Challenge: 15 in 15 weeks, in 2015!



  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

    I took today off for a 3 day weekend, so I fasted yesterday and did my weigh in/measuring today.

    I did 3 351 for PL workouts except for OHP which I am going to do tomorrow after I test my 1rm to see what my sweet gainz were from smolov jr.

    I have 2 conditioning workouts in, but I'll fit in the third after my OHP on Saturday.

    2 fast days, and reasonable eating done (and I'll continue to be reasonable today and tomorrow.

    I lost 1.8 lbs from last week (where I was up .2 lbs) and I have crazy doms again, so I'm hoping for another big loss next week. I also lost some fractions of inches here and there. This was my first week back to lifting all the things, and it went really well. I might have to adjust my deficit a bit once I have a few more squat/dl sessions under my belt for recovery reasons. I've lost 8.6 lbs since Jan 1st. I'm super excited about that. Only 7.4 to go to make weight for April.

    EPICUREASIAN Posts: 147 Member
    • Updated Plan with February goals:
    • 15lbs in 15 weeks (end Apr 16)
    • 5x5 3x a week (using SL app)
    • Feb Challenge: 2x5 assisted pullups, 100 pushups daily
    • Feb 15-28: Stick to calorie plan (about 1lb loss weekly and add more protein)
    • Feb 15-28: 10k steps on non-lift days

    The last couple of weeks have been rough (work has been sucking what energy I have left at the end of the day), and I went off the diet plan. I'm restarting it today, since the setback has put me off course for my April deadline. The 3 things that I've stuck to are:
    1. SL5x5 3 times a week...almost didn't make it this week but they got done
    2. 2x5 assisted pullups
    3. 100x pushups

    1/1: Started at 148-149ish (holiday binge weight)
    1/8: 145# (my avg)
    1/15: 143#
    1/22: 143# (weighed in at 142.2 before evening workout)
    1/31: 144.something something
    2/3: ?
    2/13: 145
    2/20: 144.4 morning weigh in

    Disappointed that I'm at day 6 sticking to my calorie plan and the scale progress isn't very encouraging. I'm thinking hormones are partly to blame this week since I'm literally feeling exhausted every day.

    I haven't been very good at posting my SL checkins on the February post, but I've been diligent with posting it on my feed every lift day. Work still has me crazy busy, so my programs tend to be brief.

    My Wednesday program:
    10 min stretches. Warmup squats: 2x10@75#. SQ: 5X5@140#. BP: 5x5@75#. PRow: 5X5@85#.

    I've been doing parallel squats lately just to see how much I can load my bar. Last year I would never have imagined my rows getting to 85#, so WOW! I also upgraded my daily assisted pull ups to 3x5, which make me feel like a superwoman.

    100x pushups daily, now at 5x20: check.
    10k steps on non-lift days: check.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    crabada wrote: »
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (or more) in 15 weeks
    Start date: January 2
    End date: April 17

    The plan:
    * 5x5, 3x week
    * 3-mile walks, at least 3x week
    * Stay within calorie range for the week; adjust range downwards to help reach 1 lb. per week loss when necessary
    * Eat an apple with breakfast daily
    * Plan meals and pack lunches on days I can't come home
    * Limit soda (I have a weird rules for myself on this one that aren't worth explaining here)
    * Measurements once a month

    01/02 (Starting weight): 0 lbs.
    01/09: -2.0 lbs.
    01/16: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.7 lbs.
    01/23: +0.5 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.2 lbs.
    01/30: -3.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -7.0 lbs. (Thank you, flu!)
    02/07: +0.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/14: No change / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/21: -0.3 lbs. / Challenge total: - 6.5 lbs.

    02/21 - Motivation is still super low, and I've had a rough week personally. That said, I think it's time to go into a bit of a drill sergeant mode -- not questions, no excuses, just get it done! To help with this, I am writing out these goals and putting them right next to my computer, so I see them every day.

    * 5x5 - 2x last week, and so far only 2x this week. Ideally I'll make up the workout I skipped yesterday later today, but we all know how that goes sometimes. :(
    * Walks - These walks haven't been happening with any regularity either, so those need to go back on the agenda!
    * Calories - My average this week was over by 300 calories per day. This is an estimate, and has almost everything to do with Thursday's very extended Happy Hour of five beers, two tacos, and nachos. And while that one night killed me, I'd been above my range just about every other day too.
    * Apples - I am eating my apples, though not always at breakfast. I'm OK with that, but would prefer to get back into the AM habit with these.
    * Plan meals - N/A right now
    * Limit soda - I've had one or two, but not concerned about this.
    * Measurements - Next set happens first week of March.

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I may as well bow out of this challenge. I just cannot lose weight. Lbs went down, then up, then down a lb. whoop dee do! Good luck to the rest of you, you're doing great!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    1) Lift 3x a week.
    2) At least 20-30 push-ups on nonlifting days.
    3) 10,000 steps or more at least 5 days a week. Just got a new pedometer and it's really motivating me to get my *kitten* out of my desk chair and move throughout the day.
    4) Spinning and boxing class once a week.
    5) Keeping within weekly calories.

    1) Check.
    2) I've been slacking on these for the last 2 weeks. Must get back to this! Actually I keep forgetting, so I'm going to set a reminder in my phone. If that what it takes...
    3) Check. Step total was down for the week due to really cold and snowy weather, but at least I met my goal (barely!). 71,295 total steps for a daily average of 10,185.
    4) Nope. Both classes were cancelled this week due to weather :(
    5) I'm sure I was over again in weekly calories this week. The weekends really wreck all the good eating I do through the work week. Baby shower yesterday with all kinds of yummies! I'm going to eat under more than usual for a few days this week to hopefully make up for the weekend.

    Weight (weigh-in day on Friday's):
    1/2 - 172 lbs.
    1/9 - 171 lbs.
    1/16 - 169.5 lbs.
    1/23 - 167.5 lbs.
    1/30 - 165 lbs.
    2/6 - 164.5 lbs.
    2/13 - 162.5 lbs.
    2/20 - 162 lbs.
    Total lost in 7 weeks: 10 lbs.

  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Original goals

    1) Join a gym and start Stronglifts 5x5 program and track the progress.
    2) Lose 20 more pounds (that's a middle point between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds each week) with a 700 calorie deficit each day. Losing weight is harder without the almost two hours bike ride each day, but I need to stick to it. In fifteen weeks, I will be riding my beloved bike again <3
    3) Do aerobics or any other form of cardio training three times a week. Try to burn at least 300 cals (that's about 40 min. of cardio for me) each session.
    4) At the beginning of the spring, switch from normal cardio to C25K training.
    5) Inspired by @mrmrsvoelkel , I'm doing my own burpee challenge, which is to DO burpees. I started by beating my own personal record of one (doing six!), and I'm trying to increase my numbers at each cardio session. Yesterday it was 15. By April 19, I want to be able to do 45 in a row. I keep the number low because being significantly overweight means that it's considerably hard on my joints and muscles to perform these, and I'm not sure how well it will go.
    6) Each sunday, I want to cook some easy to reheat dinner, so I won't be tempted to skip cardio when I have to train after work.

    Ok, so here is my follow up:

    1) Still doing Stronglifts. I skipped on workout this morning, but I will balance things out.
    2) January 11th: -1.6 January 18th: -0.6 January 25: -1.6 February 1st: -1.2 February 8th: - 1.8 February 15th: -1.2 Total: -8 (totally on par with my Valentine's day goal, yay!) February 22nd: -0 (actually I'm a little bit up because of my diet break, but it most likely fluid retention... we'll see with next week weigh in). Total: -8
    3) Cardio done, Saturday workout was awesome, yesterday was ok. I'm planning on doing spinning Friday to have another great cardio workout this week.
    4) Still waiting for negotiable sidewalks.
    5) I'm honestly slacking on the burpees. I will try to refocus on that goal this week.
    6) I cooked lentil and sausage soup + some granola bar to eat before my workouts.

    That's it, I don't have a lot of enthusiasm this morning, but still, I'm trying to do my best.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    I may as well bow out of this challenge. I just cannot lose weight. Lbs went down, then up, then down a lb. whoop dee do! Good luck to the rest of you, you're doing great!

    No! Don't quit! Even if you don't make it to 15 you'll still have progress to show for it!

    I just realized I haven't checked in this week. My weight is up a bit, measurements are no change. Birthday has made it hard to stick to a diet and with my wife being here next weekend it'll also be really hard. So I'm going to make sure i eat super duper clean this week in order to make up for it as much as I can.

    Training has been on point though. I can't complain about hitting PRs and beating times! Everything will fall into place in due time, folks! :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    just lurking in this thread, but i have to say that you look terrific in that birthday picture you posted, krok. and sumi in her red dress as well.

    i'm not sure where either of you is going to find the rest of the fat that you're wanting to lose.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    just lurking in this thread, but i have to say that you look terrific in that birthday picture you posted, krok. and sumi in her red dress as well.

    i'm not sure where either of you is going to find the rest of the fat that you're wanting to lose.

    My hips are about 44 inches circumference. My thighs 26+ inches. There's definitely a lot of jiggle to loose there. Don't be fooled by my sucking up my stomach and giving myself a good angle in the mirror, lol. I'm at 38.5% fat. Lowest I've been was close to 33%. I should be 25% to be in the range I wanna get to (165lbs, 125lbs LBM). That's only a 5lbs increase in LBM, and at 193 right now, 33lbs of fat to lose)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    ^^^me, too. My hips are 40", thighs are 22" , I've got saddle bags. From the side I look thinner but head on I am wide
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Sumiblue don't quit!!!!
    a) SL 5x5 3 times weekly
    b) Walk a minimum of 8000 steps daily on my Vivofit (or at least average 8000/daily for the week)
    c) Continue to average a 1lb/week deficit
    d) make dinner at home at least 3 nights a week, and eat at home (or home cooked meals at friends or family) at least 5 nights a week.
    e) eat out at lunch no more than twice a week

    a) still can't seem to muster up more than 2, and I'm mad at myself about it.
    b) I think yes... I'm too lazy to math it up but it seems about right
    c) not quite, but I'm not beating myself up.
    SW: 122.4
    CW: 118.8 but I was feeling skinny today. I think my true weight is around 119.5 right now
    d) Had a bad bad week for that last week and this week may or may not be better. We've been eating out a lot with friends and have a dinner out tonight still.
    e) I didn't realize this one was so easy. Ultimately I never go out for lunch. So I do appreciate this realization! I should make this goal to not have my SPOUSE go out for lunch more than twice a week, which happens only if I have made dinners at home and he has leftovers to take in.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    There's a reason I don't post full body pictures around here and it's called my hips. :) I'll just consider myself in good company and keep working on making them smaller.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Yes, the damn hips! I'm definitely a pear :smile:

    I really need to do measurements again (and progress pics). It kind of feels like my work pants are getting looser (wishful thinking?) When I first started working out, I'd do them about once a month but have slacked off. Probably haven't done them in like 3 months. @krokador, what do you use to measure body fat? I bought some body fat calipers on Amazon, but I kept getting different measurements because well I guess I just don't know how to use them correctly!!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited February 2015
    justmytype wrote: »
    Yes, the damn hips! I'm definitely a pear :smile:

    I really need to do measurements again (and progress pics). It kind of feels like my work pants are getting looser (wishful thinking?) When I first started working out, I'd do them about once a month but have slacked off. Probably haven't done them in like 3 months. @krokador, what do you use to measure body fat? I bought some body fat calipers on Amazon, but I kept getting different measurements because well I guess I just don't know how to use them correctly!!!

    I use a tape measure and a formula taking into account different measurements. Got a spreadsheet where I enter my stats and it calculates it for me, then I compare with what my scale tells me (it works with bioimpedance, so while not super accurate -- if I drink lots of water I can make it say nice things! lol -- it tends to be pretty stable first thing in the AM and gives me a similar number, so I'm guessing it's close to reality.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, almost end of the month and had a good weigh-in this morning, so might as well post an update on here.

    Lose 10-15 lbs. - 169. Start of month was slow but end the weight just dropped. Think this is about 8 lost so far.
    Lower body fat percentage based on gym tester device. - will get this checked soon, when I can get myself to the gym before 11 pm.

    Bench - An accessory right now. Did 3x8 @ 70 last time, probably won't make 100 but oh well.

    Squat - Now I'm working on increasing though the reps do decrease a little every few times. Probably won't see the big plates again for a little bit though.

    OHP - Doing OHP along with front squat once a week and next stage has a front squat/push press segment. Not sure I will get to 75 but who knows.

    Deadlift - Wow the high rep ranges and more sets are different on this one. Won't be up near 200 again for a while. And next stage comes standing on a very short long box while doing deadlifts. x.x

    Start NROL4W or ICF - achieved already

    Addition: Start couch 2 5k training as might sign up for June 5k.- have running shoes now, will start this hopefully in the next week or two.

    Decent end of February and will have to figure out March soon. Have a weird coach phone call thing associated with the wellness program my work does (for customers, I just try things so I know what I'm talking about if it ever comes up). My goal is focused on the exercise and weight loss so will get calls every 4 weeks to check on my progress, and we included a protein goal. March will be interesting.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i have this constitutional Thing about joining things, but i'm going to sign up for the last month of this. for the next month or however long it might be, i am going to be left-handed.

    pretty much nothing but that. i'm just going to make a real effort to use my left hand and the left side of my body for daily life, for mobility and strength improvements. guess i'll just see how it goes.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited February 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (or more) in 15 weeks
    Start date: January 2
    End date: April 17

    The plan:
    * 5x5, 3x week
    * 3-mile walks, at least 3x week
    * Stay within calorie range for the week; adjust range downwards to help reach 1 lb. per week loss when necessary
    * Eat an apple with breakfast daily
    * Plan meals and pack lunches on days I can't come home
    * Limit soda (I have a weird rules for myself on this one that aren't worth explaining here)
    * Measurements once a month

    01/02 (Starting weight): 0 lbs.
    01/09: -2.0 lbs.
    01/16: -1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.7 lbs.
    01/23: +0.5 lbs. / Challenge total: -3.2 lbs.
    01/30: -3.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -7.0 lbs. (Thank you, flu!)
    02/07: +0.8 lbs. / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/14: No change / Challenge total: -6.2 lbs.
    02/21: -0.3 lbs. / Challenge total: - 6.5 lbs.
    02/28: - 1.7 lbs. / Challenge total: - 8.2 lbs.

    02/28 -- So, the good news is that I'm still on track to lose 15 lbs. by April 17 if I can manage about 1 lb. per week. The bad news is that I lost only 2 lbs. the whole of February. Looks like I need to step it up in a big way!

    March is terrifying me on just about every front. I pretty much have to complete my thesis this month and there is just a TON of work to do. And this trip to Utah next week will be a challenge. I'm going to try to find a gym -- maybe the one on campus? -- and do as much walking as I can, but it's freaking cold and snowy there, so who knows. The friend I'm staying with has a treadmill and handweights, so I'll be taking advantage of those if nothing else. Send good thoughts my way!

    * 5x5 - 2x for the first three weeks of Feb., and only once this past week. School and some back / hip pain are getting in the way, especially this week. Need to step this back up.
    * Walks - Did one really lovely walk with Huck this week and it felt so good to be out there. Want to concentrate on adding these back in too, but worried given everything else on my plate. Need to figure out how to fit these in.
    * Calories - The last two days killed me. I was actually below my range for the first five days of this week (Sat. - Wed.) and then Thurs. and Fri. happened. Totally related to stress. So, ended up with an average that was over my range by 112 calories. Sigh.
    * Apples - Still eating these, but missed a couple of days. I'll be taking a bunch to Utah with me.
    * Plan meals - N/A right now
    * Limit soda - I drank 32 oz. of Coke on Thursday. I haven't had that much soda in I can't even tell you how long. It was absolutely related to stress and pulling a very, very long night. It was also against my soda "rules." Not terribly worried about this goal in general because that's an unusual thing. But will watch this moving forward.
    * Measurements - I'll do these when I get back from Utah. I'll be interested to see where I am on this front, especially given the small Feb. weight loss.

  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    edited March 2015
    Fittreelol wrote: »
    My plan:
    4x 351 for PL workouts a week
    3x conditioning workouts a week
    2 5:2 fast days a week
    Eating reasonably well the rest of the week except deadlift day. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM

    I accomplished all of my goals this week. Woot woot! My weight was up .2 lbs when I weighed in yesterday morning (switched fast days again). I'm a tiny bit bummed, but only because I can't figure out why it was up. Oh well if nothing changes this week I'll have to look into things. It could be water, or poop, or those pesky aliens, or maybe I just did a horrendous job estimating my 2 meals out. Who knows.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Need to step this back up.

    no you do not. not if either your hip or your back is at serious risk.

  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @Canadian -- The pain isn't from injury as far as I can tell. But don't worry - I certainly plan to take it easy and deload if necessary. I just want to get back to being at the gym consistently 3x / week.