Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, January 19th - 25th

Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
Why hello there again! Time to start a new week! I think we all seemed to have a fair week last week, and I am sure we can make it even better this week!

My goals for this week are:

1. Follow a proper morning hydration routine
2. Post on this thread every day
3. Log my food six days this week (But still be mindful of what I eat on my day off)
4. Get to the YMCA three times (I made it once last week, but am now COLD FREE!)
5. Get to bed by 10pm every night
6. Make my 10 thousand steps every day, and try for my 20K step badge on Thursday

I feel ready to tackle this head on again! How about you? What are your goals?

How did you do for last weeks goals??

I did alright, I way overindulged today, we went to my favorite restaurant and I have not been there in a long time so I overate, and I was really hungry cuz I woke up late and didn't get in a morning whole day was off, I didn't make my step count and won't get to bed early enough either seeing as it is already almost 10pm already and I got home not too long ago. However, tomorrow is a NEW DAY and NEW WEEK! I wish everyone luck and success this week!

Weekly Mini Challenge

Try a recipe from last weeks thread!

I am going to try the turkey zucchini meatballs! Zucchini was even on sale this week!

Have a great week everyone!


  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Last week I did pretty good for my goals. Except for the morning gym.
    This weeks goal:
    1. Log every day
    2. Gym every day
    3. 10K steps everyday
    4. Stay within my calorie goal

  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Goals for this week.
    1. Log food 7 days
    2. Post to this thread 5 days
    3. Run 3
    4. Alt workout 2 x.
    5. Try a new recipe.:) I'm a creature of habit.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    Nice job Matt!! WTG! I find a thread like this helps me a lot too!

    Skittles, you are a machine! I am amazed at how much you do some days![/quote

    this was from the last post, but thank you. some days I feel like I should keep moving, my body just wants to go lol

    my goals are to
    1. log all my food
    2. go to the ymca and try a new class ( friend gave me two passes to try)
    3. get 15k in steps 4 days this week
    4. try and jog again for 15 mins straight
    5. and post every day on here no matter what
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    tomorrow I'm going to try and do aqua zumba, I have a free pass to my YMCA and they have a ton of water classes and I want to try a few out to see if this is something I would like before joining the Y
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Howdy all,
    Had a good day today eating, about to go for a run to end the day. I had a bit of an emotional day today but was able to keep it from translating into bad food or binge eating. I'm off to a good start to the week.
    On a side note I had a good conversation with a coworker. She me toned that it seemed hard logging food and exercise, I told her picking the easy way is why I got fat. It was easier to get drive through, easier to get it super up sized, easier to sit on the couch through another Mythbusters marathon ( the 3 day ones). I have made a point to not choose easier this year, choose the better path. Not to go all Robert frost, but I want the road less travelled to be the path to wellness and fitness.
    in 2015 i will choose the road less travelled and that WILL make all the difference!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    almost forgot,
    have this recipe to post from last week, (we are eating alot of venison right now, i have a freezer full)
    it's slow cooker venison from all
    3 tablespoons olive oil
    1 pound venison stew meat
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder

    1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
    1 cup water
    1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed
    cream of mushroom soup
    1 (16 ounce) package uncooked
    egg noodles
    1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Toss the cubed venison with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Cook the venison in the hot oil until browned on all sides, about 8 minutes. Once browned, remove from the skillet and place into a slow cooker, leaving the remaining oil in the skillet.
    2. Reduce the heat to medium-low, and stir the flour into the remaining olive oil. Cook and stir until the flour has turned golden brown, about 5 minutes. Stir in the water and bring to a simmer, then pour into the slow cooker along with the cream of mushroom soup. Cover, and cook on Low for 4 hours, or until the venison is tender.
    3. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add the egg noodles, and cook until al dente, 8 to 10 minutes; drain. Spoon the Stroganoff over the egg noodles to serve.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I went to the gym last night even though I didn't really want to. Instead of using the pool, I decided to use the stationary bike. I set it for 25 minutes but I was only able to go 12. Still, 12 minutes is better than nothing! It seems ironic to me that the bike didn't bother my knee as much as the pool does. :/

    As of yesterday morning, I'm down 14 pounds since the beginning of the year!

    QUESTION: Do you give yourself mini rewards for small milestones? I'm thinking of getting a professional pedicure (of which I've only had 2 in my life) for every 20 pounds lost.
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Good morning,

    Really starting my new week's focus today. I ended 1 lb up from last week, but I know why and it's OK. Lessoned learned. Too much salt and not enough water. I am determined to kill it for the rest of the week. My goals for this week are:

    2. Drink my water- Silly maybe but I'm going to set a timer. 8 oz. on the hour
    3. Walk the track at the high school 2 days
    4. Prep and portion veggies for snacks, salads and recipes all in one shot.

    I didn't share any recipes last week but I do have a new favorite side dish to share. BBQ Eggplant. I am addicted!

    1 large eggplant, sliced thick, sprinkled with a little salt and rested for 30 minutes. Then blot with a paper towel to remove excess moisture. I place the slices on a foil lined sheet tray that I've sprayed with olive oil, sprinkle with lots of pepper and broil until quite brown on one side (about 5 minutes in my oven), flip the slices and repeat. Then I top the slices generously with BBQ sauce and broil 1-2 minutes more or so until the sauce gets bubbly and caramelized. 2 big servings.

    Its the easiest thing to do and really satisfying. Pretty low cal, depending on the sauce you use of course and super high fiber. Hope you try it!

  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Good job Flora!! 14 lbs is awesome!! And any excuse to get a pedi, one of my favorite things!

    Matt, your recipe looks delish! I used to live in Texas and haven't had any venison since I moved back to Cali 4 years ago. I really miss it.
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Last night I got in my steps and was under my calories. I didn't get a workout in. I went on a double date with my son (His first date).

    Missmgray I have never ate eggplant. But I think I am going to try your eggplant recipe. It sounds like it is crispy.

    FloraJL - 14 pounds since the 1st. That is great.

    Cowboy - I agree with you. This is the year I take the less travel road. I too am working on not falling back to bad choices. I log everything. I am also working on not letting life hold me down.

    Skittles - I have never heard of aqua zumba. I have always wanted to do zumba but never took the time to take a class. But I am going to look into the aqua zumba.

    I have gotten a lot of new ideas from you all. Keep up the good job this week.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    I have a chart on my wall that shows my current weight and I have rewards set for every 10 lbs lost (it was easy to pic 10 #'s for me) so I see it when I wake up. it reminds me to stay focused and keep my fitness journey top of mind.

    MissMgray, If I can find a way to send you some (and it stay frozen) I'll send you some :)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    WTG flora on the 14 lbs. thats amazing.

    Mat I like what you posted about taking the easy way and I always did that. and I like your change I'm not going to take it easy this year

    Miss we all make mistakes and the best part is you are leaning from it

    michelle try a zumba class, its a lot of fun, what I tell people is if you can laugh at your self then its going to be fun, your not going to know all the moves ( been doing it a year and still don't ) plus songs change lol just have fun with it

    today I did the aqua zumba tone class which is different from what people tell me about aqua zumba, we used 3 lbs weights and water weights and bans which gave me a really great work out, I loved it and I am going back tomorrow to do the zumba one and do the tone class.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Flora - how amazing!!! You are doing great! As far as little rewards go, I have never done that, but it sounds like a good idea!

    Skittles - I LOVE the YMCA....I know it can be expensive, but it is so great compared to your average gym. I have been a member of my local Y since 1994....I actually have a friend that has been wanting to start going to the gym and said she wanted to join the Y to go with me, and last week tried to talk me into changing to a cheaper gym. I would not even entertain changing from the YMCA....

    Michelle - that is awesome, doubling with your son!! How old is he?

    Missgray - I love eggplant, but usually eat it Italian style, of course, like everything I eat lol

    I had a rough day yesterday.....I had three days with very little downtime, which is very important to my mental health....I have OCD, and without enough downtime I get overwhelmed and internally stressed very easily. Basically from Friday afternoon until last night, I have been around people and doing things the whole time. Which also lead me to be very tired, as I need a lot of time to unwind after being stimulated with other people, before I can sleep. I literally cannot even take a phone call within a few hours of bedtime, or I am not sleeping. And it usually takes me about four hours to unwind enough to sleep after being around other people, even if I am dead tired, my brain just does not allow it. So, yesterday, after a super busy people filled weekend, I worked all day, and then had two coworkers come home with me for dinner and was one's birthday....they did not leave until around 10pm.....needless to say, I did not get to bed until almost 2am, and had a terrible sugary binge shortly after midnight.

    That is another thing, I am most likely to over eat and make poor food choices late at night. I have no idea why, I rarely struggle with food choices during the day....even before joining here, during the time I would eat whatever I wanted, I ate well during the day and then would eat tons of junk at night.

    So, leading into today, I was so tired I slept in until is now 1:30pm and I am just doing my 'morning' hydration. I do not think I am going to get to the gym today, because I really need to go to Wal-Mart and will not have time to do both before the buses go on a crappy night schedule that makes it impossible to that end of the city. My plan for today was to go to the Y this morning, then to Wal-Mart around noonish, come home for a bit and then hit a 4pm movie.....also not going to the Wal-Mart is the most important thing I have to do today.....not impressed and I am feeling bad right now.....I hate the fact that I cannot just live life like a normal person, that I need so much alone time to function properly, it really sucks sometimes! I normally would not have book myself three days in a row like that, but once in a while, stuff just was a close friends birthday, and that is what happens!

    So, for today, I am going to get my steps in, but instead of at the Y, it will be in the hallways of my apartment building, and at Wal-Mart, so I just will not get my weights in....I will log and stay under my calorie goal, and make sure I get to bed on time today....get back on track now that the three day birthday celebration is over! However, I would be lying if I said I didn't feel crappy and really would rather sit on my sofa watching TV today and not go out to where their are other people at all......
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Michelle, the eggplant I make is not crispy at all, super soft and lush instead. Mmmm.... Need to grab some more at the store later!

    Skittles, thanks for the encouragement. :) You are my work out hero! I would really love to join a gym but it's not in the budget just yet. Good going woman!

    Italian, So sorry you had a rough day yesterday. Today might have started off track but you can finish strong. I'll say a prayer for you girl.

    Matt, That would be AWESOME!! I would happily send you something in return (I make killer meyer lemon marmalade and curd) or pay you for the shipping. When I lived in Round Rock my next door neighbor was a hunter and we would really get to reap the benefits. Mmmm....Bambi! Lol.

    My name is Michael by the way. Have a good day all.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    I was moved by your post and wanted to respond.
    I definitely share your nite time struggles with food. For me it is that I eat when I'm bored or have , in my mind, nothing else to do. During the day I'm busy so I don't think about food very much, and it's easier to ignore if I'm craving something. At nite it's just me and my stomach, and I pay much closer attention to the cravings. I had to set a time to stop eating. And on some nights I block the door to the kitchen with the table. I end up doing most of my workouts, runs, etc at night to remove myself from the temptations.
    Not being Ocd I won't pretend that I know what you go through in your daily life, however, I want you to rethink your definition of normal. Who cares what I do to calm down at nite? Or your neighbor, or anyone else. You are living your life and no one else's. If you need to turn off your phone at 8 to sleep by 12 then do it. If you have to ask guests to leave, or stick to a set schedule to control anxiety, then do it. I know life can be crazy and the unexpected happens, Just know that down in texas there's a fat man praying for you.

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    night time is the worst for me, I can keep track of my food and do what I need to, but at night time I just want to eat everything and anything I can get my hands on. its horrible.

    Italian- I wanted to join the Y a year ago but I just wasn't sure if I would stick with it so I first started just on the treadmill at my house complex and after I got bored I moved up to a gym membership at my community center, which did my zumba and body pump, and a few other things, but nothing like a Y has, so I got a couple free passes and I am in love with it lol. I want to try all these classes and I should. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and I am going to try all the classes they have at the Y ( once I get my membership) how else will I know if I like it or not, but I won't be doing yoga lol I just can't get into that haha I tried so many times lol

    as for tonight I'm still debating if I want to do zumba after I did zumba tone. I really should go, the teacher is good ( not as great as my monday teacher but she is still good)

  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Flora, first congratulations on 14 lb loss; second, great recipes last week. Don't care much for fish either but this was really good.

    Just working towards one goal this week--working out before work. This is difficult for me as I really like to lay in bed and think about a hour in the morning before getting up. Guess I will have to decide what I want more.

    Off to bed to catch up on some sleep.
  • FtrImprfct
    FtrImprfct Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats Flora!

    Italian, I have a similar issues with late night eating and I find prep work helps, I don't really make anything fancy I have chicken, rice and some greens always ready to warm up and eat so if I feel I need more then at least I am eating something good for me. The other thing I do is chew gum, a lot, I have a lot of gum and I easily go through haft a pack a day. I think its a mental thing, chewing something helps reduce the impulse to eat.
    Also I don't have OCD but I have found after a few years of security work, I don't like being out in public, I get anxiety when someone just happens to be following behind me in a grocery store from aisle to aisle, I have to go home if I notice the same person more than twice in a mall. And they are never following me, but it just wigs me out because it never happens at work. However I much as I don't want to be at work it is simpler for me to function, everything action has reaction and 80% am I aware of what it is. Out in public I don't know what to do with myself or others. Structured hobbies have seemed to help; book clubs, writing groups, and board game nights. But yeah I like going to bed at 8 for the most part but the shift work usually just kills me in the sleeping department.

    My Goals for the week:
    1) 6000 steps before work on 9 hour days
    2) 11000 steps before breakfast on off days
    3) 11000 steps during 16 hour work days
    4) log all my food and try to come closer to the calorie goal (I've been low balling it too much)
    5) keep a close eye on my intake while relatives are visiting this weekend

    Have a good week everyone!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Had a good day today, had some good Texas barbecue, and still came in under cals. I did have a close call today but I was able to resist the evils of the dairy queen blizzard when I lost my cool tonite. It made me realize that maybe I am an emotional eater, though I have never thought so. So I went for a run, and feel way better than a blizzard would have made me feel. And I set a new personal best. Going to bed now before I get the chance to mess it up.
    Night all!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey everyone....thanks for all the words of support....Matt, your post I actually read yesterday and it made me tear up a little....

    I am feeling much better today.....yesterday I just had to let myself rest and not worry about everything I was supposed to do...I got to Wal-Mart, and did what I had to do there, and then just came home and let my mind rest.....I ate well and went to bed on time! As a result, I am back in the game! I am heading to work soon, and then going to the movies with a friend tonight.....and have a full day to keep from getting overwhelmed again so soon, Friday I plan to just go to the gym and come home....I actually do not have any social anxiety or anything like that, in fact, I am great at public speaking even....I just need enough quiet alone time to let my mind do all its weird OCD stuff before I can sleep......its hard to explain out loud

    Ftrlmprfct - interesting handle! welcome to the group! That is a LOT of steps!