Share Your NSV Today

Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
Hi all! I enjoy celebrating all my non-scale victories, and I thought it would be nice for us to share at least one a day until the end of the year with one another. I hope I'm not in this alone. As black women, we have so much more to celebrate besides the number on the scale. :D

I'll go first.

I ran 5 miles today, and it was the first time ever!!! Yeah me!


  • Flawless_K
    Flawless_K Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all! I enjoy celebrating all my non-scale victories, and I thought it would be nice for us to share at least one a day until the end of the year with one another. I hope I'm not in this alone. As black women, we have so much more to celebrate besides the number on the scale. :D

    I'll go first.

    I ran 5 miles today, and it was the first time ever!!! Yeah me!

    WOW! 5 Miles!!! Go Girl !!! I didn't have a NSV today. I am just starting out and just became "active" on this site. But, I would love for my NSV to be to NOT eat with my eyes all the time! OR to not eat out of boredom, sadness, happiness and etc. Fingers crossed that I stop emotional eating in 2015 (or I mean...right now)!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Hey Flawless_K!!! Thanks for joining in.

    There's always a NSV on the horizon though; completely logging everything for a day, drinking your water, exercising (some rarely do it), exercising longer or harder, fitting in a new size, fitting your current clothes more loosely, receiving a compliment, admiring something about your body, decrease in measurements, feeling better, having more energy, trying a new healthy food, going through an entire day w/out emotional eating :wink:, etc. I know you'll have an NSV today!!!!

    In my opinion, anything not related to the scale that leads to or reflects a healthier me, is definitely worth celebrating.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    My most recent NSV was someone telling me that my thighs looked thinner. After a 2 second pause of me thinking, "Why are you looking at my thighs??" :s I smiled and said thank you. :#
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well, congrats on the thinner looking thighs! It's amazing the areas of the body people focus on.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    LOL thanks. I'm looking at my tummy and hips and folks are paying attention to my thighs. I'll take it though. Kudos to you too for running five miles. I still can't run all of five minutes. At least we are all making some sort of progress.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Mine was doing 28 modified push-ups! Every week I add 3 to the count, my goal is to get to 50, 1/2 modified and 1/2 regular!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today: I was able to start AND finish my strength training workout for arms with the 5 lb. weights. In the past, I was only able to get a little more than halfway through it before swapping 5 lbs. for the 3 lb. weights. Those were the longest 10 minutes, but I made it without skipping any of the moves. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

    40andFinding Fitness - Thanks for the kudos on the 5 mile run. Early this year, I couldn't run 5 minutes either. Heck, it was a struggle to run a minute; however, I started with the C25K app, and here I am today a runner. Regarding the thighs, yes, take every compliment that comes your way. And I must say, the very body part we think people are concentrating on is very rarely the same body part we ourselves obsess about. It's the weirdest thing. :)

    Adc7225 - Congratulations on the push-ups! That's impressive. I'm such a weakling, but I hope to get there some day. Maybe I should start with 5 a week and work my way up? The only way I'll ever get better is if I start. You've inspired me. ;)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thanks Laughter_Girl, when there is an exercise I struggle with or really don't like, I make it my personal challenge to master it. A little at a time, it started when a trainer made me do bicycle crunches. I did them every week until I could do 130, 3 times a week. Now I am working on Jumping Jacks, Push-Ups and Jumping Rope. I am 46 and at 5'2" I was 244 lbs all through my 30's into my 40's - trust me when I say you can anything you put your mind too :D
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today: Took a quick glance at my stomach and thought to myself, my tummy is starting to look flatter. Sweet!

    Where are your NSV's ladies?????
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV 12-24: Purchased a pair of jeans in a size 9 after trying on several bigger sizes. I never could have imagined it. (*)

    NSV 12-25: Celebrated my 1 year anniversary on MFP. I have been consistently logging my meals and exercise since day 1. Woohoo!!!!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today: I was doing a new strength training routine and my arms became extremely fatigued. I was real close to switching to lighter weights, but I stayed the course. I really pushed myself, and I'm proud of me. :)
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I made through my treadmill workout with ease, running intervals, 1.15 min at 4.0 mph, with
    0.45 at 6.0-6.2 mph, at incline 3.00. Also, did my 28 modified push-up and jumped rope. I also had an emotional breakdown at the grocery store, purchased ice cream and frozen pizza - but managed to pick only one to indulge in today!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today: Someone asked if I was wearing a size 6. Although I am not close to that size, the person was quite sincere, which made me feel great. I'm not aiming for any particular size, but what I do want is to be in the healthy BMI range.

    Adc7225 - Congrats on your success on the treadmill! I'm so afraid of running on the treadmill. That would probably be a disaster for me and those around me. I have to run on a non-mobile surface. :D Also, way to have some self-control with that ice cream and frozen pizza. You and I would probably make great friends. I LOVE ice cream (don't keep it in the house) and frozen pizza, which I don't keep in the house because of the sodium. Who can eat just one slice of frozen pizza. Therefore, I buy fresh pizza instead. Ha, ha, ha, ha. It has less sodium.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV 12-28: Can officially say that I have run in a light rain and snow all in the same run. It was an NSV because I didn't let the weather stop me from getting my exercise in.

    NSV 12-29: I laughed at myself for trying to keep some embarrassingly too big pajama bottoms up with just a drawstring. I am amazed that they use to fit snugly. Such progress.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    My NSV for today was walking in the cold and wind, I knew it would take at least a mile before I warmed up so I kept going. I figured, at least it was dry.
    NSV 12-29: I laughed at myself for trying to keep some embarrassingly too big pajama bottoms up with just a drawstring. I am amazed that they use to fit snugly. Such progress.

    That's funny . . . I was thinking while running on the treadmill this morning that I need to add a drawstring to my workout pants, my butt is too big for the x-small pants and the small are too big in the waist.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today: I had full control of my food intake today. It was definitely not a normal day for me, and in the past, I would have grazed on chips and junk throughout the day, but not today. Today, I paced myself accordingly and made healthy choices. It feels good to have control.

    Adc7225 - You had me at x-small and small. You are so petite. :D Congrats on running in the frigid weather today! I'll be out there tomorrow completing a 5K. It seemed like a bright idea a couple of months ago.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    NSV today 12/31: I walked 3.1 miles in very cold, frigid weather. It was reported that it felt like 1 degree below zero. The wind chill was ridiculous, but I made it. Yeah!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Dang girl! You are my shero for that :D

    I made it to the gym and did 30 minutes of interval running at an incline on the treadmill! I so wanted to stop after 10 minutes!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Adc7225 - You rock for doing the full 30 minutes! It's so easy for me to quit, but my MFP slogan is "Exceptional people don't quit." You are exceptional!!!
  • haislip93
    I could never ride the stationary bike because the seat was super small and it hurt too much. However , I was able to do a full 8 mile round on the machine. I was too hype!!