Jillian Michael's Body Revolution (90-Day Program)

On our weight loss journey, we ALL need the support, shared experiences, success stories, and motivation.

It's time for a SERIOUS makeover, don't you think so?

This group has been created for those committed to that makeover - NO EXCUSES!
Jillian Michael's is one of America's toughest trainers and she creates results. You will start out as a softy (me lol), and for those who make it till the end will come out hard *kitten*.

I'm tired of what I see in my reflection (are you?!?!?) - It's time to get mad and get it DONE!!
Owner: beautifulcieraLeaders: beautifulciera, JeriAnne84Created on December 1, 201417 membersPrivacy: Public



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Aw snap, no events are coming up.
