Interesting reads...



  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Also, loved the self nurturing blog. It has taken me a while - life is very different after kids moved out and elderly in-laws that I took care of passed away. My husband and I made a very large decision and took a giant leap of faith to leave the church we were born and raised and worked in for close to 50 years. You say, leap of "faith" to leave a church? Yes, I do not mean any disrespect for folks that are convicted in their faith to attend any church of their choice - it just was a strong negative force in our lives. Still is strange. But, now, we are okay being with just "us". I am okay being just me - by myself, for myself. I am slowly starting to like me and know I am okay with me. Others may not agree with decisions and my not wanting to socialize anymore, however, I've not felt this good in - well, forever! I am starting to like me! Some days not so much - but on the whole, I love being quiet and hanging out on the property with myself, my husband, my dogs! Self Nurture!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    What a great read Snooozie- thanks! Lol the author used the term Buddah Belly- I use that term in reference to mine. :) It's very interesting and enlightening to read information about menopause effects on weight and life and hard to find reliable helpful info, so thanks for sharing!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks for the info, Snoozie. I have read in several places that soothing, calm exercise is better for most women our ages than heavy intense, but it is hard to get it through my brain...Like the clean your plate club, I am a member of the "no pain no gain club"..I am going to try some soothing things though now, Thanks.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm going to work on the protein intake. I was hearing that we're not so good at absorbing nutrients as we get older, so have to be careful that we get enough protein - I don't know how true that is, but as we're having to eat less calories overall (as we get older), I suppose it makes sense to look at the proportions, and make sure we're getting good quality.
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    I agree with you on the protein. I can really tell in my MenoPot Buddha Belly when I've taken in more carbs and grains and less protein. Even when I keep my calories at or even below goal levels, I can tell a difference in the jiggle in my wiggle AND perhaps this is my imagination - my hot flashes increase in intensity - and Who the Heck needs that???? :D
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited May 2015
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited May 2015
    susan - loved the article; I have been working on the breathing part.. saw a thing about the 4/7/8 breath technique.. inhale thru nose; hold for 7, exhale thru mouth for 8.. I've been using that a fair bit and find it does help! Usually use it on my lake walks so double bonus! Have already instituted the remove excessive stimulation part; I turn my phone OFF (yup ringer and all!) and leave it in the living room; but i'll never be able to achieve the sleep one; my circadium rhythm has been screwed up for years with the rotating shifts - and add in menopause? that ones a lost cause for me until retirement I fear lol... but love that the ideas are so simple and can incorporate as many as possible every day! thanks for posting!

    valairia and OWR - I too am working on more protein, less grains (but not cutting them out completely) and just as an FYI my doc told me last year women often DON'T get enough protein after 50 and it's something we have to make sure we get enough of; however as she also has me on a cholesterol drug for the moment (even tho i'm at the normal range now she wants me a little lower cause of the diabetes) so I've been trying to find what non starchy forms of protein I can; so far have increased my intake of nuts - im not a big seed person but also have been drinking more milk... even skim has about 9gr of protein in it... and I will confess... I even bought a litre of chocolate milk as a treat LOL.... but it's an easy way to add some protein and calcium in to my day... as long as I don't resort to "cookies and milk" that is LOL!

    I've been researching some easy protein lunches and stuff too for work... one I like is making kebabs; chunks of cooked chicken, roasted veg like mushrooms and peppers and onions; easy to eat at work too so hope to try making a couple of them in the next few days... would be interested in hearing what everyone else is doing protein upping wise; need the tips!

    oh and OWR?? hell yes... I have found the carb heavy days kick start the hot flashes.... mind u so does coffee and wine lately lol.... but i'll suffer with those cause aint giving em up hahaha.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited May 2015
    Breaking the Junk Food Addiction (

    Overindulgence usually starts small: a potato chip, a dab of ranch dip. You fill out the plate with raw carrots and cherry tomatoes, but that chip tasted so good. Pretty soon you have another, and then another. Later, you may feel anxious about it, wondering, Where’s my willpower? Why couldn’t I just walk away?

    If it’s any consolation, it may not be entirely your fault. New research is illuminating how junk food works on our bodies, creating an addiction comparable to cocaine.

    We don’t overindulge in processed foods because we’re weak; we do it because our neurological system demands it.

    The Cycle Of Addiction

    Food addictions are nothing new. We sometimes joke about being a “chocoholic” or having a “Big Mac attack.” However, it’s only recently that science has confirmed what we already suspected: Certain foods can create a vicious cycle of dependence. (Wondering which foods trigger binge behaviors? We've rounded up the 10 Most Addictive Foods.)

    Part of the problem is the way we metabolize processed foods. These all-too-common grocery items are hardly even foods anymore; they’ve been so “dumbed down” with overprocessing. Our bodies absorb their ingredients much more rapidly than, say, a whole grain. As a result, our blood sugar spikes, only to then plummet rapidly. That quick high, not dissimilar to what happens when people abuse alcohol or drugs, generates a craving for more.

    To make matters worse, over time, people become desensitized to these spikes. One study using MRIs to measure brain activity confirmed that too much junk food inhibits the brain’s reward center. Just as alcoholics need more liquor to get drunk, “junkaholics” constantly need more junk food to achieve their “high.”

    Other research, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, found rats that ate processed snacks ignored healthy foods and became binge eaters. Even more disturbing, their brain patterns resembled those of cocaine abusers.

    No wonder we want more chips.

    How To End The Cycle

    What’s the best way to stop the cycle of addiction? First, don’t get started. Granted, that’s a lot easier said than done. However, thinking strategically about food can put us in a better position to succeed.

    For example, shop mindfully. If it’s difficult to resist processed foods, don’t stock your pantry with them. Rather, seek out healthy snacks, such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, and dishes containing lean protein, healthy omega-3 fats, and extra fiber. Consider these healthy food items as part of an intervention to help you break the cycle of addiction.

    Research suggests that our willpower can be measured and quantified throughout the day. Studies show that willpower and self-control are strongest in the earlier part of the day and weakest toward the end of the day. Try to fill up on healthy foods early so that it’s easier to stave off late-night cravings.

    Natural Supplements That Help Stop Cravings

    Another way to protect ourselves is to supplement wisely. There are a number of natural formulas that help reduce cravings and support healthy blood sugar levels. Look for supplements with American ginseng, medicinal mushrooms, alginates, chromium, alpha lipoic acid, or other natural ingredients that are shown to help to balance glucose, reduce inflammation, and control cravings. Also, it’s critical to drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day, because dehydration can spike cravings for sugar and junk food dramatically.

    The best news is that good food choices—like bad ones—are self-sustaining. When we eat mindfully and healthfully, we get better nutrition, control blood sugar spikes, and reap countless other benefits. As a result, we feel great and start to crave the nutrient-dense foods that will keep us energized throughout the day. With time, healthy foods and the abundance of good feelings they can generate create their own special rewards: vibrancy, long-term health, and vitality on every level.

    10 Most Addictive Foods - These treats might have you chemically hooked!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Fantastic read! Part that makes me giggle is the "just don't get started" -- ummmm, thinking that most of us are on MFP because we did exactly that and then some! Just have to break this cycle and we can DO IT!! Dig deep and walk away from the chip bag!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    howling OWR... that was exactly MY first thought.... "there's a thought - just don't start??" If I had aced that I wouldn't be here!! LOLOL... but I did find it interesting that the junk food spikes and just like an addict, keeps taking more and more of it to get us that high ! :o
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Do you find that more and more of chips are needed? I did and have found that with decadent rich sugary desserts - I guess maybe it is because I eat it, get the rush then comes the crush of blood sugar fall and I reach for more sugar to get the rush back and keep going. It gets harder and harder to come back from the fall.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi ladies I am back and caught up with reading, nice pics of your yoga buddies Snoozie.

    It's always good to get away but I really ate a lot, but one consolation is that I was in a house that had four flights of stairs and I was the designated cook I offered and I was in between the third and fourth floor for two days. My gift to my niece for her graduation. The exercise was intense for my knees became swollen, but I assure you it did not offset my eating. I cooked a lot and I ate a lot. BTW I love to entertain, cook, eat and drink. So I was extremely happy.

    Goals: I am back to counting carbs in my diary goal met last week and continuing this week. and my new goal is to increase my walking. I hit 16000 yesterday at work and I am already almost at 9000 today.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I meant to post above on the other site I always seem to get confused. Anyway nice read as always.

    I am always trying to stay away from addicting foods. However, I ate four slice of pizza from dominoes for lunch today. It was suppose to be a reward to a scholar and I also rewarded myself, I am going to try not to eat anything or too much for dinner. Maybe a snack.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks milkove for the fun quiz. I got 92% ( probably cause I've researched stuff about bread before because of diabetes).
    Two things I have learned about bread in the past that I found particularly interesting were (1) most breads that say whole wheat or 9 grain or whatever are "enriched" if you read the label, which means they are no better than white bread and (2) Sourdough bread is a good choice for blood sugar concerns as it causes the least spike in blood sugar :)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    83 % , I thought sourdough was better , and I don't remember the other one I got wrong. Thanks, Milove
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I got wrong the one about it raising blood pressure (I didn't think it was a particularly bad food for that), and the one about the grams of fibre (haven't tracked fibre, so honestly no idea!).
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    You guys did great!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I got 2 wrong; which kinda surprised me; but one would have been the high blood pressure if I hadn't read vailara's response before taking the test LOL.. I would not have guessed that altho since my horrid discovery of just how much salt is in most bread a few years ago should have clued me in.... and I picked the sourdough cause my nutritionist tld me it was the best choice; but according to the test a whole grain pumpernickel is the best... sadly the only pumpernickel I usually eat is scooped out with spinach dip piled in it LOLOL..
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    @ Snoozie lol