12 week challenge for 2015



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Checking in...
    Only got 2 lifting sessions in this week, and tomorrow is too full to squeeze in my third :(
    BUT, I got a beautiful hike in on Monday (2 hours) and walked Wednesday and Thursday... Lifted Tuesday and today...so not too shabby.
    Diet is good, scale it evil.
    Loving my new lifting routine, (GG) and although I reinjured my knee today doing it, I think it will be ok. A few days of rest won't hurt that ;).

    Measurements are the same but I feel a bit better since my holiday indulging...onward!

    Bbc-I'm with you, fat loss is a bear for me :(.

    Dawn-great job!

    Alison-sounds like it's going well :)

    Hi DNA!

    Happy weekend all!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm only down a couple of pounds in the last few weeks. Definitely down in inches (can tell in my clothes) and up in strength as I am almost done Hypertrophy 1 and have upped my weights quite a bit. I'm loving this stage of Supercharged!

    I've had a tussle with my binge eating this month - just a hard time for an unknown reason - but I've still had more good days than bad, so that's somewhat of a win. I know my scale would read better if I were winning versus the binge more often.

    Dh and I leave this Friday for a week-long kid-free cruise :D While it means the scale will likely go up a bit due to all the yummy food and relaxing in the sun :) I am still going to get in a few good workouts to keep myself in the habit (taking a week off, unless I'm very sick or injured, makes it WAY too hard for me to get back into exercise when I return) and I am hoping that I can make a good solid break in my binge habit since I won't be at home, with my usual nightly TV routine/snack going on.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, thank you! :)
    Alison, increasing weights is great!
    Dawn, you're doing wonderful!
    Julie, I am sure you've figured out what works for you by now. Sometimes we just gotta give ourselves a break. Whether it's a break from lifting to hike with our family or a break from a deficit.
    Pudding are you in the US? Maybe the Winter is triggering the desire to eat more? We had a very gloomy December and I was about to go crazy! January has brought more sunshine and my self control has returned.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    For last week:
    -29% protein (121 grams/day)
    -lifting x 4, HIIT x 2, cardio X 2
    -deficit maintained

    I should see a sale loss this week, but we shall see. My body doesn't always reflect a scale loss but maybe 1 or 2 weeks of the month.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Barbell, I'm near Toronto in Canada. Definitely love to hibernate with the super cold temps we have been having.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    last week:
    1. run outside (made it outside a few times, happy with that) 2. lift 2x (only lifted once due to good running weather and some skiing) 3. eating (great during week but a little too much wine this weekend.

    we are getting a blizzard tonight/tomorrow so no running outside for a bit. i'll do what i can to workout inside and make it to the gym. really need to buckle down with empty/pointless calories if i expect my pants to not be as tight!

    great work everyone. alison and pudding, winter does make it tough but we'll get through it! barbell, good luck with scale! nice week julie!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Keep it up. Pudding, I loved the Hypertrophy stages in Supercharged too.
    My goals for this 12 week challenge involve bulking:

    1. Eat enough to gain 1 lb per month.
    2. Eat ONLY enough to gain ONLY 1 lb per month.
    3. Eat at least 0.8g-1g x BW (in lbs) of protein to ensure most of the weight I gain is LBM.
    4. Gain an inch on my pancake butt.
    5. Don't freak out and quit when I see the scale climbing.
    I had changed my bulking goal to 2 lbs per month based on recommendations from others. I didn't quite make it this month. Ended up at a 1.2 lb gain (due to a loss this past week, dammit). But not bad. Met the lower end of my protein goal. My butt is stubborn, gained only a 1/4 inch this month so slow progress. And I haven't freaked out yet, still hanging in there and counting down the weeks.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Bbc-I'll bet you're down some inches! You're doing great! I think I'm going to have to add in some cardio to get the scale and inches moving again :(.
    JL-that's impressive for only a month!! Please teach me the secret to losing!! I'm up a few lbs this month while trying to lose! Stupid body!
    Gat-great job on the running! Hope you can do some indoor lifting during the storm!
    Pudding-have an amazing time!! Don't sweat the scale. You're rocking it and will look amazing!!

    I'm not happy with the scale. I'll do measurements on Saturday but it's up a few lbs when it should be down a few!! Trying not to stress about it and may just take a break from the scale. I like to gather data and try to look at it objectively, but will admit that I'm getting really frustrated with it. My jeans were just as tight yesterday as they were a month ago. Maybe even tighter? But ive been working my glutes a lot and think they've definitely gotten bigger, which is good right? Just kind of feeling discouraged. I'll take bbc's advice and not worry. I'll stick with my macros, keep lifting, add in a bit more cardio-HIIT, and give it more time. Hopefully the tape measure will reflect some progress? I should do pics too to see of I look better or worse.

    I only lifted twice the past 2 weeks. Need to hit my monday workout otherwise it is just not happening. Can't wait to go to my new gym, the old one is such a pain! Another month or so though :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Alright, since it's basically the end of the month and I won't get any more weight measurements until I can afford new batteries for scale (next pay check), here is how I'm doing so far.

    Lose maybe 10-15 lbs. - I am down to 175, so on target to get at least 10 but 15 is feasible.

    Lower body fat percentage - Haven't had that checked at gym, trying to decide when I want to do that again.

    100 bench - not sure, I failed at 90 lbs 3 times so will be back to 80 tonight.

    OHP - Failed at 70 twice so far but still might get to 75 some day in the future.

    Squat - 145 but I could try 150 if I wanted. Maybe not tonight but Sunday.

    Deadlift - I'm at 190 and hoping to get to 200 by end of the 12 weeks.

    Start NROL4W - Not yet. At end of week 11 of SL. Probably won't change till midway February or start of March, depends on what I decide. I like SL but learning different lifts is something I want to do.

    Not bad so far and still have plenty of weeks to go.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Dawn, you are doing great! I gave up on eating at a deficit last week because I was hungry all the time and didn't have the will power to try to stick to it. I weighed in this morning and I was down 1 pound. It's probably because I was vomiting all night on Sunday and not eating on Monday but I'm still going to take it as a win. I will take measurements at the weekend to see if any change there.
    I finally finished basic training 2 today, it took me ages to get through it because I missed so many workouts. hopefully starting a new stage next week will help me to get my motivation to go to the gym back because it's been sorely lacking lately.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Julie, definitely introduce some cardio. It will help you get a bigger deficit and I read recently it's good for getting rid of stubborn body fat. I wish I liked it so I would do it more often. Right now I do 10 minutes once per week. Pathetic.

    Dawn, you are doing amazing with your goals. And your lifting #s are HUGE. Good job.

    Dou, why were you vomiting? Sick? Pregnant? Yay for finishing BT2! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Haha, no not pregnant (although that wouldn't be a terrible thing to happen), just had a nasty bug. Hopefully next week I can keep to my calories without such extreme measures!!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm thinking of trying to fit a run in once a week if the schedule allows... feel free to tell me I'm nuts :wink:

    Any offers to clean my house today and do the mountain of washing in my laundry will be accepted, just saying :smiley:
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    DNA-I'd take a housecleaning - if someone volunteers send them to me when they're done! I don't like running but many love it! Go for it!

    JL-I've read and heard such mixed things on cardio for fat loss. I used to do more, but got out of the habit around the holidays, but since a deficit and weight lifting isn't getting it done, I'll resort to cardio. HIIT isn't too bad and I like walking :). I just took a walk with 6 quick sprints thrown in there during the Super Bowl half time :).

    Dou-sorry you were so sick! I hate stomach bugs! A new stage is a good way to get excited about lifting again! I needed to switch it up to be excited about it again :).

    Dawn-good job on the loss! Your lifts are doing great! We're only a third of the way through, you may get to your goals by the end. Kutgw!

    I measured on Friday. Back where I was at Christmas- which is good considering how I ate over the holidays and in Disneyland. Now for some forward progress! Gonna drop cals a a bit more this week and see if that'll help. Plus adding in cardio 2-3 a week too. I did HIIT on Friday and some short sprints in my walk today, so that's already better than I was doing before. Need to hit the weights tomorrow morning to get in my 3, but that'll be ok. I've been down with a chest cold for a few days, today was the worst. :( hope to be peppy in the morning!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Julie, if you're really certain you're logging your cals perfectly (ie, weighing everything), then adding a little cardio might be a good idea. For me, I just do cardio I enjoy- walking and Zumba once per week.
    Dawn, great numbers!
    JL, isn't great to be ok with gaining weight for a while?
    dna, enjoy the run!
    Everyone else, keep being awesome!

    Hit my goals this week: 32% protein (a PR for me!), Zumba and a few quick HIIT sessions, lifted X 4, stuck to my deficit. Despite eating at a deficit, I had PR on bench press today- 85lbsX 3 and then 95lbsX 2. I am so happy about this- 80lbs has been a real sticking point for me.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I managed 4x5 actual real pull-ups this morning! Normally I do 2 sets pull-ups and 2 sets chin-ups, but figured I'd give it a go. And I did it!!

    I also stepped on the scale this morning. Expected a slight gain as I've been doing the intuitive eating thing and just assumed I'd been eating maintenance or above.

    I weighed in slightly less than I did about 2 months ago :o I guess that means I'm eating at maintenance!

    Very happy about that :smiley:

    I've been working hard at keeping active throughout the day. Breaking up the periods that I sit down with little walks etc. It does help that my studio is at one end of the house and the kitchen is at the other :wink:

    My Monday walking buddy is keen for jogging intervals, so that's going ahead. My Thursday walking buddy is only up to walking, but by that time of the week just walking is a good idea lol
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    That's it, I'm going for a walk! You ladies are doing great!

    Bbc-congrats on that awese bench! Go girl!

    DNA-woohoo on intuitive eating!! Yay!

    I'm doing well with logging and eating well. Feel good and getting my lifting in. Feeling leaner and the scale is showing signs of cooperation...but I'm working on other methods of measuring my progress :). Clothes, tape measure and bf caliper...still the same as early dec, but they were up in jan. so I'll take it :). Off to walk ;)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hit my goals this week despite eating horribly on Saturday and Sunday- 27% protein, cardio, lifting X 4. I'm going to focus on getting more HIIT this week. I usually only do a few minutes- I think I will increase it and maybe do it on my non lifting days instead of after lifting.
    Julie, walks are a great way to get cardio in. Maybe not as time efficient as some methods, but more fun.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Got new batteries and can weigh myself again. Getting further in the challenge so time for an update.

    Lose maybe 10-15 lbs. - Down to 174, so slowed a little but that is okay.

    Lower body fat percentage - Haven't had that checked but will soon, also doing new progress pictures soon.

    100 bench - not likely to happen. Did a de-load then got sick and took week off, now routine doesn't require bench.

    OHP - same as bench. Though am doing OHP in between front squat sets once a week now just because I wanna.

    Squat - Made it to 150 before the de-load but probably won't hit body weight for a little while with current start point and rep scheme required.

    Deadlift - Made it to 200 before I got sick, so success on this goal.

    Start NROL4W - Started on the 14th. Tonight will be day 2, B1.

    Not bad overall, some progress and a little slow down but that is okay. Might need to adjust lifting goals since changed programs but we'll see how it goes.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Hello ladies! It's mid February, so is that about 6-7 weeks into our 12 week challenge? I should be half way though my goals at least. I'm not quite there, but making forward progress. :)
    Sounds like we're off to a great start already!! I reserve the right to adjust these, but here are my goals (so far)

    1. Lift 3x/week - this is my main goal. I've gotten good with this and want to keep this as a habit!
    2. Add weight to DLs and squat-get to my body weight by end of year. (Not a first 12 week goal, but progress will happen in there).
    3. Lose the holiday gain, then 5 real lbs. I would like to reach 152lbs solidly by the end of 12 weeks (losing fat that is).
    4. Continue to keep my metabolism humming :). Been doing metabolism repair this year and made good progress (body temp is my metric).

    Checking in on my goals.

    I did lift 3x last week! Yay! And I walked twice, which is a bonus!
    I'm up to 95lbs on my DLs, which isn't huge progress, but my form is good.
    I'm down a bit on my squat weight, 75lbs today, but I'm doing box squats right now to get my form better and deeper. They're much harder and I feel myself getting stronger, which is great, :).
    I've lost the holiday gain, which is good. Now to break into new numbers. Keeping cals in check and getting my protein in. Just gonna take time. Measurements the same or slightly bett than before Christmas.
    My metabolism is going great. I feel peppy, sharp minded, healthy and strong. My morning temp is around 98.3 most of the time now, which is phenomenal! Woohoo!

    Hope you're all doing well. I need to take progress pics, but I can not find the bathing suit bottoms I normally use for them. I like to wear the same thing so it's a fair comparison. I'll do pics this weekend and better measurements to see where I am.