Calorie Counting & Intense Fitness Group

aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
Hi all, My name is Linda. I am looking forward to this challenge and supporting one another along the way. Feel free to "friend" me if you too want support.


  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    I was hoping for a CCIF group discussion, soon! I was wondering how everyone is going about reaching their goals, what types of fitness they do, etc. I was even thinking maybe our group wants their own little fitness challenge – maybe we have a weekly intense workout challenge as a way to stay motivated (or something) and compare our workout times to see which one of us does the most working out.

    For me, this challenge is coming at a great time. I have been working an extra 8 hours/week, which has cut into my workout time. But, I will be stopping that and am now prepped for getting up extra early to get into work. That will be a good chunk of time for me to up my workouts, again.

    I mainly workout at home to dvd’s – mostly Cathe Friedrich. She is very intense, with a bunch of new high intensity workouts that just came out. I log them on her workout challenge (Race Across America), which is kind of fun. I also run abit.
    I am also thinking about doing Ani Phyo’s Fat Blast for a few days. I have done it before and it really is a decent cleansing type of thing.
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Hello teammates!!

    I'm Bridget. I'm glad to be a part of this group. I like the idea of doing our own fitness challenges to help keep us on track and motivated. I love working out. I am up to running 4 miles a day but I'm not a winter person so I only run when the weather is nice. Today I was able to run because it was a beautiful day. I also have many workout dvd's. One of my favorite is Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds. She has many dvd's. I also have and love Turbo Fire. I have the whole set. My work schedule is very flexible so I can pretty much participate in any challenge we decide to do. I do so much better when I have a challenge before me. It helps me stay accountable. :)

    Also, I just purchased an elliptical machine since I don't run in the winter months. I will be adding it to my workout routine.

    Merry Christmas!!
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hey ladies, I'm glad to see that we 3 (or more) are committed to this challenge. I don't know who is in charge, if anyone, or if we need to come up with our own fitness challenges. I am up for that!

    I prefer walking or biking when the weather permits but also have an elliptical that I use when it's just too cold or rainy. I am not a big fan of exercise DVD's but will use HITT apps to set up my own workouts. I also have an array of equipment such as weights, 2 lb hula hoop, yoga ball....... etc. I'm looking forward to starting this challenge the first of the year!
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Hello Teammates!!

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I'm so excited about this group. I'm ready!!
  • trimminit
    trimminit Posts: 191 Member

    Thank you for starting the thread for your group!

    I've let the leaders know to start team discussion threads, but with the holidays people may not be logging on.

    Your scheduled leaders are: sue_stef and TLCPharmD.

    I'm glad you're all here, and I'm a little jealous! I like intense fitness, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys do!
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    I thought that I'd say hello to my fellow teammates and mention how much I'm really looking forward to this challenge. I used to exercise quite regularly but have been slacking as of late so I'm hoping that this challenge will give me some motivation.

    Anyone. please feel free to add me as a friend :-)

    Hope to speak soon,
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Welcome to the group Sonia. Glad to have you aboard.
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you :D
  • Hello friends
    Can't wait
    to start this challenge , I first started my weight loss in 2012 ,I did great went from 220 to 187 , then I stop and gained it all back ,so I am back to try agin.
    I just have one thing to ask, I have a old iPad so I can't use the spreadsheet, I didn't know if someone could put my name and started weight down for me. :) thanks Laura
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Hi Laura,

    Welcome to the group. We're glad to have you join us. I added your name to the spreadsheet. We are entering our weight on the 1st. I will enter your starting weight then. Feel free to add me as a friend for extra support.

    Sonia, you are so very welcome!! Thanks for accepting my friend request.
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Sonia, I noticed on the spreadsheet, you're signed up for the calorie counting & smart carb group. Is this an error? Were you entered in the wrong group?
  • TY Bridget :D
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    You are welcome Laura. Thanks for the friend request. Also, I've added your name to week 1 challenge spreadsheet. Just let me know your minutes at the end of each week and I will make sure it gets posted in the spreadsheet.
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd like to be in this group. I will add my name to the weigh in spreadsheet and I am all over the fitness challenges! It definitely keeps me going!!
    I workout at home. I want to start the New Rules of Lifting program for Women. I bought the book as a Christmas present to me! I only have dumbbells though, so it will be a modified version. I will also add cardio to the program.

  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Welcome to the group Rockstar. We're glad to have you. I've heard great things about that book. You'll have to keep us posted on how well you like it. Can't wait to see your progress.
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Ok Ladies,

    If you haven't done so already, don't forget to sign up for week 1's challenge. Tomorrow is the big day!! Let's get those fitness minutes in so we can be #1 for week 1 ;)
  • jfmp
    jfmp Posts: 264 Member
    I took a much needed rest day today and will crank it up tomorrow!!
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member

    I really did not want to post these before picts but this group is about accountability right???? So here we go....

  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    Challenge Stats/Goals...

    CW: 201.6 (no longer in Onederland :'(:'(:'(:'( )
    GW (for this challenge): 190 lbs

    Bust: 44
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 46
    Arms: 15 1/2 (both)
    Thighs: L 26 R 26 1/2
    Calf: 16 1/2 (both)
    Lower Belly: 48

    ***Lots of work to do :sweat_smile:
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    jfmp wrote: »
    I took a much needed rest day today and will crank it up tomorrow!!

    Happy resting!! We have a lot of minutes to burn tomorrow!! :smiley: