping the body going strong and healthy. Will help keep cravings under control while letting you enjoy life.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Just wanted to say Hi. I just joined today. So much to read but I am a long trip on the weekend so I will start then. I have already started my metabolism reset. Its going well so far. I am happy to be free of the restriction of diet, and happy to be following a new lifestyle.
    Not sure how long I will go before I try to lose again. I will be away for 5 weeks so if I can maintain through that then I will be pretty happy.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Welcome Jackie!
    Being free of the yo-yo dieting mentality is a great achievement! Loving your body thin is the best thing you can do. Using those 5 weeks you will be away to maintain and enjoy your life is the way to go.
    Since you will be doing some reading, the Eat More 2 Weigh Less site is the place to start ( There you will find everything you need to guide you through this journey and tons of support from people who went through the same.
  • ambergenett
    ambergenett Posts: 2 Member
    Hello hello hello everyone! Just joined the group, checked out all of the online stuff, etc. I had an online trainer that really pushed the concept of eating more food and weight training with minimal cardio. Makes sense - but couldn't afford the cost anymore. Absolutely a new concept for me - traditional yo yo dieter. At times eating less than 1000 cals a day with cardio. I've maintained a 70lbs weightloss for 2 years now with minimal effort and eating/drinking what I want but know I need to get back at it and take off these last few pounds (thinking 20 lbs or so). I'm thinking my metabolism has been slowly getting back to health - along with proper hashimotos treatment. Excited to start tomorrow!
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Welcome Amber! Good to see you already know that the less food/more cardio combo will not give you the body you want in the long run. Your trainer was definitely onto something, leadng you towards the right path. The EM2WL site has a great free workout and lots of information and help on how to do it and what to expect ( as you may have already found out. Kiki Smith (EM2WL founder has been doing excellent Periscope broadcasts on different topics related to weighloss/metabolism/workouts and I've been posting the links on this forum.
  • tj0861
    tj0861 Posts: 48 Member
    Going to be blunt here....can this work for someone who has more than 60 pounds to lose? Also, I have to restrict my carbs for medical reasons and wonder how that would work with this woe. I don't have an issue with the carb restriction and find it quite sustainable. Lately though, I have noticed that I am uber hungry All. The. Time. I am beginning to come to the realization that 1360 a day may not be enough. I am 5'10" 211, I work out 5 days a week (not intensely by most standards, but I do what I can within my limitations) cardio and lifting, again, not heavy by some standards, but who cares about other people's standards anyway LOL.....just trying to wrap my head around all this and TERRIFIED of upping my calories.

    Under Construction, I understand where you're coming from. I've been doing this just briefly and already see a huge difference in how I feel, and the weight is beginning to move. Do your reading, and make your plans!!