Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, January 19th - 25th



  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    FtrImprfct - I hate being "followed" in the grocery store too! To combat that I shop "backwards"; I go up and down the aisles in the opposite direction than most shoppers.

    I'm still struggling with figuring out going to the gym/cooking a healthy meal after work. I guess I'm going to have to do as others suggested and find the energy to do lots of prep work on Sundays or something. It will be a work in progress for a while.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    it's Mid week everyone ( I will NOT call it hump day...),Take a quick look back and the past couple of days, celebrate the little wins, and learn from the little losses. take that information and use it to charge ahead through the rest of the week. Onward to Friday!!!!!!
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Bravo Mat! Continue doing the run rather than the ice cream and you will retrain the reward centers in your brain. And Italian_Buju, you might be just dealing with sensory overstimulation as part of your OCD, in which case, you do just have to give your brain time to reset itself. So good job taking care of yourself! (The teacher in me can't help giving out encouragement!)

    Had a good day myself; 20 minute walk this morning before work. Said no to a cupcake that the students made even though I was hungry cause I worked through lunch. Guess I did some brain work today too!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    WTG to saying no to a cupcake because I know how hard it is

    today I did 3 hours of zumba, first class was aqua zumba tone with weight and then aqua zumba which was fun and tonight I did reg zumba. I feel the burn haha and I'm a little sore but its all good, tomorrow trying a new class, fitness boxing. I'll let you all know how that goes
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    jitheis - thanks for the info, but it does not sound like that is it.....I can be around people all day, I work with the public, I am very social....just I need time for my brain to shut off was worth a read though....good for you for being able to say no to the cupcake! HARD STUFF SOMETIMES!

    I did pretty good today, got over 12k boss is starting to laugh at me walking laps around the store when we are not busy lol

    I didn't have a proper dinner because I was cooking a chicken that was not done before I had to leave for the movies (saw American Sniper) I ended up eating popcorn and chicken fingers for dinner, but left the not I am gonna get to bed soon before the urge hits to eat something else.....I have been known to eat an entire other meal if my dinner gets messed trying to avoid that tonight.....and I have a super long day tomorrow.....good night all!
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Today I weighed myself it looks like a loss a pound but the actual weight day is on Friday. So, far I have been getting my steps in for the day. But getting to gym has not happened with working late and family things. So, watching my calories and doing my walking is helping me for the week. This week two of my goals have been meet every day. So, next week I think I will keep the same goals and work on completed the goals at hand.

    Oh, Italian my son is 15 he doesn't turn 16 until May.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    italian wtg on the 12k in steps thats great, and let him laugh at you ( I bet it wasn't in a mean way, or I hope it wasn't) but you are doing something great for your self and your body. also wtg for not going for another meal, I know how hard it is at night time

    Michelle awesome job on losing weight and getting walking in. and getting 2 goals as of now done.

    today I tried another new class, Fitness boxing and I am in love with it, its not easy and I sweat my butt off but I really enjoyed it, I need to learn to punch harder and keep my hands back at my face but I wasn't going to learn this in one day. so I'll be trying it again. so this week my one goal was to try a new class at the Y and I have tried 3 classes and I like them all. what will I try next haha
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    it's Thursday and I've already met 1 of my goals :) pretty stoked about that. had a good day yesterday, bad start this morning, thought I made good breakfast choices but I went out for Breakfast with my wife (that was a definite good choice :smiley: ) and I thought I ordered a decent brkfast, holy crap 900 calories later, I have to reset my thinking of good breakfast choices. and log before I order. if I'm going to cheat, I prefer to do it with my eyes wide open about it. and it won't be with an omlette!
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    it's Thursday and I've already met 1 of my goals :) pretty stoked about that. had a good day yesterday, bad start this morning, thought I made good breakfast choices but I went out for Breakfast with my wife (that was a definite good choice :smiley: ) and I thought I ordered a decent brkfast, holy crap 900 calories later, I have to reset my thinking of good breakfast choices. and log before I order. if I'm going to cheat, I prefer to do it with my eyes wide open about it. and it won't be with an omlette!

    I've been burned on that kind of thing before! Now I try (but don't always succeed) at looking at the menu online and adding everything to MFP to see if what I want fits into my day. Which is nice because I fracking LOVE Chipotle!

  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Last night at the gym (Life Time Fitness) I signed up for their 90 Day Challenge. There are two categories; Weight Loss and Transformation. Four people will win $10,000 and six runners-up will win $1,000!

    It doesn't start until February 7th and naturally I'm whining, "But what about the 14 pounds I've lost already in 2015??? That should count!!!!"

    I know that just by participating I'm already winning, but I want CASH baby!

    Tonight is my complimentary session with a trainer. I'll update y'all on how it goes.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    FloraJL wrote: »
    Last night at the gym (Life Time Fitness) I signed up for their 90 Day Challenge. There are two categories; Weight Loss and Transformation. Four people will win $10,000 and six runners-up will win $1,000!

    It doesn't start until February 7th and naturally I'm whining, "But what about the 14 pounds I've lost already in 2015??? That should count!!!!"

    I know that just by participating I'm already winning, but I want CASH baby!

    Tonight is my complimentary session with a trainer. I'll update y'all on how it goes.

    first wtg for signing up for that. I wish my gym did that because I'd so be in it. plus the money would also make me really do my best lol

    Matt I am now pre logging my food because my husband and his friend and wife asked us to go out to the cheesecake factory for dinner and I don't want to mess up what I have done this week. so I looked there menu and I am getting the Lemon-garlic shrimp which is Sauteed Shrimp, Basil, Tomato and Lemon-Garlic Sauce. Served with Asparagus and Angel Hair Pasta and I also added 2 slices of the brown bread and I posted it all on MFP and it shows 648 for dinner. some times I forget to pre log and it goes out the window and its a free for all food haha.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    I love challenges like that Flora! I'm sure you will find it motivating despite the 14 lbs. you can't count yet.

    Eating out is so tricky; I check online as well then when faced with the choice in the restaurant and with the social triggers for certain foods like appetizers, it is not so easy to follow through with the healthier choice. Ugh.

    I got over 10,000 steps in yesterday and I am currently just under 9,000 today to I am starting the Leslie Sansone dvd after I log off. I need the stress relief after a challenging day at work.

    Congrats everyone on reaching goals this week, early too!
  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    My goal for this week is to eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day. So far, so good.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today is a new day! That is what I am telling myself.....

    I had a great day yesterday and a horrible evening! I went to work for a couple hours, walked a lot of laps there, then headed to the gym, walked more there, did my weights and then headed to the DR, which went ok.....after that I got to pick up my laptop (so glad to have it back) here is where it went all downhill

    Got home at 5pm, had a 7pm meeting.....I had to cook dinner, have a shower, gather and put in my laundry, and clean my degu's cage.....I literally was throwing in my laundry on my way into the meeting. I never got to eat dinner and ate very little during the day. The meeting went over double the amount of time I thought it would. It was literally 10pm and I was putting my clothes in the dryer and was starving.....soooooooo

    I came upstairs and ate everything in sight, again....tired, hungry and week was way too insane and I did not have enough time to do everything I NEEDED to do, never mind what I wanted to, note to self, when I am having a naturally busy week (like the first week of Feb), do not add things like going to the movies Wednesday night on top of it :|

    I weighed myself this morning and did not seem to gain anything from it....anyone have any idea how long that would take to show up on the scale, lol

    Michelle - that is awesome! Most teenagers would not want their parent anywhere near their date lol

    Skittles - no, she isn't being mean, although I might be getting on her nerves a bit lol
    You are a machine with those classes! Are you thinking about switching to the Y?

    Matt - I agree, I prefer to decide to cheat too, and not with eggs lol
    I try and look online before I go out to eat, but it does not always mean I stick to it

    Flora - I would be all over that contest too!! I hope you win that money! We are all here to cheer you on!

    shballa - welcome!

    jltheis - I am a sucker for apps too! Its hard! Good for you for walking to burn stress!! Not always the easy choice!
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Flora, that sounds like so much fun and awesome motivation!!! Good for you getting signed up and pumped for the challenge. Let us know how you like working with the trainer tonight. Rooting for you!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    welcome shballa!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I was super lazy today and do not regret it at all, lol, I so needed a day to just stay at home and relax.....tomorrow it is back to the grind, I work early and am gonna walk as many laps as I can between customers.....

    I find when I am walking and exercising a lot, my appetite decreases.....but today, I sat around a lot of the day and was hungry....strange.....

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    I did join the Ymca, I need a change of things. so I'm sore from the boxing class, my abs that you can't see with all this fat around it lol anyways they are really sore, so I just did two aqua classes, ( another new class which was nice and aqua zumba) I didn't work as hard at them just, but I enjoyed being in the pool. I also upped my cals because I had it at 1400 but after adding more gym classes in I felt hungry more so I don't want to stave my self, so I'm at 1800. we will see after about a month to a month a half how things work out. because this week I gained some weight. my husband thinks its just because of new classes and my muscles holding in water. idk but I'm not going to worry about it.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Great weather today for a run. I missed it after 2 days of bad weather. Yall don't know how weird that is. I hate running. Or at least I did. I'm not so sure any more. Onward to a great active weekend!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,614 Member
    I wish there was good weather here, its still cold ( no snow today lol ) but cold. I did zumba this morning and my husband and I are going to try a dance class tonight. We are going to learn the cha cha. its an hour long and they have a class once a month so it should be fun. ( i hope)