December Challenge ~ December 15th --December 21st



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Kathy - I hope you're feeling better.

    Shelley - I so glad all your fish are happy!

    Clara - Good "thinking." The stuff that whispers to me goes in the trash as of now.

    Paula - Trash can or walk away if it's at work. If I throw it away and my DH starts looking for it, I tell him he already ate it all. He looks confused and walks away.

    Butt-kicking party begins today!! I did nothing but eat all last week. Thank goodness the dress still fit!! I have my own opinion of how I looked, but I got a lot of compliments. That made me feel good. I am, however, up 10 pounds from my goal.

    I'm in a competition going on at work that runs from today until the 12th. The hard part is that we are all off for the next two weeks. Egad! We all put in $10.00 and whomever loses the highest % of weight wins all the $$$$. Ten pounds in three weeks is wishful thinking, but I'm going to work hard on it. One of the ladies threatened the rest of us by saying she was going to hit the gym twice each day...hmmmmm...aahh...nopey, nope! That's crazy! Although, there is one lady at our gym that our trainer said works out in the gym three times a day, every day. I can't even imagine...

    Okay...have to get our challenge and a bunch of steps done now. Going to walk Bean when DH gets home. No trainer tonight...DD is in Hawaii w/SIL and I won't go without her.

    Love you all! <3

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Three times a day! No job. No kids, no life. But you are still cracking me up. Poor hubby. He will have serious mental issues if it goes on going. :wink: What could you do with the money? That should help. I am up 5 pounds! Chris I must give away even more. Neighbors check, kids check, guys at work check, lol, the mail carrier of course!

    Then throw out whispering candy! :smiley: Glad the dress fit Chris. :blush:

    Ok, puzzle shopping, bye all. Will be posting a photo of Fiona soon.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Shelley - I got a box of Elf on the Shelf puzzles...There were seven (?) puzzles in the box. I took one puzzle a day and scattered the pieces around a co-workers her Elf stocking, in drawers, cabinets under her mouse...she had to find all the pieces and put the puzzle together. I only got to do that for four days, but it was a ton of fun every morning. Friday, I gave her the whole box of puzzles for her little boy.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chris, I'm off for two weeks (almost) too, starting Wednesday and hoping the extra time will help me get back on track. Your DD is exquisite, powerful and serene. Thank you for sharing.

    I've lost another of the "extra" pounds with only three more to get back to my low. After a weeklong battle, the mint cookies no longer call me. Yummy meatloaf helps avoid feeling deprived.

    This workout looks great.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    Paula, that's what I'm doing during my two weeks. I'm really behind on my step challenge, so I'm working hard on that one. Congrats on losing that "extra" pound. I'm looking forward to what the scale has to say tomorrow morning. Soup and sweet potatoes is what helped me today.

    Yes, she is all that and more. Thank you, I'll let her know you said that.

    I got the workout done twice with a bunch of steps in between then I jogged in place the rest of the afternoon!

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. I'll be out of the house with the pup most of tomorrow. See you all when I get back.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Chris I love the second one where she is looking down at the gown. And the last one on the top row where she is smiling a perfect bride smile. Yes there is such a thing. Those are my favorites. She is simply glowing. Thank you for sharing. What a gorgeous gown. Hugs.
    I did not get to get a puzzle. It turned really nasty outside. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: So I will have to wait until Wednesday. Need to change the water in all the tanks tomorrow.

    Still seeing that gorgeous bride in my minds eye. :smiley: Night all.

    Enjoy your time off Paula. Hugs

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thank you, Shelley, I'll let her know. <3

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    Chris - thanks for sharing...your daughter's pictures are beautiful. My fav is the one where she's looking down at her dress and the one where you can see the back while she's looking in the mirror. I love her dress. Congrats!

    I'm trying to recover from this nasty flu but it looks like I will have to stay home so I don't infect anyone else. Really upset but hopefully next week will be better. The only good news is I don't have an appetite so no holiday gain. Can't wait to get my strength back so I can workout again.

    Ron will be back from Mississippi next week and we will celebrate Christmas and New Year.

    Happy holiday everyone, enjoy your time with your family.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,978 Member
    Kathy no appetite! :smiley: Almost could be worth it. Hopefully this is the start of a recovery. Go soak in a warm tub and drink lots of clear fluids. Aw, get better hun! Hugs

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Chris, your DD looks beautiful!
    Kathy, hope you feel better soon.
    Off to New Orleans tonight to see all the family for the holiday. Bringing healthy food but will indulge a bit.
    Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,748 Member
    Was talking to a guy in Alabama who was stunned by the downpour. Same storm we had last week, Chris. Over 5" rain in 24hr. Stunning. Clara, Hope you didn't hit it on your travel. Kathy, nice day to stay inside & warm; hope you're better soon.

    Shelley, looks like you're gonna have a white holiday. Hope it stops being nasty and turns pristine and peaceful.

    Watching Peter Gunn on TV. Story about a depraved alcoholic going thru detox. Lots of lightning, closeups, blackouts, etc etc etc. I'm thinking "Okay, enuf with the old-school special effects, I get it. The guys in pain fighting his demon. Big deal." --- Then I caught myself reaching for yet another cracker. Ugh…

    Holiday joy.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    edited December 2014
    Paula - we deal with our demons every day. Hour by hour. They never seem to go away.

    Walked w/Bean this morning. It was cold, dark and windy. Silly boy was wanting to leave after 15 minutes...bwahahaha...nope! We stayed 45 minutes. Got almost three miles done. Not quite. Then we went over to DD's because I had this nagging feeling I didn't lock the back door last night, but I did. Fed the kitties and came home. Then the sun came out for about 15 minutes! DH said it rained later in the afternoon. He said it was weird...half of his car was wet...the other half was bone dry. Spooky!

    I need to finish Gone Girl . I've read the same page every night for a week. That's my plan for this evening. DH and I are planning to walk w/Bean tomorrow morning/afternoon something like that.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
