Let's GO!



  • shummel53
    shummel53 Posts: 20 Member
    Finished stretch. Will be more enjoyable after losing more inches.
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    Morning or Night? Just wondering at what time of day people usually exercise?
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Always morning for me. Most of the time it's because my daughter is more agreeable to me ignoring her for 25 mins then! Oh the joys of being a stay at home dad... ;)

    Cardio done this morning - definitely an easier time of it than either day last week. Wonder if I'll be able to say the same about Total Body Hell tomorrow?
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    I stay home so I do it whenever I can, typically morning or during naptime.

    Cardio is done for today. I forgot about stretch yesterday so I might do that during nap time.

    BrendSherwood - What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    I prefer evening, energy is higher as I'm more awake. But I've been doing mornings to see if my body can deal with early and get it done before the day starts. :) I am NOT a morning person.
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    BrendSherwood - What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?

    It's a fez. I wear a fez now.

    Fezzes are cool.

  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    edited January 2015
    Monnix39 wrote: »
    Morning or Night? Just wondering at what time of day people usually exercise?

    I have to do this in the morning, I find I'm just not into it if I do it later in the day or I talk myself out of working out. For me, I roll out of bed, throw on my workout clothes, push play and by the time I'm half way through he work out I realize I'm awake and working out! ha ha! It makes me feel awake and more prepared to take on the day. If I have additional time at night I'll do a walking video or go out side for a walk. Do something extra.
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    Always morning for me. Most of the time it's because my daughter is more agreeable to me ignoring her for 25 mins then! Oh the joys of being a stay at home dad... ;)

    Cardio done this morning - definitely an easier time of it than either day last week. Wonder if I'll be able to say the same about Total Body Hell tomorrow?

    I'll be right beside you doing TBC (BLECH!!) My goal is to do more -not-so-modified-workouts. Good luck to you tomorrow! :-)
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    Yaay Cardio is done for today! And I actually was able to do more of the regular and less modifier today :) Progress!
  • shummel53
    shummel53 Posts: 20 Member
    I very much wish I could work out in the morning, but I have learned I won't stick with it. I have to do it immediately when I get home from work in the evening. I change from work clothes to workout clothes.
  • Starleng
    Starleng Posts: 52 Member
    I'm starting the 5-day jump start today with the hubby. Workouts fell by the wayside this past month with all the traveling and being sick. Time to pick it up again. I could use some friends for motivation and to help me to be accountable.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    Did cardio this morning, and nailed it! First time nailing it! It was still really hard for me though!
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    OMG, whoever said Total Body Hell was entirely accurate. I physically cannot do any of those plank moves. I can't even do most of the modifiers. Good lord.
  • hawksvixxen
    hawksvixxen Posts: 54 Member
    OMG, whoever said Total Body Hell was entirely accurate. I physically cannot do any of those plank moves. I can't even do most of the modifiers. Good lord.
    Planks and those whole shoulder taps? Oy vey! I feel ya! I had to do wall pushups this morning (wrist was killing me so that didn't help)

  • rachelsentinel
    rachelsentinel Posts: 14 Member
    I just got mine yesterday and started this morning so I'm late to the party! I was supposed to be doing this with a co-worker who had already purchased it but she's sort of flaking so I'm so glad to have found y'all! I knew I was out of shape but that cardio was brutal. I had to follow the modifier quite a bit. I know I'll get better!
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2015
    Planks and those whole shoulder taps? Oy vey! I feel ya! I had to do wall pushups this morning (wrist was killing me so that didn't help)

    Oh wall pushups! Good idea. Whoever decided that on your knees pushup was the easiest level has obviously never seen my level of fitness. :wink:
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    OMG, whoever said Total Body Hell was entirely accurate. I physically cannot do any of those plank moves. I can't even do most of the modifiers. Good lord.

    Total Body Circuit....oh my!! Those planks/shoulder taps. Today I decided I'm not going to do the modified version....I probably got 4 done to their how many...then push ups....I thought I can do these (been doing the modified version)...did a face plant on the first one and had to drop my knees to continue on. Never thought about doing wall pushups either. Good idea. I have very little Upper body strength!! But I keep trying to do the harder moves each time...still sux!! I have to do this video twice this week. I dread it!
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    Yep, I am not a planker what so ever! and the modified ones were no better because my upper body strength is very slack. But we are doing it and trying and attempting so we should all be proud!!!
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    Yep monnix39.... We will eventually get there! Just have to stick with it!!
  • BrendSherwood
    BrendSherwood Posts: 31 Member
    Total Body Hell was marginally more tolerable yesterday, but I reckon that's just because I'm getting better at knowing what Shaun T's talking about!

    Speed 1.0 wasn't too bad today. Still got the coordination of a dog on a polished floor, but I'm getting there!