The Cast



  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Oh man. My old apartment was like that. I hated that place. My knees and ankles hurt sooooo bad last night I almost didn't do Cardio 3. But I sucked it up and they stopped hurting around the beginning of the 3rd circut. lol I really wish this cold would go away or at least be not AS cold. Cardio 3 would have been easier had they not been so stiff and painful for most of it.

    I really liked Phase 2, a lot better than Phase 1. Phase 3 so far is rough. Cardio 3 is pretty much all plyometrics. I can't really do crab kicks that well and the 3rd time of squat jacks made me want to die. But I made it through the whole thing and I only paused between circuts to drink. I did take a few 5 second breaks to not really catch my breath but because my leg muscles were hurting bad from all the jumping! Workout 9 is the devil. Workout 10 I actually like quite a bit. You do feel like your butt is going to fall off your body after it. Lots of different variations of squats. Workout 5 was the hardest for me in Phase 2, but you'll be able to do it and you'll be very happy with the results your get with phase 2. :)
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    My knees are horrible. They even hurt when I use the bathroom, or been down to open my drawer or something smh. But yes this cold weather is Craazy. Im honestly not sure if it was this cold last winter..because it was something crazy last year too, but this windy cold is just too much for me.

    One thing that has me almost about to DIE is those damn squat jumps she has us doing when you're in a squat position, then you just hop up in the air. After 10 or 15..I just want to scream and cry lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Yeah my knees didn't bother me that much last year. I think it is colder this year.

    Oh yeah squat jumps don't go away. They are in Cardio 3 and Workout 10, except with weights. They get easier as your body gets used to them. But they are still crappy. I HATE plank hops. You are in plank and then jump your feet to your hands and then back into plank. That move can go die in a fire.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    haha!!!! WOW...really. So which week are you in.....I think you're close to the end right??
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm on Week 10! 2 more weeks after this!!! The hardest 2 workouts. Oh god....I'm terrified. lol
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    lol... just did workout 5 yesterday, and it wasn't as nearly as bad as I though. I think it's way better than 3 and 4...well I feel the burn, but I don't feel like I'm going to die lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    That's good!!!! Yeah I liked all of Phase 2 workouts better than 1. That one circut in 5 with the crab dips. Oh god, my shoulders were burning during that.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    the one leg squats make me feel really stupid all over the place.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    omg yeah!!! My balance is crap anyway and then having to squat on one leg. Oh man. In 9 you do a one legged squat and then walk out into plank. Getting down and out to plank I can (finally) do, but coming back up and staying on one foot, that hasn't happened yet and probably won't. lol
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    that sounds do you from plank to one leg stance in one breath....or maybe 2 or 3 breaths, but that's not the point. WOW Jillian! But the statue of liberty stance I can do pretty well, but I do really good when I look in the mirror and stare at myself for concentration lol. So Weird lol!
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Its more like 5 or 6 breaths and some crying and falling all over the place. lol Its a LOT of core muscles working and your quads. You stand on one leg, go down slowly in a squat on one leg, then bend over and put your hands on the floor, walk it out to plank - still on one leg - hold in plank for a second, then walk your hands back, push yourself up into a squat, and come up. You do it 4 times on one leg, then switch. I've noticed doing yoga and stuff that if you stare at one point (like yourself in the mirror) its a lot easier holding your balance. Its just harder to stare at one point when you're moving!
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    lmao!!!! I know right....that would be pretty hard... I'm trying to not focus too much on keeping up, but gaining my focus before I start each set of whatever we're doing....they are so fast at everything...before I can even get my leg up..they're going at it smh! That plank one leg squat twist thing sounds very interesting. Is it hard or does it just hurt?
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I know some of them I wish they would slow down a bit, especially when it comes to wrapping the cord around your feet, but whatever. The one legged squat plank doesn't really hurt me until the 3rd time on the 2 go around of the circut. You do one side, then hold chair pose for 30 seconds, then do the other leg, so that last time around your quads are angry. But hard, yeah, especially coming back up to a standing position. I'm always falling all over the place. lol Anytime I lose my balance I tend to blurt out a cuss word. My boyfriend has said sometimes it sounds like I have tourettes. lol
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wow lol...cursing does help though lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Yes a lot!! When I did workout 9 the first time, which is probably my least favorite workout out of all of them so far, every time she says "get into plank", which is pretty much every exercise in that one, I'd drop a cuss word. lol
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    Plank is not my favorite either...especially on workout 5 when she has you in plank raising weights on each side... that move always looked easy when I saw someone else doing it smh! It's not totally bad, but it's definitely not easy.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Ugh yeah I don't like plank rows. She has those in her other DVDs too. Those suck. I keep hearing about it Phase 3 on the internet in places I've read reviews about Body Revolution about a wheel push up. It must be in workouts 11 or 12 because I haven't done it yet and I don't know what it is, but it seems like everyone hates that move. I'm watching 11 and 12 on Sunday since I will start those here next week and find out.
  • beautifulciera
    beautifulciera Posts: 202 Member
    Yeah I skim through most of my workouts before I do them as well...Just to get a feel...cardio 2 looked better when I sitting down watching it lol.

    wheel...push up?!? lol
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I know right?!!?! Sometimes when I watch them I'm like, please that's easy. Some of the stuff I've done before in her other DVDs so I think its no big deal. But it is because in her other DVDs you aren't doing the same muscles all at once. Also I've though every now and again watching the DVDs "HA sucks to be them!" when I see them struggling, then I realize that it will suck to be me in a few days. lol

    Yeah I don't even know what a wheel push up is. I googled it and see people with the little wheel with handles doing stuff but that isn't something she had us get for the program so that's not it.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Alright I found out what wheel push ups are. They are in workout 12. You lay down on your back and then put your feet flat on the ground with your hands abover your head flat on the floor. Then you raise yourself up so your back makes an arch and the top of your head is near the ground. Then you bend your elbows and touch the ground with your head and then go back up. Its from the yoga pose, wheel. When I was younger I could do wheel with no problem, but not sure if I'm still that flexable. I guess I'll find out tomorrow!