One Month on Keto (Pics)



  • 5Lloyd90
    5Lloyd90 Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats! Keep up the great work!
  • shannondurm
    shannondurm Posts: 2 Member
    truelove7 wrote: »
    Happy Friday everyone!
    Yesterday was my one month keto-versary, so I thought I'd share my results. When I was first starting out, I scoured the internet looking for proof that this works, so now I'm giving back.

    I have kept my carbs <20g daily and have lost about 13 pounds since I started. I haven't been strict about counting calories, but have been really strict about carbs. I drink whiskey almost every day and have really enjoyed trying new recipes and being able to eat like a king, er, queen! I've been totally content and have not cheated, not even on Thanksgiving. The pain and stiffness in my joints is GONE and I feel emotionally happier than I've felt in years.

    For reference, here are my stats:
    37 years old, 5'8" tall
    Keto SW: 306 CW: 293

    Now, it's only 13 pounds but I've lost a total of about 15 inches. I made some comparison pics as proof.


    Can you tell a difference?

  • shannondurm
    shannondurm Posts: 2 Member
    You look great hun. Is this diet low carb and low sugar? I'm a wine drinker is whiskey better??
  • mimibmj
    mimibmj Posts: 2 Member
  • melissa968
    melissa968 Posts: 57 Member
    Nice job!
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks to everyone! To answer a few questions:

    @snooziebunny: An average day's food is:
    Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled or fried with cheese and 4-6 pieces of bacon
    Lunch: Low Carb Cheeseburger (No bun, tomato or ketchup) from Hardees or Wendy's and a side salad with full fat dressing.
    Dinner: Cream cheese stuffed chicken breasts wrapped in bacon with asparagus or broccoli.

    I'm not much of a snacker but if I get hungry inbetween meals, I'll eat a cheese stick or pepperoni.

    @shannondurm, this is a way of eating that is low carb and high fat. My diet macros are 75/20/5, F/P/C. I'm not super strict with my macros but make sure that my carb intake is less than 20g net a day. I drink wine and whiskey...whatever you drink, just make sure you count it in your macros. If I drink wine, I make sure I count the carbs. If I drink whiskey I make sure to count the calories.
  • ginaluo
    ginaluo Posts: 7 Member
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    Ok - a month later - got an update on your pictures?
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    Totally Inspirational! Thank you!