Challenge: 15 in 15 weeks, in 2015!



    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    Mind if I jump in a bit late? I've been pondering my 2015 goals, and this challenge fits right in. I started my new years with a clean eating challenge and doing my 5x5s regularly.

    1) 15lbs in 15 weeks (end Apr 16)
    2) 5x5 3x a week (using SL app)
    3) Jan 1-21: 21 day clean eating challenge
    4) Jan 15-31: 1x5 assisted pullups daily
    5) Jan 22-24: Refeed/diet break
    6) Jan 25-Feb 13: 14 day clean eating (adjusting/extending to keep within calorie limits on non-lift days, but still eat relatively clean)
    7) Feb 1-15: 2x5 assisted pullups, 100 pushups daily
    8) Feb 15-Jun 1: If weather permits, start 10000 steps on non-lift days + pullups + pushups

    Keep at it, everyone! We'll be unveiling our sexy selves come April.

    1/1: Started at 148-149ish (holiday binge weight)
    1/8: 145# (my avg)
    1/15: 143#
    1/22: 143# (weighed in at 142.2 before evening workout)
    1/31: 144.something something

    Blah, not much progress on the weight loss. My refeed weekend ended up turning into a free-feeding binge. With all that's been going on at work lately, I am plenty fatigued by the end of the day. I did make it through my 1x5 pull up challenge for the last half of the month.

    Now I'm embarking on another 15-day challenge to add pullups and pushups to my daily routine.

    Hoping to stick to the calorie plan especially on non-lift days too.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So that was week 4, right? Well I'm at 195.8 right now (just before a cheat meal,mind you, lol) so that makes it... 201.6 -> 195.8 = -5.8 in 4 weeks. I'm on well track! This week's been really strong on all aspects.

    The only thing that's really disappointing me is that I gained 5 inches overall over the month. I'm not sure what that's about cuz the fat % on my scale is going down (was 38% just now, been hovering 38.5/39 all week depending on how much water I have. Since I wake up hella dehydrated, the number isn't all that true). So while it's not a fun fact to look at, I'm going to take it in stride because 1. I feel GREAT, STRONG and MOTIVATED and that's what it's all about and 2. my weight IS going down steadily so I can't be doing it all wrong. I definitely did NOT lose that much muscle or whatever in just a month. Perhaps if I take them measurements when I'm not sweaty or fresh out of the shower they won't be as bad (since, you know, no muscle pump or water bloating). I'll give it a try tomorrow AM, as I'M planning on taking a progress pic before the gym, too.

    But hey, my biceps have grown! And not a single curl was done! lmao
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week. Just got a new pedometer and it's really motivating me to get my *kitten* out of my desk chair and move throughout the day.
    4) Spinning and boxing class once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.

    1) Check.
    2) Check except I think I forgot again on Friday. Did some on Saturday to make up.
    3) Weekly step total was 83,531 for an average of 11,933 per day.
    4) Check. Really sore on Friday from boxing class!
    5) TBH, I'm not really sure if I kept within weekly calories. Yesterday was mostly a non-tracking day, as hubby and I went to 2 Superbowl parties with lots of snacking and drinking. I did get a 4-mile walk/run in though, so hopefully that helped to balance things a little bit. :smile:

    Weight (weigh-in day is on Friday's; I'm afraid of Monday weigh-ins :wink:):
    1/2 - 172 lbs.
    1/9 - 171 lbs.
    1/16 - 169.5 lbs.
    1/23 - 167.5 lbs.
    1/30 - 165 lbs.
    Total lost in 4 weeks: 7 lbs.

    Looks like everyone is doing awesome as usual. Have a great week!

  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited February 2015
    Original goals

    1) Join a gym and start Stronglifts 5x5 program and track the progress.
    2) Lose 20 more pounds (that's a middle point between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds each week) with a 700 calorie deficit each day. Losing weight is harder without the almost two hours bike ride each day, but I need to stick to it. In fifteen weeks, I will be riding my beloved bike again <3
    3) Do aerobics or any other form of cardio training three times a week. Try to burn at least 300 cals (that's about 40 min. of cardio for me) each session.
    4) At the beginning of the spring, switch from normal cardio to C25K training.
    5) Inspired by @mrmrsvoelkel , I'm doing my own burpee challenge, which is to DO burpees. I started by beating my own personal record of one (doing six!), and I'm trying to increase my numbers at each cardio session. Yesterday it was 15. By April 19, I want to be able to do 45 in a row. I keep the number low because being significantly overweight means that it's considerably hard on my joints and muscles to perform these, and I'm not sure how well it will go.
    6) Each sunday, I want to cook some easy to reheat dinner, so I won't be tempted to skip cardio when I have to train after work.

    Ok, so here are my progress on my 15 goals.

    1) Still doing Stronglifts, and I'm doing good.
    2) January 11th: -1.6 January 18th: -0.6 January 25: -1.6 February 1st: -1.2 Total: -5
    3) Cardio was so-so this week, I did some only during the weekend, and one workout was crappy
    4) Still waiting for negotiable sidewalks,
    5) I did 18 burpees yesterday. I will have to progress a little more rapidly If I want to be able to do 45.
    6) I batchcooked Texas chili on saturday night, and there's some butter chicken in the crockpot cooking right now. I will probably cook a broccoli and cheddar soup tonight.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    threnjen wrote: »

    a) SL 5x5 3 times weekly
    b) Walk a minimum of 8000 steps daily on my Vivofit (or at least average 8000/daily for the week)
    c) Continue to average a 1lb/week deficit
    d) make dinner at home at least 3 nights a week, and eat at home (or home cooked meals at friends or family) at least 5 nights a week.
    e) eat out at lunch no more than twice a week

    a) ehhhhh.... 2.5 more like it :(
    b) yes, managing this
    c) no :(
    d) Maybe? I think so
    e) easily, it's really my only major win though
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    3ish out of 5 really isn't so bad!

    I'm going to wait for the TOM bloat to go down before I officially step on the scale this week... 197.8 this AM... that would be a 2lbs GAIN, but that's pretty much what I put on whenever the end of the cycle is nigh, so I'm not too worried there. Should stabilize by Monday (it makes me a lil angry tho cuz that means the challenge that ends on March 8th will ALSO be right at the same spot during my cycle... argh. Will have to remind myself to weigh in on the Wednesday before! lol)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

    I'm down 1.4 lbs this week. Yay! I have tried to tighten the calories a bit as the only lower body work I'm doing is goblet squats so I don't get as ravenous. I hit my weight workouts, my conditioning workouts, and 5:2 fast days. I was super on point with eating what I should. Yay!

    Hope everyone else is having a kick *kitten* week as well. I wonder how much weight we'll collectively lose by April?
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (or more) in 15 weeks
    Start date: January 2
    End date: April 17

    The plan:
    * 5x5, 3x week
    * 3-mile walks, at least 3x week
    * Stay within calorie range for the week; adjust range downwards to help reach 1 lb. per week loss when necessary
    * Eat an apple with breakfast daily
    * Plan meals and pack lunches on days I can't come home
    * Limit soda (I have a weird rules for myself on this one that aren't worth explaining here)
    * Measurements once a month

    01/02 (Starting weight): 0 lbs.
    01/09: -2.0 lbs.
    01/16: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.7 lbs.
    01/23: +0.5 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.2 lbs.
    01/30: -3.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -7.0 lbs. (Thank you, flu!)
    02/07: +0.9 lbs. / Challenge total: -6.1 lbs.

    02/7 -- I weighed myself yesterday and didn't like the results, so tried again today. It was a little better, but I'm still up almost a pound. This has to be the result of not being sick anymore, since my calorie average was actually pretty low this week. Not terribly surprised, nor overly concerned. But it does mean I need to make sure I'm stepping things up the rest of the month in order to hit my goals.

    As for the plan, it's still rather hit or miss :frowning:
    - 5x5 -- 2x so far. May go today, but may skip. Lower back is a little twinge-y and I'm still feeling a run down. I am going to yoga tomorrow though.
    - Walks -- Got in one good walk with Huck, but haven't hit this goal on a regular basis. Definitely need to improve here.
    - Calorie range -- Actually low this week, though I did eat out a couple of times and may have underestimated calories.
    - Apples -- Only once or twice this week.
    - Meal planning -- Not really applicable this week.
    - Soda -- Haven't had any.
    - Measurements -- Done last week.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well, I was at 196 with the scale saying 37% BF, so that would amount up to a 2.5% BF loss in 5 weeks... Not too shabby! So, +.2 WHILE bloated from TOM, I'll take it.

    However I went to my aunt's for my grandma's birthday party last night, and we had chinese. and delicious desserts, and I kinda overdid it and I feel like CRAP today. So let this be a reminder that, even when I tell myself it's okay to let go, it doesn't mean GO CRAZy -_-'
    1 Train 4-5 times a week, first with the GBB Program (4 more weeks), a transition/deload week, and then restarting UBB 2.0
    2 Get in at least 30 minutes of "light" activity a day (on top of training program). Walking, mini cycle, DDR, yoga, foam rolling, even. Just... anything
    3 Work on eliminating most grains from my diet by phasing them out slowly (~1 month)
    4 Go with the smallest deficit I can manage with. Performance is still important!
    5 I actually registered for an 8-week transformation challenge, so this should go hand in hand with the goal ;)

    1- Didn't miss a beat, will not deload and will do the Aggressive SHRED project instead
    2- I've managed 20-30 pretty much every day lately. But I think Friday was an off day and I ended up not caring to go for... no wait I *did* go for a short walk even though it was cold. So...
    3- I've actually been doing a little better with this, but the diet plan I'm going to follow is pretty much NO carbs ***, so for the next 4 weeks I'll be mostly holding to that, at least :P
    4- Well, I've gotten used to 1800 to the point where it's somewhat comfortable, so now I'm stepping it up to 1650. Keeping in mind I'm not counting most low carb veggies, that's really not so bad.
    5- Still going strong. Love the support of the group over there, and you guys here!

    But since I'm switching my priorities, here is a new list of steps/goals for the next 4 weeks or so!

    1) New program is 3 days of weight lifting, 1 day of HIIT & abs, 2 days of active recovery and 1 day OFF. I wanna make sure I don't skimp on the active recovery circuit and hit my mobility work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
    2) There will be no cheat meals over the next 4 weeks, aside from my birthday parties. There will be 2 of them and I will plan ahead for them, fast before them, eat a high protein meal before I go and while I will not count calories, I WILL keep these cheats under control.
    3) It's already a February goal of mine, but minimum 7 hours of sleep average over the week.
    4) Stick to the no snacking, 3 big meals a day template, since it seems to allow me to get through the night without food. It may be psychological, but if it's not broken, I ain't gonna fix it!
    5) Since the actual calories I should be eating on the SHRED meal-plan are actually much lower than 1500 (low carb day) / 1650 (high carb day), I will try to step it back gradually (depending on how I feel, 50-100 cals a week maybe). Hoping for 1300/1500 on the last week, but I'm not gonna starve myself for a crash diet either.

    Aaaand, I've been staring at the screen for 5 minutes trying to come up with something more creative to follow but I really don't know at the moment! I think I'm good to go! 9.5 lbs to go, 9 weeks remain. I think I got this :)

    *** Going extremely low carb is not necessary to lose fat, however it is an approach I have been successful with in the past that typically allows me to eat "less", and it's only 4 weeks. I might also try to reintegrate an IF cycle in there but I will transition slowly in order to make it stick. The plan after the 28 days is to reintegrate carbs in slowly and upping cals that way and I'll basically go back to my current ratio of P30/C30/F40 but with maybe a lil less calories
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    edited February 2015
    i have not been working toward my weight loss goal very strictly. Kind of threw caution to the wind and stopped logging. But I have a Spring vacation goal to light a fire under me. Woohoo, Trinadad with Hubbie and no kid! So, I am going to try harder to log food and get my cardio in. No problem getting SL in 'cuz I love it. Maybe I will take a yoga class here and there.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    edited February 2015
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week.
    4) Spinning and boxing class once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.
    6) Lose 1 lb per week.

    1) Check.
    2) Keep forgetting to do push-ups on non-lifting days! But I always do lots of push-ups and burpees on boxing day, so probably got in about 90 for the week. These are still SO hard. Any ideas on other ways to work these muscles is welcome!
    3) Weekly step total was 90,730 for an average of 12,961 per day. This past weekend the weather got into the 50's and it felt fantastic to be able to walk outside. BTW, I really feel my pedometer is encouraging me to get my *kitten* moving. It's like a contest with myself to get those 10,000 steps in daily!
    4) Check. Wish I could do another spinning class throughout the week. I love it.
    5) I'm pretty sure I kept under my weekly calories. I always do so good during the week and then, bam, that weekend comes along and it's really hard with going out, etc. And Saturday and Sunday were bridal events (for my daughter) with cake-tastings (yummy!), so that didn't help.

    Weight (weigh-in day is on Friday's):
    1/2 - 172 lbs.
    1/9 - 171 lbs.
    1/16 - 169.5 lbs.
    1/23 - 167.5 lbs.
    1/30 - 165 lbs.
    2/6 - 164.5 lbs. -5 lb. I'll take it.
    Total lost in 5 weeks: 7.5 lbs.

    Have a great week everyone and hit those goals!


  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited February 2015
    Original goals

    1) Join a gym and start Stronglifts 5x5 program and track the progress.
    2) Lose 20 more pounds (that's a middle point between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds each week) with a 700 calorie deficit each day. Losing weight is harder without the almost two hours bike ride each day, but I need to stick to it. In fifteen weeks, I will be riding my beloved bike again <3
    3) Do aerobics or any other form of cardio training three times a week. Try to burn at least 300 cals (that's about 40 min. of cardio for me) each session.
    4) At the beginning of the spring, switch from normal cardio to C25K training.
    5) Inspired by @mrmrsvoelkel , I'm doing my own burpee challenge, which is to DO burpees. I started by beating my own personal record of one (doing six!), and I'm trying to increase my numbers at each cardio session. Yesterday it was 15. By April 19, I want to be able to do 45 in a row. I keep the number low because being significantly overweight means that it's considerably hard on my joints and muscles to perform these, and I'm not sure how well it will go.
    6) Each sunday, I want to cook some easy to reheat dinner, so I won't be tempted to skip cardio when I have to train after work.

    Ok, so here are my progress on my 15 goals.

    1) Still doing Stronglifts, and I'm doing good.
    2) January 11th: -1.6 January 18th: -0.6 January 25: -1.6 February 1st: -1.2 February 8th: - 1.8 Total: -6.8
    3) Eww. Cardio was bad this week. Bad. Going to sleep at 8:30 every night didn't give me a lot of time to exercise.
    4) Still waiting for negotiable sidewalks,
    5) I'm at 20 burpees in a row now.
    6) Batchcooked spaghetti sauce and couscous royale stew this weekend, and tonight I am grilling a whole jerked pork shoulder. Should have enough food for the week. ;)

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited February 2015
    Checking in with some gewd news pertaining to this week! =D
    1) New program is 3 days of weight lifting, 1 day of HIIT & abs, 2 days of active recovery and 1 day OFF. I wanna make sure I don't skimp on the active recovery circuit and hit my mobility work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
    2) There will be no cheat meals over the next 4 weeks, aside from my birthday parties. There will be 2 of them and I will plan ahead for them, fast before them, eat a high protein meal before I go and while I will not count calories, I WILL keep these cheats under control.
    3) It's already a February goal of mine, but minimum 7 hours of sleep average over the week.
    4) Stick to the no snacking, 3 big meals a day template, since it seems to allow me to get through the night without food. It may be psychological, but if it's not broken, I ain't gonna fix it!
    5) Since the actual calories I should be eating on the SHRED meal-plan are actually much lower than 1500 (low carb day) / 1650 (high carb day), I will try to step it back gradually (depending on how I feel, 50-100 cals a week maybe). Hoping for 1300/1500 on the last week, but I'm not gonna starve myself for a crash diet either.

    1) Been doing okay with the program so far, I even did the cardio! lol. Mobility hasn't been too bad but I need to do it a little earlier in the day cuz I skimped on the foam rolling. Boo :(
    2) So far so good! I did have 2 quest bars yesterday but honestly I think I earned them! Cheats are a-coming this week: Friday night and Sunday night. I think I might actually make Friday a no-log day and while I won't go crazy, I'll eat some nice things I can't really have on this diet. like bread.
    3) Last week went well, this week was crap. Averaged below 6 hours a night. I was trashed by Friday. Need to get this sorted out.
    4) 3 meals and a pre-bed snack every day but Friday. The lack of sleep had me a bit hungrier than I could stand. It happens.
    5) I was below pretty much all week, so I think I'll just leave my cal goal as is and not fuss about it.

    Now for the big reveal... This morning when I stepped on the scale...
    *drum roll*

    From 201.6, that's a 8.8 loss so far! 3+ lbs in a single week! Some of it is due to the low carb thing, but still! The SHRED be shreddin'! 6 weeks in and I'm already halfway to the goal. Woop! ^^

    How is everyone else doing?
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    crabada wrote: »
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (or more) in 15 weeks
    Start date: January 2
    End date: April 17

    The plan:
    * 5x5, 3x week
    * 3-mile walks, at least 3x week
    * Stay within calorie range for the week; adjust range downwards to help reach 1 lb. per week loss when necessary
    * Eat an apple with breakfast daily
    * Plan meals and pack lunches on days I can't come home
    * Limit soda (I have a weird rules for myself on this one that aren't worth explaining here)
    * Measurements once a month

    01/02 (Starting weight): 0 lbs.
    01/09: -2.0 lbs.
    01/16: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.7 lbs.
    01/23: +0.5 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.2 lbs.
    01/30: -3.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -7.0 lbs. (Thank you, flu!)
    02/07: +0.9 lbs. / Challenge total: -6.1 lbs.
    02/14: No change / Challenge total: -6.1 lbs.

    02/14 - My motivation is super low right now. I need to get it together!! I think the stress of what I have to accomplish this semester is starting to hit me and things are starting to slip.



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »

    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day.

    I worked today, and then had tons of stuff for an online class. #tuckered

    So this week I did:
    4 Smolov jr workouts+ impromptu squat, deadlift, and bench days along with 3 of those as I am feeling much better in the tailbone region.
    3 cardio workouts-
    2 fast days
    Ate fairly well this week. I had a little case of the squat hungries on Tuesday, but didn't do too bad overall.

    I'm up .2 lbs, but I'm fairly sure it's water weight from being able to do lower body lifts, and I have full body doms today. lol. My measurements seem to be the same or down a bit so meh. I just hope I can stay on track to make weight for my meet in April.

  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited February 2015
    @krokador does cheat meals this week means it's your birthday? Happy birthday in advance! ;)

    @crabada low motivation week happens sometimes. This winter is rough on me (well, as a Montrealer always buried in snow and cold, at least) and I navigated from blah week to supercharged weeks. You will find the motivation in you, and if you still struggle, try to rely on discipline instead. That's what I do when I'm fed up.

    (Read this post from theangryviolonist, it helped me a lot when I had a major crash in motivation).
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited February 2015
    Original goals

    1) Join a gym and start Stronglifts 5x5 program and track the progress.
    2) Lose 20 more pounds (that's a middle point between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds each week) with a 700 calorie deficit each day. Losing weight is harder without the almost two hours bike ride each day, but I need to stick to it. In fifteen weeks, I will be riding my beloved bike again <3
    3) Do aerobics or any other form of cardio training three times a week. Try to burn at least 300 cals (that's about 40 min. of cardio for me) each session.
    4) At the beginning of the spring, switch from normal cardio to C25K training.
    5) Inspired by @mrmrsvoelkel , I'm doing my own burpee challenge, which is to DO burpees. I started by beating my own personal record of one (doing six!), and I'm trying to increase my numbers at each cardio session. Yesterday it was 15. By April 19, I want to be able to do 45 in a row. I keep the number low because being significantly overweight means that it's considerably hard on my joints and muscles to perform these, and I'm not sure how well it will go.
    6) Each sunday, I want to cook some easy to reheat dinner, so I won't be tempted to skip cardio when I have to train after work.

    Ok, so here is my follow up:

    1) Still doing Stronglifts and never skipped a workout in six weeks. Yay!
    2) January 11th: -1.6 January 18th: -0.6 January 25: -1.6 February 1st: -1.2 February 8th: - 1.8 February 15th: -1.2 Total: -8 (totally on par with my Valentine's day goal, yay!)
    3) This week cardio was done, but I did not burned 300 cals each session. But still, I did my three sessions instead of the two I've done last week, which is good.
    4) Still waiting for negotiable sidewalks (I'm not sure when I will be able to run outside, and I miss my bike so much, I don't know if I will be willing to run instead of biking... but hey, it's in the goals).
    5) Didn't do my burpees this week, but I will do some after my workout today, so we'll see. I think I was able to manage 20 last week, so I'll try 23 today.
    6) I just cooked a broccoli-cheddar soup and I am marinating a truck load of chicken drumsticks that will go on the grill tomorrow.

    I didn't feel as much confident during my workouts this week, but I'm doing pretty good about my goals. I started yesterday a week-long macro-conscious diet break where I will still try to reach my macros goals, but eating at almost maintenance (I admit I kept a 150 cals deficit to make room for errors). I will still follow MFP method because TDEE numbers were overwhelming (eatin 2700 cals a day is a lot of calories to eat, seriously), so it will be maintenance + burned calories. Yesterday, that meaned more than 2600 cals. That's a lot of food!

    I am assuming that I wont lose weight this week. It's ok. It will be easier to lose after this refeed.
    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    • Updated Plan with February goals:
    • 15lbs in 15 weeks (end Apr 16)
    • 5x5 3x a week (using SL app)
    • Feb Challenge: 2x5 assisted pullups, 100 pushups daily
    • Feb 15-28: Stick to calorie plan (about 1lb loss weekly and add more protein)
    • Feb 15-28: 10k steps on non-lift days

    1/1: Started at 148-149ish (holiday binge weight)
    1/8: 145# (my avg)
    1/15: 143#
    1/22: 143# (weighed in at 142.2 before evening workout)
    1/31: 144.something something
    2/3: ?
    2/13: 145

    The last couple of weeks have been rough (work has been sucking what energy I have left at the end of the day), and I went off the diet plan. I'm restarting it today, since the setback has put me off course for my April deadline. The 3 things that I've stuck to are:
    1. SL5x5 3 times a week...almost didn't make it this week but they got done
    2. 2x5 assisted pullups
    3. 100x pushups

  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week. Just got a new pedometer and it's really motivating me to get my *kitten* out of my desk chair and move throughout the day.
    4) Spinning and boxing class once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.

    1) Nope. Saturday is my 3rd lifting day and had a lot going on and wasn't able to get that session in. Will do better this week.
    2) Nope again. Did do a lot of push-ups and burpees at boxing class Thursday, but the other days somehow got skipped. Oops.
    3) Weekly step total was 77,427 for an average of 11,061 per day. Success on this goal at least!
    4) Check.
    5) I'm pretty sure I was over this week on calories. Did fine until Saturday and Sunday, but then...

    Weight (weigh-in day is on Friday's):
    1/2 - 172 lbs.
    1/9 - 171 lbs.
    1/16 - 169.5 lbs.
    1/23 - 167.5 lbs.
    1/30 - 165 lbs.
    2/6 - 164.5 lbs. -5 lb. I'll take it.
    2/13 - 162.5 lbs. Happy with this but hope this past weekend didn't undo too much.

    Total lost in 6 weeks: 9.5 lbs.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Now that I have batteries in my scale, I can do my updates.

    Lose 10-15 lbs. - am down to 174, slowed a little with cold and break from gym.
    Lower body fat percentage based on gym tester device. - will get this checked soon.

    Bench - no progress made, de-loaded then took a week off due to cold. Probably won't make 100 as doing NROLFW so doing bench is extra and not a regular part of the routine.

    Squat - Made it to 150 before de-loaded then took week off. Not sure how will go with different rep range in NROLFW.

    OHP - no progress here either, same reason as bench. Doing OHP along with front squat once a week though, but right now back to just the bar.

    Deadlift - made it to 200 before I got sick.

    Start NROL4W or ICF - started NROLFW on the 14th.

    Addition: Start couch 2 5k training as might sign up for June 5k.- signed up but haven't started yet, once I get the routine figured out and this cough goes away, then I will get walking/jogging.

    Not bad though slowed down on progress a little this month.