Looking for pre-op friends & support in general...



  • talinaklocke
    talinaklocke Posts: 42 Member
    pixelpushr wrote: »

    Great list!
    #1, I cut out sugary sodas at Christmas but still enjoy club soda with lemon now and then. I've sent away for a bunch of protein powder/bar samples so will be working on #2 once I find something that works with my long list of food allergies. Right now I'm not really eating breakfast because I'm never hungry when I wake up.
    #3, not really a snacker, I prefer a couple meals a day.
    #4 is a HARD one! I can't remember the last time I ate at the table. I don't graze when I eat, but I do like to read or watch movies while eating...
    #5 I scarf my food when I'm distracted, so getting a handle on #4 will help with $5...
    #6 I thought it was just drinking WITH your meal that was an issue? Another thing i didn't know...
    #7 I get about 48 oz of water, and at least another 24 oz of decaf coffee and herbal tea.
    #8. I take liquid iron/b12 in the morning and cal/mag at night. Will look into a multi once I'm in my pre-op diet.
    #9 I've been working on that one for years and it's still a work in progress. I try to choose low GI foods. My food allergies sort of limit some high carb foods automatically, so that's helpful.
    #10. I've set myself a goal to add exercise everyday, slowly increasing every few weeks till I'm up to 45 minutes/ week day at a minimum.

    Where did you send away for samples from? I'd love to find a place that offers samples, I'm getting tired of the same ol thing lol
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    edited January 2015
    I had gastric bypass in 2007 and lost 119 lbs after 2 pregnancies and by cheating by 2014 I had regained 84 back. I woke up from this nightmare in Jan 2015 and have been eating healthier since, I am wearing a Fitbit, weigh all my foods and log since Jan 5th. So far I've lost a little over 6 lbs. I have decided to go back to the basics and have upped my protein and lowered my carbs, I'm back to drinking protein shakes like Unjury Protein (which is made with all the nutrients for bariatric patients) and Pure Protein(which I buy at Walmart). I feel better already. I work out 3 to 4 times a day with a dvd at home for 30 mins. But I find what really helps me keep moving is my daily 10,500 steps goal on Fitbit.
    I wish I would have taken better care of myself during my pregnancies and afterwards and not gone back to my old eating habits. I also found a way around my tool, I would snack constantly, so even if I got full after a few bites, I would wait a 1/2 hr and eat again and drink after my meals, and eat again and ate a lot of carbs.
    On Thurs, Jan 22nd I had an endoscopy to check my pouch and thankfully after 8 yrs it hasn't stretched. I know its working because I get full pretty fast the only difference now is that I listen to my body and stop eating once I'm full. Good luck to everyone. Feel free to Add me and you can ask me anything. I can tell you what doctors wont, like the mourning you go thru at the beginning after surgery because you miss food, especially if you were an emotional eater but that will eventually pass. :D I hope thru my mistakes and errors I can help you pre and post ops because we go thru this surgery to get that extra help we need but afterwards its entirely up to us to continue and learn to eat better and make wise food decisions, like most doctors tell us, the surgery is only a tool the rest is up to us. :)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm happy to have found this group. I'm really looking for MFP friends who post often and are moving towards the same goal. I've always struggled with weight. 3 years ago I dropped 80lbs here on MFP. I know how to do it but when I became sick I spiraled and gained it all back. I'm done beating myself up. I'm working towards surgery this time and have completed most of my prerequisites. I look forward to hearing about everyone's experiences and hope to find support and ideas here.

    The changes that make me most nervous (besides smaller portions), is to not drink liquids 20-30 minutes before or after a meal. This is going to be a huge transition for me. I'm a big water drinker so I like to down 8-16oz at once. YIKES However, I have gone CAFFEINE FREE and so far that's going well. I was drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day just 2 weeks ago.

    I have 25lbs to lose before they will schedule my surgery. I've met with the nutritionist for for the first 3 modules and hope to see her twice in Feb, and one final time in March. My goal is to be ready by the end of March. The lbs are coming off slowly but surely.

    I've created a ticker but for some reason it's not posting in my threads?? Any tips?

    I've enjoyed reading everyone's journeys. Please friend me if you would like more support.

  • jillcwatson1
    jillcwatson1 Posts: 100 Member
    I too am looking for support as I prepare for surgery. I think I will be doing the sleeve this spring. I have another 15 lbs to lose before they schedule me and dietician appts each month until April. I have lost 19 pounds so far, but I am battling with eating enough calories most days since I am trying to be good (making the right choices don't count as high of calories as the poor choices did) and have switched to lower calorie breads and salad dressings and so forth. I appreciate the list of suggestions from pixelpushr gave us as I fully want to set new habits prior to surgery so it is easier post surgery. I am exploring new foods that I should incorporate after surgery (like greek yogurt) and trying to find new recipes that I can try for the first few months of post surgery period.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    edited January 2015
    Where did you send away for samples from? I'd love to find a place that offers samples, I'm getting tired of the same ol thing lol

    Growing Naturals and Manitoba Harvest Hemp are the only two I've found so far that do free samples. There are quite a few that sell sample packages but I'd rather support a company that does free samples, so hoping I like something they send me.