Another newbie...



  • Foxgym
    Foxgym Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I just got started and would welcome some friends.
  • faz2722
    faz2722 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone, I've done 4 fast days so far and after my first fast, my weight dropped by 1.5kg/ 3lbs but then it went back up to what I weighed before and has stayed there ever since. My non-fast days have varied cals wise between my BMR and TDEE so I don't feel I've over-eaten as I've tracked all days in MFP and so, I guess my question is how long should I wait before I can say 5:2 isn't for me? I read all these people saying they have had instant weight loss and whilst I am trying not to get discouraged, it's hard not to. I've been trying to shift 10kg/ 22lbs for so long now and to be honest, it's absolutely breaking my heart that nothing seems to work. I'm not going to pretend that I'm doing this diet for anything other than to lose weight and I don't mind committing to a lifestyle change to do it but seeing no results is really starting to make think should I go back to MFP 1200 cals as at least with that I was only losing 1lb a week on average but I had at least lost something so I didn't feel as despondent. I know the expected weight loss for 5:2 is 1lb a week so I wasn't expecting miracles but to lose nothing is soul destroying. My clothes feel a bit looser but I've measured myself and even all my measurements are the same too so now I don't know if I'm just convincing myself something's happening as I want it so desperately to be. I just really don't know what to do anymore. Sorry for the long post but I guess this more a vent than anything else!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    faz2722 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I've done 4 fast days so far and after my first fast, my weight dropped by 1.5kg/ 3lbs but then it went back up to what I weighed before and has stayed there ever since. My non-fast days have varied cals wise between my BMR and TDEE so I don't feel I've over-eaten as I've tracked all days in MFP and so, I guess my question is how long should I wait before I can say 5:2 isn't for me? ...

    This looks so familiar. I had a similar rant 4 or 5 weeks in from starting...lost a bunch to start then right back up. Long story short...I've stuck with it and am about ten pounds down (4 half months in).

    What I learned was that 5:2 has HUGE fluctuations. It works, don't give up, we've been there. 500 or so on fast days and maintenance calories on non-fast day plus eating any exercise calories back too. I'm still a work in progress.
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    Faz - venting is good! You say your clothes feel looser, so unless some elves have snuck into your closet, you've lost some fat! Stay strong and do it for a month I'd say. I've been lucky enough to have an instant result on the scales but clothes don't feel looser ( or I was kidding myself before!) so we're in the same boat.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Weight goes up and down like a YO YO. Track trends not weights. then compare today's trend amount with the same day last week or the week before.
  • faz2722
    faz2722 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone....I'll stick with it and see how it goes. Fingers crossed I'll becomes success story soon too
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Faz - your story sounds so familiar, I'm at the end of Week 1 of 5:2 and my weight hasn't moved (though it was down after my 2nd FD). I'm slightly disappointed but this is a marathon, not a sprint, and the diet appeals to me more than any other because you only need to deprive yourself for 2 days a week, not 24/7. For my non-FD I have a 1600 cal limit because that's "normal" for me (anything less and I struggle). It may just be a question of changing my weigh-in day to reflect the good work, but I'm on a wait and see mission atm. I hope you start to see a change soon, but you do have some NSV's to your credit!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Peops - 5:2 is longterm and not really known for fast weightloss. Keep at it, tweek your non fast day cals if you don't lose over a period of several weeks or a month. Keep your eyes on the monthly trend. Don't make yourself crazy on the day to day fluctuations or a few weeks with no or slow losses, they are normal and there are many reasons for them.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Have to agree with everything said, my weight fluctuates 3-4lbs in a week when on 5:2. I can sometimes go up 1-2lbs after a fast day, which is against the trend, but if i do I'm actually pleased because nearly always a day or two after I get a 'lump' loss as i like to call it! Weight loss is not linear, our bodies do not respond to the scales in our bathrooms but to the scales in our kitchens, also our bodies do not work on a 7 day week either so be patient...this way of eating is for life, not a week if we want to become slim, active healthy people.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    My experience has been that I weigh once a week and average about a .5 lb loss each time as long as I stick to my NFD and FD cals. Sometimes I get surprised with a 1 lb loss. Sometimes I am surprised with a gain. In the 5 months I have been doing 5:2 the overall trend has been down. NO weeks on end discouraging plateaus. Like everyone has said, I highly recommend accepting that this is long term and definitely works.
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Feeling like total cr*p today. Woke up with a headache and nausea so didn't get out of bed until gone noon, and only then to have a long soak in the bath. Have managed to get some tea & toast down so it's turning into an unplanned semi FD, I may end up on around 900 cals if I eat all the planned family roast dinner, which means I'll get a finger-wagging message from MFP when I close today's entries. I did sneak an extra half glass of white wine last night so it may be that, but I can't believe it's done that much damage?
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    A half a glass f wine extra would have no effect on me because of my usual intake, so it would really depend on what's normal for you as to whether it could have been the wine making you feel so cr@ppy.
    Hope you feel better soon!
  • miriams76
    miriams76 Posts: 138 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi, feel free to add me. I've only just started it as well...I watched Mosley's video on Saturday and fasted yesterday. I'm already at a healthy weight but I want to do it for the other health benefits Mosley explained in his Eat, Fast video (lower cancer, diabetes, heart problem risks). This has a lot to do with health conditions some family members (not all of whom are overweight) have recently acquired. It's a more convenient way for me to organise a calorie deficit as well. My plan ,after yesterday's effort, is to eat one large breakfast and then fast until the next morning.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Why do you need to press the "close diary" button?

    Hope you're feeling better today - how's your water intake?
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    edited January 2015
    Why do you need to press the "close diary" button?

    Hope you're feeling better today - how's your water intake?

    Because of my ever-so-slight OCD tendencies! For the sake of neatness I just need to close the day down and start on the next one, though I know it's not compulsory ;) Having said that I don't do it everyday so I'm one confused, distracted, inconsistent kitten!

    Feeling a little better today thanks and made the long slog into work. Usually my water intake is fine but not yesterday morning, I didn't drink much and I was too groggy to go and get some. Point noted though, thanks.