Clean Eating



  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    C'mon Julia!!! You got this!

    I'm with you on the crowds Kris. I hope mom and I can get in and out quick! My oldest son, Aarron has decided to join us for dinner. YAY!

    I did the spinning cycle last night. Holy Moly! Yowsa what a ride! I started out with all this gusto, cuz I have been doing amazing on the stationary bike, right? Um. No. I am pretty sure I spent more time on the seat then I did standing. Whew! The hills were killing me. I think I need to stay with this beginner set and hang on! It stinks cause I am staring at some dude on a bike... I miss the mountains from the other bike. Plus I chose "intervals"... please remind me never to select this one again. I thought my heart was going to explode at one point, so I'm like desperately hanging on to the handle bars while cranking down the resistance. I can only imagine what I looked like... and thank God I was strapped in... chances are I would have just fallen over off the bike on the last hill. :o

    And I am going to do it again. LOL ;)

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I don't think I have the cuhoynas to do the spin class tonight. I think I am going to do my rolling hills through Montana on the stationary bike. LOL

    I read this article somewhere about motivation and working out.. you know, blabbity, blab, blab, blab... but one sentence stuck with me. "Work out every single Monday". Well I like it... because I feel like it just sets the tone. If I blow it off on Monday, because usually my Monday's are from freaking Hades, then I get lax the whole week. I am going to dig in on every Monday and get my buns to the gym. Don't care if I just waddle around for 30 minutes, I will be at the gym Every. Monday.

    I lost 2 pounds this week! Hope I can hang on to the loss plus more for our weigh in! Let's Go Clean Eaters!!! Move It!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2015
    It's the home stretch this week for the final weigh-in. Must kick it back into high gear and sprint to the finish! :# The Clean Eating Team is going to show them how it's done! B)

    Excited to see there will be another challenge for March through May. (*)
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I have had a week.... WHEW! Sticking good on the calories and even enjoyed 1/2 of a small thickburger... and 6 French fries. lol Yep. Then I ate a salad. *sigh* But that half burger was da bomb! I haven't been able to spin at all this week. I don't know what the heck I did or even how I did it... but I fired up my good o' piri formus. UGH! I got in with the chiro and he said it's not skeletal... so I'm glad I made an appt with the GP. Can a sister get a MRI over here???? lol

    The PT untangled the piri formus which dropped my left leg down so now my legs are the same length... and now all of a sudden whatever muscles hook the thigh bone to the hip bone.. (latore?) needs to be checked out. If it's not one thing it's another, ya know?

    But on the bright side.... I am getting back to spinning first thing on Monday! I may have to go back to the stationary bike.. but as long as I'm moving, I'm okay with it! Can't wait for the pool to open so I can get my aqua aerobics on!

    have a great weekend everyone!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Totally ready for pool season!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member
    Coops, goodness! I hope everything gets back to the way it should be soon! I'm glad you're able to do some things. And I think you did great with the burger situation!

    I agree, Ladies. Well, I'm almost ready for pool season! Soon!!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I had an awesome spin yesterday! I actually did all of the standing climbs. Excited! I am going to try to get 3 spinning classes in and then to PiYo in between because I really need work on my core and lack of flexibility. lol