30/11/14 - 06/12/14 Weekly Post



  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Fast day today. Just keep telling myself I will get a banquet of TDEE calories tomorrow! :yum:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Stay strong, Jknight! Tomorrow the fridge with open itself for you again :p
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    @flumi_f LOL Yeah, that is my fear, the fridge opening and I dive into it! You know what I mean? :blush:
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @flumi thanks for reminder! I've already had 1000 calories this morning, so I don't think you need to worry haha! I'm thinking of some wonton soup this evening to get rid of this wintery dreary chill!

    (and thankfully most of the bloat came off. back to 295 this morning, only .4 up from my lowest weigh-in before my break. I only track my lowest weigh-ins on MFP so it pushes me to keep going to see that new number published haha.)
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    edited December 2014
    I have double birthdays this week...my significant other is tomorrow and my oldest boy is turning ten on Friday! Oh no, cakes and biscuits! I will try and control myself :# .
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    I have double birthdays this week...my significant other is tomorrow and my oldest boy is turning ten on Friday! Oh no, cakes and biscuits! I will try and control myself :# .

    No need to restrict. Just plan for it as part of your TDEE!

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Second fast of the week has begun. Weight is a bit high this morning. Hoping most of it is water and will come of with the fast.

    Otherwise, I will need to be a bit more disciplined next week...less food...more exercise...all in preparation for the holidays.

    Our annual cookie baking weekend is almost here. My part of the dough are ready. Not expecting to be under this weekend....
  • Calahonda1984
    It's also my second fast day of the week. I really enjoy the fasting, I feel a lot more in control on these days! I will fast on through until about 7pm (another 7 hours) and then it will have been about 22 hours of fasting - on Monday I did 24 hours.

    I hear some people say try and get around 16 hours of fasting in, is that optimum do you think? Should I not be doing it for over 20 hours? I don't really feel hungry during the fast as my stomach is still sleeping!

    Jo x
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Calahonda: Its up to you as to how to do your fast days. Some eat dinner only and some spread their 500 calories through out the day.
    Do what feels right for you. Today is also a fast day for me. Sometimes I will eat around 1:00 and than have the rest of my cal. for dinner. When I fasted on Tues. I had dinner only I go by how I feel on that day.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I totally agree, fast days are always different!

    From my experience, I do way better if I can skip the breakfast hump. I'm not even that big a fan of breakfast (drive-thru breakfast carbo-load...oooooh yeah, but traditional egg, etc. not so much) but when I start off the day eating I find I'm hungry all day! Almost insatiable. However, drinking coffee or green tea (my fav right now) satisfies/gets rid of that empty stomach feeling and keeps me going to lunch.

    I rarely have a "real" lunch. I guess it's the same feeling from breakfast again that once I start I find it hard to stop, so I might just have a McDonald's ice cream cone (170 calories...a bit more if they are especially generous that day lol). It's a treat that makes me way too happy for my age lol and is satisfying enough to get me to dinner.

    Obviously, I am not a traditional "dieter". The thing I love about this diet is that I can eat the things I WANT at a portion-controlled size and enjoy it vs trying to eat perfect, veggies only, etc everyday. In my case, because I have more to lose, it really is calorie in vs out. I can fill up my fasting calories with the foods I crave (home-cooked pasta dishes, McDonald's ice cream cone, etc) and feel mentally and physically satisfied. I weigh and measure everything! Every piece of pasta I cook to the amount of sauce and even measuring out parm cheese is controlled and tracked.

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm finding your posts encouraging! My first week of fasting was last week. A little loss at the beginning, but the week was a wash (I'll count that as a win, since it was Thanskgiving after all). No loss yet this week, but I'm see that while I'm within my TDEE cals, I'm not necessarily making wise food choices. On my next feast days, I'll focus on eating less junk food, even if I have the cals for it.

    What are your thoughts on eating below TDEE on fast days? Right now mine's at 1995, which is a lot of food. I was thinking keeping it at 1600....good idea or not?
  • Calahonda1984
    Yes, I measure everything... tonight i had spag bol and weighed out 100g of sauce, 50g of pasta and 100g of mince (draining the fat whilst cooking) and 100g of broccoli. YUM. I'm surprised at how little I crave on fasting days and like most people say - it's the knowing I can eat a bit more tomorrow that gets me through!

    I'm treating myself to a 40cal hot chocolate right now as I'm a bit cold. That's one thing I have noticed on fast days - I really feel the cold!

    I was just wondering if 24hours is too long between eating as I don't want my body to start reserving fat.

    Jo x
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @cala- I think orlcam is the right guy for your fasting questions (though men are a bit different from ladies when it comes to metabolism and water retention [which can make the scale jump 10 pounds from just retaining more water and not actual fat/body mass change].

    Look into intermittent fasting- there's lots of books, mfp groups, and other resources out there! When I did low carb, I wouldn't eat as much because I never got excited about the food so wouldn't eat as often. I started doing something similar to 16 hour fast/8 hour eat period which is considered intermittent fasting. It's simple. For me, it was just skipping breakfast and stopping eating 8 hours after lunch. Without meaning to my fast days are similar to that now just because I don't eat until lunch or later.

    Bottom line though, I think similar to this diet, look to fasting for the additional health benefits but not extra magic weight loss because it still really comes down to how many calories you eat over the week, month, etc. Just like now, after fast days, weight will be lower, after TDEE, they will be up because your body is retaining more water, etc. related to processing more food. When fasting, you physically have less retained water (reads as weight loss on the scale) because you are processing less food (or no food in long fasting periods).
  • eychenn
    eychenn Posts: 64 Member
    Cheering on everyone for their second fast day! Mine is tomorrow.

    @maphammonds I eat a little below TDEE as well at ~1700. It's been working OK for me!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I feel like I can say that being under 300 is no longer a fluke after not seeing anything starting with 3-something for 3+ weeks woo. It made me want to track my journey in a different way.

    Since I weigh-in several days a week, I notice my weight go up and down with normal fluctuations, depending on what type of eating day, etc so I like to track my highest and lowest of the week. For example, even if I didn't lose anything from my previous week's lowest weight, my highest weight of the week may have gone down and that is just as valuable to me! Because of that, my lowest weight of the week (even though I use that to track my losses on MFP) doesn't mean as much as that higher number. It's almost like a spectrum.

    So instead of just seeing when I hit a new lowest number, I wanted to see the days I completely abandoned a new decade and never went back. So here they are!

    For you peeps with less to lose, you can do it in smaller increments! It's kind of cool seeing how long it's been since I've abandoned those numbers :)

    Under 330: 8/5/14
    Under 320: 9/8/14
    Under 310: 10/8/14
    Under 300: 11/8/14

    (It's a bit deceiving because it looks like I've lost 10 lbs a month, but it's been more like 6-8 pound change from my lowest weight per month. It's almost like tracking my last highest fluctuation to that number aka permanent evacuation.

    (Can you tell I like to analyze numbers and trends lol? Luckily that's part of my job :P)

    I'm ready to add that Under 290 haha!!!

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks @ hngui!

    And wow @thecarbmonster - that's some great losses - inspiring!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I feel like I can say that being under 300 is no longer a fluke after not seeing anything starting with 3-something for 3+ weeks woo.

    Before you know it we will be seeing you post "I feel like I can say that being under 200 is no longer a fluke after not seeing anything starting with 2-something for 3+ weeks woo." :smiley:
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Hi all! I'm jumping in here as I'm starting 5:2 again with my first fast day being tomorrow.
    I did it last spring and lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks so I know it works. My goal this time around is to make it more sustainable. If that means losing slower no biggie.
    I gained a little with Thanksgiving and want to stop the holiday pounds from packing on.
    I like the idea of weekly/daily posts for accountability.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Not quite where I'd like to be on my Friday after my second fast weigh in...57.8kg, especially with a cookie baking, not much exercise weekend before me.

    Oh well. That is the dues I'm paying for the overload last week and doing lots of stuff this week, thus no time for my workouts. Only one night out next week, so I should get back on track and have some more time for my workouts. Could be a 4:3 week, but only if I fast next Saturday....trying to wrap my head around that concept. I have a week to prepare myself mentally :p The scale will help with my decision.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    On hour 40 of my 3rd fast this week...waiting on a cleanse...hopefully it will push me below my pre-thanksgiving weight.