December Challenge ~ December 15th --December 21st

cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
Things are crazy and the wedding is this SATURDAY!! I really liked this workout, so I'm putting it out there again. I upped them all by 2. I'm hoping you still find this fun and different and inspiring!! :D

16 Ball Wall Squats (No ball? then do a 30 second wall squat)

16 Lateral Shuffles ...

16 Close Grip Lat Pull-Downs ...

16 Seated Bent-Over Rear Flys ...

16 Bicep Curls

16 Forearm Side-Lying Leg Lifts (ea side) ...

16 Russian Twist with/without weight ...

16 Heal Touches ...

These are youtube links. Copy and paste&go to your address bar. Just watch out for the train doing that last one!! :s

Do this routine twice. :#




  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Russian twists again. :)

    Chris I am so happy for you. The work you have been putting in lately is really going to pay off. Still waiting with anticipation for the photos. :blush:

    I have been busy with family, shopping, packages, mailings and baking. Been walking the boys and getting in some weights every day. Today DH had cataract surgery. Went there at 1:45 for check in. Finally left just after 6:15 pm. I froze. Hours of sitting and waiting in their freezing room. And poor hubby had not eaten all day. So we went to Texas road house for our first meal of the day. A friend met us and we had a great t I me in a warm restaurant. Then I tried unsuccessfully to get online for an hour once we got home. Hubby helped me and here I am. :blush:

    I weighed myself. Paula it was horrible. I have been slacking.

    Chris, I have until May to get in shape for the in laws. I really would love to look great for their visit. Wish I had a daughter and personal trainer. I am going to need all the support and butt kicking I can get from everyone here.

    Gotta get to bed.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Chris hope you got your back rub. Fabulous workout. :smiley:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    Shelley, A butt-kicking party seems in serious order. Getting back on track just doesn't stick. Argh!

    Chris, So excited for you!

    It's pouring again - completely soaked in 30 seconds from work's exit to my car. We were all laughing hysterically the whole way - the parking lot is under two inches of water. Learned not to speed up to plow through a puddle :noway: #can_you_say_hydroplane?

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Paula I know about that hydroplane thing. Can be scary, or even just a bit fun if you are going slow on an empty road. :wink: Sounds like you gals made the best of a bad situation. :smiley: Come on and get this butt kicking party started! :smiley:

    Stayed within my calories. Got in a walk. Loads of baking today. Making packages for Christmas. Grandmother stuff. Lol.

    The little guy on my photo is eating out of the feeding dish :relieved: Took him two weeks, but he is now. It will be awesome when the other two in the larger aquarium will eat from theirs. Patience is everything. Back to work for me tomorrow.

    4 days Chris! :blush:

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    hi, I've been busy too, and have not been logging my food. Picked up a pound with Christmas parties, etc. So I'm joining the butt kicking party!
    My plan is to make sure I get a salad each day and at least one piece of fruit, and to be sensible during this week leading up to the Christmas travels.
    I've made a list of food to take to New Orleans with me as my family doesn't know how to deal with lactose intolerance, and they don't eat vegetables!

    love the video links to the workout!

    Paula, hope the knee feels better soon and that the doc can help.
    Shelly you did great yesterday!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm going to try a trick: 2-5 days of liquid only until my cravings are gone. I did not go to the store to get a chocolate-peppermint cookie, that's something. Ate good food, but too much. Clara, fruit and salad sounds yummers!

    Chris, three days! You're probably AWOL with good reason this week.

    Just saw the video links - COOL!

    G'luck cooking "g-ma"! :laugh:

    :heart: paula :heart:
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Clara Paula is right. Fruit and salad should help us. Good luck eating healthy while visiting.

    Paula I did to good on the cookies tonight. I could not resist eating some while baking. Froze them. So I am safe from any more. Tomorrow's fudge night. I have two batches of chocolate fudge to make. I am glad to say I can resist that. I cut it into one inch squares as soon as it is cool and quickly pack it for storing.

    Glad you resisted your mint cookie.

    Ok, Butt kickers kick it up a notch!

    Chris I hope you are having the time of your life. :smiley:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Did someone say butt kicking :) Count me in. I need a swift kick.

    Shelley - I also have a goal for May...going to the beach for my birthday...we are in this together,

    Chris - enjoy it all! Can't wait to hear all about it,

    Paula - I definitely need to increase liquids, fruit, veggies and salads. My night snacking has been awful.

    Clara - I haven't logged for months. I know I must get back to it.

    My mother told me I am hosting Christmas eve & Christmas Day! I have so much to do starting with some housework. Then giving my sibling their to do list :D

    Yesterday was my last day in the office. I'm working at home unti Dec 23rd. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season. And get ready for the butt-kicking session.

    "Slipping backwards? You may be backing up to get a running start." :D
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sorry for the double post. Don't know what happened???

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Wrote a post last night but must not have hit the right button...The videos just appeared...I wrote the links in last week and just copied&pasted the workout...the videos were not there Sunday night or Monday morning. WOW!!

    No exercising but a lot of running around with the kids. We did hit the gym Monday night but that's been it so far. I should be able to get the workout done tonight. So far I'm free. ...maybe.

    My eating is out of control too. I'm off the next two weeks...ugh. It's tougher being at home. We might start something at work today...see what we can accomplish in the two weeks off. We'll see.

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday. Work has been crazy busy.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Had a busy day and did eat some goodies at a work Christmas thing. But did go to the gym!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    At work today but did ride my exercise bike and I've avoided goodies so far!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    edited December 2014
    We had the cookie exchange at work. One angel brought vegetables and dips - everything else had sugar and dairy in it. Thanking my lucky stars for my dairy allergy. It is a godsend.

    I've managed to turn left towards home instead of right towards the vegan-chocolate-mint-cookie store for three days now. The reward is that "running start" Kathy mentioned (You are so GOOD with inspiration- very grateful, my friend!) I've dropped 4 of the 8 added pounds and feel on track.

    Still battling my old foe "but just one won't hurt" which has derailed so many of my successes in the past. Despite my awareness, it is still an insidious worm.

    Dancing around the house to holiday music. Almost feels like doing a workout video! Inspiration? Hmmm...

    Much love and good wishes to you all.

    Chris - The DAY is here!!!!! No rain!!! Such big wishes for happiness I send you and yours!

    Shelley xxoo always to you and this family you've made and to sisters all!

    :heart: Paula
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    I am so sick. I think I have the flu. I'm missing my tennis team's Christmas party tonight. I am not happy...and I feel so bad! This flu has knocked me on my *kitten*!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Oh no Kathy. And with everything you need to get done before Christmas. :s. I sure hope you have a speedy recovery. Especially since we have a goal to reach together.

    Paula funny, I have that same foe. Just one won't hurt! But I did do pretty good with all the junk at work. Even took a bite out of a cookie and decided it wasn't't that good. Tossed the rest. Made sure no one saw me though. Lol. And I know you have loads of inspiring videos.

    Clara nice to see you found time for the gym. And a few tasty goodies.

    Finished my gift buying and fudge making today. Have a bowl of cookie dough to turn into cookies and I am set for my daughter's party tomorrow. Fiona is chubby and doing great. Rudy is still eating brine shrimp babies. Still have not named the other one. Appears to be doing OK. But not thriving, yet. Miss Gilligan was picking on her/him. Not sure why. Crossing fingers. Algae still slowly fading. Phosphate reactor doing its job. :blush:

    Chris we want those photos now, please. :lol:

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Kathy, hope you feel better!
    Paula and Shelly- sometimes it helps if I tell myself, "you can have it later. This is not your last time to have these cookies, cake whatever, ever."
    Off to clean the kitchen and get ready for church.
    going out to eat and to movie later, but I will be able to eat something healthy at the restaurant we're going to.
    Have a great Sunday!
    Chris, hope all went great at the wedding!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    I have photos of DD in the dress on my profile page. Click on the photo to see it all. It sparkles on the top and on the bottom and has a light gold tint to it. She was beautiful...I cried. I'll send actual wedding pics as soon as I get them.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Chris it is blocked. Only your friends can see the pictures. Let me know when you change it. Can hardly wait.

    Clara thanks for the advice. :)

    My other Dragonet is eating from the feeder. Now all 3 of them are. So excited for them. So now I need to name her. :wink:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    So happy for your fishy-babies, Shelley.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sorry, guys...I found how to change it in SETTINGS. You should be able to see DD now. If you can't then send me a FRIEND REQUEST, and I will add you.
