EXERCISE ~ What exercise are you doing?



  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Just got asked to work a wrestling tournament tonight for my school which means no after school walk, so I plan on walking a little extra at lunch and continuing the 30 day program I started yesterday. Can't let myself make excuses. Onward!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Okay, well I didn't walk extra - I only did my 1 mile - and I did eat some of the wonderful food that the parents had for the workers, but then I came home and did my Day 2 planks. I have so little core strength but I fought through it. Tonight is 9 minutes of High Intensity again. I know it is helping, but boy is it tough!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Okay, fitness dilemma my friends, let me know what you think. When I walk at work without my GPS and I go for 16 minutes, MFP says that equals 72 calories burned. When I walk at home with my GPS enabled and I walk for 16 minutes, Map My Walk says I burned 107 calories. That is a big difference. So do I:
    A) Manually change the total when I enter it so I have more calories to play with.
    B) Leave the total alone so I am not tempted to eat more.
    C) Split the difference and add 17 calories.
    D) Leave it alone but add more if I accidentally go over so I don't go over.

    I value your opinions. Thanks.
  • I would leave it alone so I would not be tempted to eat more...I try hard not to eat the calories I burn in hopes of losing more. That's my plan. :)
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I agree. I would just leave it. If you do go over its there. I didn't exercise today cuz I tried "belly dancing for weight loss" yesterday lol and I guess I over did it. I hurt my back. I'm bummed cuz I was on a roll. Well tomorrow if it still hurts I'm gonna do some walking. I live in the hills so it's really hard so I'll walk in the house, I'll park far away at the grocery store whatever I can to get some form of exercise.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks ladies - I was leaning toward doing nothing about it too. Kheinl, definitely walk and do some light stretching. If you don't it will only be that much harder to start up again.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I did walk today. Went grocery shopping. That's always good. Tried to park farther away everywhere I went so as to get as much as possible. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. I read not to take anything before exercise so you don't mask the pain and hurt yourself more so I'm toughing it out!
  • I have so been there kheinl. I have had back issues since 1989 and had 2 back surgeries, one in 2004 which was planned and an emergency one in 2011. My routine now to avoid a third surgery is to do physio stretches daily, these truly do help and I notice how tight my back muscles are when I miss. I also go to physio therapy once a month and now working on losing the 60 lbs I gained since the last surgery. Do be careful and work through it properly.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    great job on the walk kheinl
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Well after too many days off, I'm going back to exercise today. Yesterday was a bad day so here we go looking forward. I think I'm ok but gonna take it slow at first
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    ^^ Good idea, going hardcore first day back is prescription for burn out.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree, do not push yourself. You've got plenty of time to get back to your old exercise routine.
  • chamblisk
    chamblisk Posts: 296 Member
    A doctor told me that as we age, it takes longer to return from an injury. (Big surprise!) But what was kind of surprising is that any break in exercise, spending the weekend on the couch eating bon-bons, for instance, will translate into 6 days before the previous level of fitness is returned. In other words, 3 days build-back for every one day of inactivity. Not sure where those exact figures came from, but I do notice if I have days that I don't move, it is harder to do what I was doing before. Does that make sense?
    So kheinl, take it slow and steady. Don't overdo and don't expect to be exactly where you were before. It will get better. And you will be back stronger.

  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Interesting stuff, chamblisk, I had no idea. Gives me more of an incentive to try to at least walk every day.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    It is probably like everything else as we age. The body forgets how to do stuff, a lot like my memory.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Lol marekdds. Yeah I get stiff driving more than 20 minutes. My body's about 25 yrs older than my mind. I keep forgetting I'm not 25 anymore!
  • chamblisk
    chamblisk Posts: 296 Member
    kheinl, I used to drive a weekly commute of 300 miles and thought nothing of it. (Was terrible for my weight and activity but that's another story) Now, I have a hard time trying to get up the energy to make a trip to the grocery store...hahaha! BTW, our grocery store is about 20 miles away, just "down the road".
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Oh my. God forbid you forget something. Where do you live? I'm in so. Calif.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Wow, chamblisk, I can walk to several stores for staples, and it is less than 15 minutes to assorted grocery stores. I feel very lucky now! ;)