Daily check-in: Something catchy that rhymes with January!



  • haley183
    haley183 Posts: 24 Member
    So I'm bad about getting online over the weekends but I still did my SL workout! So here's my last two workouts...

    Sunday Workout A
    Squat - 1x5 @ 45 lb, then attempted 95 lb and failed on the first squat, then 1x5 @ 75, 5x5 @ 90 lb (95 lbs just wasn't happening that day)
    Bench - 5x5 @ 70 lb
    Row - 5x5 @ 80 lb

    Yesterday's Workout B
    Squat - 1x5 @ 75, 1x5 @ 85, 5x5 @‌ 95... boy that was hard but I did it! I was sure doing a lot of grunting and breating hard though. After my last set, my husband came in my workout room to check on me... he said I sounded like I was dying in there.
    OHP - 3/5/5/5/5 @ 55 lbs.... ugh, I'm still stuck at 55 lbs. I tried 60 lbs but couldnt even lift the bar above my nose. I think I was wiped from the squats so I just couldnt do it at 60 lbs and then even failed the first set @ 55 lbs. I'm starting to dislike OHP like everybody else on here. :(
    DL - 1x5 @ 135 lb .... woohoo! Finally got to use my 45 lb plates, yay!
  • Silly revelation--If you eat before you lift you can lift more :-)

    This morning's workout:
    Squat 5x7 75
    Bench 5x5 60
    Row 5x5 70

    third world squat 5x8
    Standing Calf Raises 5x5 50
    Convict Conditioning Step 2 Horizontal Pulls 5x8

    Pretty happy with today's workout!
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Silly revelation--If you eat before you lift you can lift more :-)
    I've noticed that as well.
    I'm also looking forward to the day when I can eat at maintence, or even, *gasp* a bulk! Supposedly you get some wicked improvement when you go from cut to bulk.

  • MadamChick
    MadamChick Posts: 52 Member
    Today was workout b for me. It went really well despite my baby crying through the last exercise!

    @ScientificExplorerGirl‌ that is really good to know! I exercised before breakfast today. I will have to pay attention next time I lft.
  • @ScientificExplorerGirl I realized that, too, when I was lifting at lunchtime but before having eaten lunch. I would get hunger pangs during my workout and feel drained. Duh, all I had ingested so far was a yogurt and coffee. Working out after eating has made my sessions so much better. Plus, I can lift sooner after eating and not feel sick unlike running or yoga.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Eating before working out is a bit hit and miss for me - some days I do better fasted, others I do better after a carborific day lol
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    In last night. Quick and dirty check-in just to say I did!

    Squats @80lbs - challenging but good. Struggled to come out of the hole on the last two reps of last set so just right.
    Bench @60lbs. This was hard, the last two sets were really really tough and that last set I wasn't sure I would make it. But I did.
    Rows @70lbs. My form was really, really bad. I've switched to doing bent-over rows instead of pendlays but I need to figure something out. This has really become my least favorite exercise and it's because I can't figure out the proper form.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today ended up being a lifting day after all. Coworker was also scheduled for later so we were able to get a lift in together at her gym. It's nice having someone to chat with and to spot while I fail at 90 on bench press. But it also takes longer since we don't work in with each other on the two lifts we both do. I do my sets, then she does hers (for squat this is because she's taller and moving the bar in between is a pain). Was a bit tired since yesterday did a lot of rows and such in grit strength but my shoulder wasn't too bad this morning. Now they just are grumpy from having the bar rest on them from the front squats. Next time I'll be back to regular squats as the spot doesn't feel as tender or painful anymore. I also tried bench first instead of squat to see if that would help much with the heavy weight and not really much difference.

    Day A

    Bench - warm up then 1x5, 1x4 @ 90, 1x5 @ 85 and 4x5 @ 80 Yet another fail on 90. If I miss next tim then I'll be down again. 80 feels a lot easier now but I struggle to do 85 after I fail on the 90. Maybe I should try and do just 85 and see if I can get a few more reps before moving up to 90 but we'll see how it goes after some rest.

    Squat - warm up then front squat 5x5 @ 70 which wasn't hard for the squat aspect just the spots where I'm not used to having a bar.

    Row - 1x5 @ 95 then 5x5 85. I really wanna do 95 well but it's just not quite there, especially with no break after yesterday's workout. I will work my way up even though the ten's are little more hassle with height than the 25's.

    3x8 @ 25 db bench and 3x8 @ 20 db row for accessory and 30 minutes walk on treadmill.

    Tomorrow, I rest for real. No work or gym.

    Also, it's interesting how we view our own work outs as slow or not as strong as they could be but others sound like they are working it. I can barely jog 10 minutes let alone get several 10 minute miles. So, nice work on those running, jogging and/or plodding along at any speed. :wink:
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Workout A this evening. I really really didn't want to go today. I was still sore from my straight leg DLs I did on Monday. I went anyways and am super glad I did.

    Squat 5x5 at 155. I was supposed to go to 160 today, but I wanted to repeat 155 because of my wiggle coming out of the hole that was pointed out to me on Monday. These felt much better. They felt easier than Monday's. I think I'll stick here for a few more sessions before moving up even though the app says to.

    Bench 5x5 at 105!!!! Finally!!! I've been working up to 105 then failing several times and deloading. Today I finally got 5x5 on it. I did have to do 3 min rests instead of 90, but I got it. I'm gonna hang out here for a few sessions before tackling 107.5 or 110.

    Rows - subbed in lat pull downs at 5x5 at 110 because I wasn't feeling rows. I did end up doing some light rows after the lat pull downs though.

    Accessory work:
    Front squat 3x10 at 65
    Hammer curls 5x10 at 12
    Tricep overhead extension 5x10 at 25
    Barbell row 3x10 at 50 (after the lats)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Workout A (Wed)

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 75

    Barbell Row, Bent Over - 5 x 5 - 80

    Overhand Bicep Curls - seated 5 x 5 - 90

    Reverse Curls 5 x 5 - 75

    Squats 6 x 5 - 140
  • Holy cow, I am tired today! Second day of the semester, and first day of class for me -- it's not as easy to turn my brain back on as I would have liked. Plus, I was up pretty darn early, so it's been kind of a long day.

    Workout A

    Warmups, then 5x5 @ 135 lbs.
    - Felt really good. I'm happy and excited. Will stay here for a bit.

    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 77.5 lbs.
    - Solid, but not easy. Looking forward to going up next time.

    Row - 5x5 @ 80 lbs.
    - Did these with a permanent barbell, so felt a little different today, but not in a bad way.

    - Hip stretches. WOW are my hips tight! Even getting into a deep bodyweight squat was tough. Lots of work to do here, but glad to have a simple routine to start with and build from.

    By the time I was finished with rows, the gym was PACKED -- there's a reason I go in the middle of the day instead of late afternoon -- so I did my stretches and hightailed it out of there.

    I have plans to go on a hike with a fellow MFP-er (AmberWaves) tomorrow, so hopefully that will be fun.

    I'm super impressed and excited to read about everything the rest of you are doing! Keep up the AMAZING work, Gals.

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Workout B
    Squat 175 lbs 5x5 still feeling good about depth, I have a feeling that 180 lbs next workout may be...trying
    OHP 65 lbs 5/5/5/5/4 boo urns I hate OHP
    DL 205 lbs 1x4 still can't get the last one of these. It seemed like my grip was what failed this time though. My app isn't telling me when to deload when it should, I looked back and this was my 4th fail at 205 so I am just going to manually deload it (if I remember) next time.
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    Workout A:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 70 lbs. Felt pretty good. Getting low. I did feel a little strain in my lower back so I need to see what I'm doing wrong there.

    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 lbs. Kinda shocked how my bench is just trucking along. I've honestly never really benched before and the first time with the bar felt miserable. I've been adding 5 lbs each time and manage to finish.

    Barbell Row: 5x5 @ 55lbs. Elbows up, squeeze at the top. These are the things I told myself. These felt awkward and tough as usual.

    Gym was crazy busy. A nearby location is closed for the week so we're getting extra traffic. Boo!

    I am so incredibly impressed by the #'s I see from you girls on squats. Curious if it was a pretty linear path with the 5 lbs per week and consistency?
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    Walked 3 miles during work, had to get outside coz it was crazy at the job.

    2X8@65# warmup squats.

    SQ: 5X5@110# (parallel again, not ATG). Worked on breathing and form. Nearly dropped on the 4th set but I recovered in 20secs and finished.

    BP: 5X5@60# (belted these out, felt good).

    Row: 5X5@65# (deloaded from last time, worked on keeping back parallel to floor and full ROM drop to ground, seemed easier than last time i remembered).

    BB Curls: 1x5@45#.

    I remembered to eat lunch today even though job was nutso-busy. Plenty hydrated beforehand + 10 min stretches. Snacked on dried fruit between sets. Left foot felt a bit sensitive, but no cramps. And I wore shoes!

    Feeling excited about next workout, since planning ahead today yielded good results.
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    5X5 squats at 90 lbs.
    OHP-70 lbs, 4/4/3/2/3
    DL- 3 reps of 150 lbs

    Also today I discovered that my gym has a foam roller. OMG. It feels like sweet baby Jesus caressing my quads and glutes. Hurts SOOOOO good.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I am so incredibly impressed by the #'s I see from you girls on squats. Curious if it was a pretty linear path with the 5 lbs per week and consistency?

    For me, it has varied a little. I haven't full on failed at a squat weight but at times I will stay at a weight for an extra session or two. Since we squat every day, I've gone up 5 lbs on a regular basis from the bar but after 100 or so that progression slowed some. And I did have at least once where the jump up was 10 instead of 5 due to math error. I took a couple sessions off from regular squats so this next time I'm going to do 135 then work my way up as I'm nearing my 150 goal. My guess is progression will be varied due to a number of reasons with everyone.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I am so incredibly impressed by the #'s I see from you girls on squats. Curious if it was a pretty linear path with the 5 lbs per week and consistency?

    I started my squats really low for me (95 pounds), so I was able to increase pretty consistently. I have deloaded once from 175 to 115 to work on form. I have deloaded one other time to recover after I got the flu. For the most part, my squats are my strongest lift so I'm able to add 5 pounds every lift. (I've got major quads and glutes going on.) I've gotten to the point now that I won't add 5 every workout because I want to make sure my form doesn't fall apart at the higher weights (which is why I deloaded from 175 to 115 before). I'm probably going to stick with a weight for a week (3 lifting sessions) before increasing now (unless my body feels like I should move on sooner or hold off for another lifting day or two).
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I was so tempted to just go back to sleep when my alarm went off at 4:15 this morning, but I knew my workout bag was already packed, so I made myself get up, and glad I did!

    Workout B today

    Squats: 105 lbs 5x5. These felt pretty tough and I rested almost the full 3 minutes between sets 4 and 5, but I got them and felt like form was good. I will probably repeat here to make sure form is OK.

    OHP: 55 lbs 4x5, 1x4. I failed the last rep on my 5th set, so will repeat here next time. The 5th rep on sets 3 and 4 wasn't great either, so probably a good idea to repeat.

    Deadlift: warmup with 2x5 @ 95 lbs and then 1x5 @ 125 lbs. I also did 1x3 @ 125 lbs after my working set to test out the feel of mixed grip vs standard grip to see what felt best.

    Accessories: calf raises 4x10 BW, good mornings 3x10 @ 55 lbs

    Cardio: 45 minutes on the elliptical. My gym FINALLY got wifi so I was able to watch Netflix while I did this. So happy about this! :smiley:
  • TheMOC wrote: »

    Also today I discovered that my gym has a foam roller. OMG. It feels like sweet baby Jesus caressing my quads and glutes. Hurts SOOOOO good.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Back wasn't feeling too bad, stiff but nothing more than usual so I went ahead and told myself if my warm-up didn't make it better i'd do some light weights and some cardio. But it did go fairly well so I proceeded to getting through GBB 15

    EMOTM x6
    - Assisted chin/pull-ups (red and blue band, ~75-80lbs of assist. Alt hand position) x3/3/3/3/4/3.5

    4 rounds of double KB (first 2 with the 25lbs KB which I am still not sure are not 30s, last 2 with 25lbs DBs)
    - power snatch x5
    - push press x5
    - front rack drop lunge x5/leg
    - power clean x5

    EMOTM x6
    - KB sumo deadlift pop squat (high pull + goblet squat) x4 @ 20kg
    - 1/2 burpee R.A.T. (37 total)

    So 3 burpees more than the last time I did this finisher, not too shabby.

    Then my legs were shot but I wanted to get a little more push because I was already starting to feel like I might not be back in the gym for a couple days... So with a 40# DB, superset of

    - 1 arm DB Bench x 5/8/6
    - 1 arm DB Row x10/12/12

    And some hanging work in-between sets. My grip was already quite shot though so nothing to write home about.

    Then I was all twitchy and tweaky (my lower back pinched when I betn down to grab my stuff to shower, my neck is all stiff now). This workout particularly felt like overreaching, so I'm going to play it safe and apply a mandatory 2 days rest from anything strenuous. We'll see how i feel on Sunday. It sucks, but I need to recover a bit.

    You guys are still killing it! Keep up the great work!