Binge Eating Support Group Conversation Thread - 2015



  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I feel like I'm in a very unique situation at the moment. I've been trying to gain weight. While a binge would ultimately help me reach that goal, everyone can agree it's ultimately not the solution because I still suffer from the feelings of helplessness, shame, and guilt that are all results of binging (and what I ultimately believe defines a binge from simple overeating).

    I just need to keep strong and realize that I can do this the right way.
  • smeenach
    smeenach Posts: 5 Member
    What a good idea for a thread. Hello everyone, I am completely new to MFP and have also struggled with binge eating for years. I had never considered that there were books and info out there about it but it's nice to know I'm not alone. I have yo yo dieted a few times over the years and this last weight gain came after losing my mother to cancer (she was only 52) after being her primary caregiver. That was 3.5 years ago and I'm finally ready to get back I track.

    Hang in there everyone! We can do this!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    smeenach wrote: »
    Hang in there everyone! We can do this!

    Welcome to the group!

  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just joined this group yesterday. I am in the middle of a very bad emotional/stressful time that has thrown me into weeks of bingeing. It was very comforting to read through the threads here and find hope.

    My biggest concern right now is that I have gained so much weight (20 lbs) that I only have one pair of pants that fit. I am a teacher and need to at least be dressed nicely. Maybe today I will hit Goodwill for some dress pants in a bigger size. I'd rather look nice in a bigger size than feel like a sausage.

    My strategy right now is to make sure I am getting enough good food during the day. I am an evening binger. If I am well fed, I should then have enough strength to work some binge avoidance strategies.

    I was binge free yesterday, but tonight my DH works. That makes things tougher for sure.

  • delainatidwell
    delainatidwell Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm not sure I have B.E.D, I haven't talked with my doctor or therapist about it so I don't have an actual diagnosis. I do however have awful cravings late at night, and every time my pups want to go outside during the night I eat... I've tried replacing the junk in the house with fresh fruit etc, but my child has cereal so if I have to I will eat that. I'm an emotional eater, so I feel like I may relate to you guys somewhat. I hope I'm not intruding into your group, thank you for having me.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I woke up at 2 am and I was standing in kitchen and I was eating dry pancake mix out of the box. I have no idea how much I ate, and I only ran 3 mikes yesterday. I was not carb deprived. This is humiliating. Just called dr again asking for another appt, I am getting desperate.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Dennis, I definitely find myself doing that with weird baking ingredients too. Its like even if theres nothing in the house I'll find something
  • Kjs_
    Kjs_ Posts: 5
    Had my first binge yesterday in 2 weeks. It was a huge, mindless one. I'm SO sick & feeling down today. I've cried all day..
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Aw Kjs :( I'm sorry. It's a new day. We have all been there.
  • Kateofemrgency
    Kateofemrgency Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm relatively new to MFP and definitely new to this group. I'm 32 and have struggled with BED ever since I can remember. I have hardly ever told anyone, but it has been the biggest source of anxiety and depression in my life. I have tried so many diets, and have even lost 100lb exercising myself to the point of bulimia (meaning I exercised fanatically based on what I binged on.) I have spent so much money, time and sweat on temporary solutions; I'm ready to confront the real problem: my brain and its addiction. I have a toddler now and want more than ever to get healthy as a role model for him. I've been seeing a psychologist weekly who specializes in BED and it's been extremely helpful in bringing the mindlessness into the spotlight. I'm also on a meal/exercise (strength/HIIT) plan. I know I will always struggle with this disorder, but I am, for the first time, very hopeful for a recovery!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there. I've been on MFP for years, recognizing slightly but not quite understanding my disordered eating. I had joined this group a few months back but have not been motivated to address the issue. However, I am here today hoping to find the strength to do just that.

    I am a roller coaster and right now, I am on the slow climb back towards healthy. I have put on approximately 15lbs since June when my binging started becoming a weekly (sometimes, and more recently, multiple times weekly) occurrence. I couldn't tell you why, the trigger, or any reason. I just know in reflecting back that is the point where I went downhill.

    I have reviewed local services and have not found anything available in this rural area. I will continue to try and learn more through internet research and reading. However, I realize that just reading and attempting to understand BED will not help me towards recovery. I need to find support and to acknowledge that I am not alone.

    Thanks for letting me open up.
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm glad I found this page it's hard to find anywhere to talk about this. I kind of feel like I need a place like 12 steps only for eating. I feel like every food I put in my mouth is going to trip me up lately. The only reason I've had a few days under my belt from a recent long binge is because this month I had to spend most of my food budget on my animal that got hurt(although this is stressing me out a little to be honest) so I won't be able to have as much food which could be a good thing but that won't totally stop me I know. The reason I just popped on here mostly is because I just ate something that I recognized thankfully it was a form of potato salad and I said to myself it feels like crack in food form (or at least I'm going to guess). I kept going back for another bite. I didn't get too carried away but the fact that I felt like I couldn't keep away from it or even be in the kitchen was starting to scare me. I am thankful that I saw the sign for once beforehand instead of afterwards. I also know that I use food to boost endorphins like when I'm bored or just want to feel good and I'm realizing I need to look somewhere else for this.
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I thought this video was pretty powerful, so I thought I would share, especially for those of us that can trace our binge eating to body image problems.
  • Boxinggrrrl
    Boxinggrrrl Posts: 21 Member
    I had joined this group months ago, but was too afraid to post...lest i out myself and my ED. I really can't remember a time in my life where food wasn't an issue...and binging not an option. Sad when i think of times when i was "in control" and realize that while i was probably suffering from anorexia, i found it easier to deal with then my current state of binge/restrict. Thank you for listening. I wish you all strength in your struggle today and every day :)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Welcome Boxinggrrrl. Come out from the shadows, we don't bite :) We are all here for the same thing.

    Last nights binge: I came home hungry, I knew my appetite was huge. It was cold and snowing. Running outside probably not an option tonight. I started to try to tame the appetite by eating broccoli and salad. Then I ate blueberries. Then it hit. But it was different. This time, I didnt feel overwhelmed, and I wasnt out of control. The CBT-E says to log everything, but I didnt listen to this training. I allowed the binge to happen, it did not control me. I was unpleasantly full, but not in pain. I went to bed. The binge didnt continue through the night ( a problem for me ). I woke up at 4 am to go to work. I dont feel ashamed today. I'm not in denial - it happened, and I went back to CBT-E log and logged all I remember. There wont be any restriction or purge activity today. There wont be an "All or Nothing" excuse. I am moving on right here and right now. I ate breakfast. Today is a new day.
  • Boxinggrrrl
    Boxinggrrrl Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you! Sounds like you are turning a corner...i find the feeling of being in control is key with me to stop, or accept a binge and move on. It is only when i feel helpless or out of control that the binge takes on a life of its own, even if it is a small one. Hope you have a positive day :)
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    edited March 2015
    I just wanted to share a victory from today.

    I was faced with a special event this afternoon where one of my trigger foods (a specific dessert) was put in front of me for the first time since I began facing BED. I decided to eat 4 of them since it's been almost a year since I had had any which is way more than any person should eat, but here's the kicker. I felt fully in control of every single one and consciously made the choice to eat the next one. I managed to overeat BUT to my satisfaction without loss of control and there really isn't much guilt right now at all. I probably won't ever eat four of these food items at once again (hopefully but I'm not stopping myself if I TRULY want to) but since I've been restricting for so long, it just felt right.

    Victory. Screw you binge.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    ryanhorn wrote: »
    Victory. Screw you binge.

    Thats the spirit! :)

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Great job Ryan!

    Each month is getting better for me than the last. Let's hope great progress for April!
  • superj016
    superj016 Posts: 62 Member
    Good job, Ryan! You're an inspiration!