12 week challenge for 2015

Ok! We're going to start a new 12 week challenge! We can each pick our own goals- fitness, weight loss, body fat reduction, muscle building, strength gains, workouts/week...

Come one, come all! Lets start the new year off with a bang!!


  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Ok I am in I have lifting goals.
    1. To bench press 100 lbs.
    2. To squat 150 lbs
    3. To dead lift 200 lbs.

    The competition is in April. So I have 16 weeks.
    I am close on number 2 and 3 but bench is terrible.
    I might need a new trainer. Or a bench program any ideas??
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sounds interesting. I haven't started NROL4W yet, just got the book, but figured I'd join the group in anticipation. I'm currently in the middle of Stronglifts, well on week 7 so far. 12 weeks feels so long and short at the same time.

    I'd like to see a few things in the next 3 months.
    Lose a little more weight. Maybe 10-15 lbs.
    Lower body fat percentage based on gym tester device... Last checked was 39.5% so have a long ways to go.
    Increase in lifts would be great. Right now I'm stuck on bench, ohp and rows(but me and that lift have issues, lol). Would be great if I could get ohp to move up past 70 and bench to get up closer to 100. Squat might stall soon too. Would like to get to 150 but might need a deload soon.
    Start NROL4W since I'll be at a transition point during those 12 weeks.

    I'm all over the place a bit but there it is, my goals for the first 12 weeks of 2015.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm definitely in. Not sure what my goals are though...
    I need to drop some weight but not sure what I am at at the minute since I am away from home and my scales but I am definitely up from the last week. I think I would like to lose 6lbs in 12 weeks and some body fat. I also want to lose inches so I think I will aim for 2% off my BF and 1 inch off my waist.
  • cindyreborn
    cindyreborn Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in. Looking to plan ahead on meals and eat higher protein to balance blood sugar and reduce cravings. Periodic emotional eating always derails my fitness efforts so looking to change that pattern. Also want to be in the gym 3 times a week focusing on strength training. Want to add muscle this year and lower body fat.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Sounds like we're off to a great start already!! I reserve the right to adjust these, but here are my goals (so far)

    1. Lift 3x/week - this is my main goal. I've gotten good with this and want to keep this as a habit!
    2. Add weight to DLs and squat-get to my body weight by end of year. (Not a first 12 week goal, but progress will happen in there).
    3. Lose the holiday gain, then 5 real lbs. I would like to reach 152lbs solidly by the end of 12 weeks (losing fat that is).
    4. Continue to keep my metabolism humming :). Been doing metabolism repair this year and made good progress (body temp is my metric).
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Still thinking about my goals for this year.
    Obviously, continuing to lift 3x week with the odd rest week when needed.
    I want to start looking into calisthenics as an addition, so that will go in there as well.

    Having husband at home and currently two extra children and trying to clear out my house isn't good for trying to think lol Will be back when I finally sort it out :smile:
  • bakeralison1
    bakeralison1 Posts: 43 Member
    Well I'm going to redo stage 1. I finished stage 2 before my vacation break this month, but I'm not feeling too ambitious right now and head out on vacation again for most of Feb/March. I also plan on keeping up with my ability to run 10km, ordered some new yoga DVD's would like to increase to 3x a week, and want to add in some swimming a few times a week on my week off work.

    Goals will be to drop another 15lbs before rugby season.
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    I am game. My goal is to start new rules of weight lifting for women in mid January when I am done with my current program from my trainer. I got the book for Christmas and am excited to start with some new moves. My goal is to loss more weight and body fat. Getting my metabolism burning. My husband has had great success with weights and his metabolism and weight loss, so I am excited to try a new plan with weights. Since getting back into shape in mid August I have lost 20 lbs. and 5% reduction in body fat. Hoping to get to 30 % body fat from 41.5% by end 2015. It is hard for me to switch to just weights over cardio as I love my cardio. Stick to the program and move forward to a stronger, sexier women!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm in. I fell in love with heavy lifting in April with NROLFW and moved right in to Supercharged after that. I was due to finish Basic Training 4 this week but have lost a few days due to bronchitis :pensive:

    Anyway, my goals are very similar to those I've had since starting lifting:

    1) lifting 3x a week, cardio 2x. I hate cardio but try to do two 30 minutes sessions basically as a calorie buffer ;)
    2) protein at 100g a day 5-6 days a week. Challenging as I'm a vegetarian, which is why I usually give myself Sat. and Sun. to be more lax about it.
    3) reduce bingeing. I would like to say binge free but want to be realistic. The most I've gotten to so far is a few weeks, maybe a month, binge-free. I know my body change would be so much more if I could cut that way down.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm in.
    Weekly goals:
    1. Lift 4X
    2. Eat at deficit
    3. Keep protein >25% of total cals.

    12 week goal is to lose an inch off this waist!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I should also add checking in here twice a week as a goal! I get so busy sometimes I just don't make time!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Bennett and baker welcome.

    I had a light workout but was very sore .
    For some reason this made me weirdly optimistic to reach my goals in 2014.
    Same trainer -3x a week workouts
    Probably watch a competition this month to keep me motivated .
    I am working hard at bench and accessory lifts!!!!
    I am reading about techniques for bench and I am getting feedback on my technique.
    I am ready for this challenge
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I'm in! My goals for this 12 week challenge involve bulking:

    1. Eat enough to gain 1 lb per month.
    2. Eat ONLY enough to gain ONLY 1 lb per month.
    3. Eat at least 0.8g-1g x BW (in lbs) of protein to ensure most of the weight I gain is LBM.
    4. Gain an inch on my pancake butt.
    5. Don't freak out and quit when I see the scale climbing.

    That's it. No performance or strength goals this time around. I'm focussing on purely aesthetics for the first half of the year.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Okay. I think I'm almost there. I reserve the right to change and/or add to this lol

    1. Lift 3x week Supercharged
    2. Fun cardio and just keeping active throughout the normal work day.
    3. Stick to my intuitive eating and aim to go with the flow instead of trying to control everything all the damn time.
    4. Work on pull-ups. I want to be able to do 10 in a row (chin-up, pull-up and neutral grip) by my birthday in May.
    5. Ignore the freaking scale.
    6. Handstand practice!! I want to walk on my hands! :smiley:
    7. Hit the trampoline - forward & back somersaults (yikes!) I guess that's fun cardio lol
    8. Try not to kill or injure myself doing 6 & 7 :wink:

    This year is about fun! And learning to like myself and accept my body for what it is and what it's been through :smile:
  • girlstrionce
    girlstrionce Posts: 30 Member
    Goal is stick to Strength 3 times a week and make sure i give adequate rest days inbetween. I tend to over kill it a bit sometimes. Best results equal rest.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I'm in! My goals for this 12 week challenge involve bulking

    1st week of attempted bulk: FAIL. I actually lost weight. I don't understand these processes at all. When I'm trying to lose weight I end up gaining and now I'm trying to gain I end up losing. :s This is some BS. Will try again this week. Gonna up the cals by about 50 and see what happens.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Slow and steady Jamaica :smile: It will take a while to get into the groove of it. I've been trying to eat intuitively since the end of November and it's only just now starting to get a grip in my head.

    Yesterday I got on the trampoline. I asked the kids to show me some basic stuff beforehand. End result? I suck LOL Gonna need lots and lots of practice.

    However, handstands are muchly easier :smile: Just have to work on my balance.

    Starting with chin-ups on Monday, neutral grip on Wednesday and pull-ups on Friday.

    8 chin-ups done this morning :smiley:
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Hey everyone, okay I was on the last chanllenge and totally bailed/failed. But I'd love to join again.

    For me, I am signed up for a 1/2 marathon in May (and have only ever run 5k) so I want to balance running and lifting. I gained over holidays and would like to lose some puff as well but I need to put priority on training for the run to keep at it and avoid injury.

    My goals:
    1. Keep calories in check. No booze this week (my poor liver over holidays!)
    2. Run outside as much as I can (weather depending) but run at least 2x
    3. Lift 2x minimum

    Yesterday I ran a 5k and got a 1/2 hour run in this morning so yay so far. I hope to do legs tonight but I might do yoga instead. I don't want to be that New Year Resolutioner but as long as I keep going!!

    Bennett I like the reminder about rest. I either over-train or over-rest I feel! ha!
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I'm in! I've been looking for a challenge to hold me accountable. I'm getting back into lifting and my goal is to lose some bf and regain my strength. Muscle has memory so I know this will happen if I'm consistent, which is where I've been lacking!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm in! I have to think more about goals:
    1. The main one is to lose 5 pounds. I'm just about done with the 4W plan and I haven't lost a single pound, so I don't want to reach too high.
    2. Workout 3x a week, which is easy since that's what I'm already doing.
    3. Fit into a size 10 comfortably. Right now, my size 10 bottoms are TIGHT around the waist (I'm carrying a lot of fat in the midsection). So...
    4. Lose at least an inch in my waist.
    5. Be easy on myself if I don't achieve these goals and remind myself to JUST KEEP PUSHING.