C25K...Starting 1/27/15 wanna join me???



  • michaelputz
    michaelputz Posts: 25 Member
    Just finished W2D1 with a nice fist pump. Didn't think I could get through it. I don't know if it just me but running on treadmill that clock is just annoying. I look at it and think damn 45 more seconds etc. so this last run I covered it so I could just focus on my music and hitting that countdown.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    That's quite a common approach. Dreadmills are awful.
  • Carvin102
    Carvin102 Posts: 9 Member
    W1D3 today for me. We are having a bit of a blizzard, but I'm going to the gym anyway. It's only a few blocks from my house and I'm determined not to make excuses this time. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement!
  • swampus99
    swampus99 Posts: 21 Member
    W3D1 done yesterday with the yaktrax--I did it! I ran for three minutes straight (twice!). I didn't even look at the time. Two weeks ago I was huffing and puffing at a 60 second jog. I am excited to see what my body can do in these coming weeks. I haven't run since 8th grade track (I'm 40 now). I wasn't crazy about the yaktrax, but they did work well and I am glad I was able to go out safely. Running in 35 degree weather is perfect for me--not sure how I will handle the heat in the spring and summer.
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    Finished w2d2 today. Upped the speed by .2 an still maintained with no problems. Couldn't do day 6 of insanity today though. Glad to run!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am on to w2d3 tonight. The first 2 days this week have been tough, but I have been able to complete them all with out slowing my pace. I think tonight I am going to try to raise my pace a bit to get me ready for week 3. I am also still doing the stronglifts 5x5 on my off days, so my legs never really get a rest. But all that being said, I have very little soreness.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Finished week 2 strong even upped my pace a bit so i can slow it down for the start of week 3.
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    W2D2 - Done! Felt pretty good ... but I missed Zumba last night so my legs were pretty fresh. Even tacked on an extra 15 sec at the end of the last interval to get to a spot that I had picked out ahead of me.
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    swampus99 wrote: »
    W3D1 done yesterday with the yaktrax--I did it! I ran for three minutes straight (twice!). I didn't even look at the time. Two weeks ago I was huffing and puffing at a 60 second jog. I am excited to see what my body can do in these coming weeks. I haven't run since 8th grade track (I'm 40 now). I wasn't crazy about the yaktrax, but they did work well and I am glad I was able to go out safely. Running in 35 degree weather is perfect for me--not sure how I will handle the heat in the spring and summer.

    Whoo hoo! It is a great feeling isn't it!! This southern girl had to google yaktrax to see what that was ... haha! But congratulations!

  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    Finished week 2 strong even upped my pace a bit so i can slow it down for the start of week 3.

    Your strategy is similar to mine ... push yourself a little bit to get ready for the next week ... hope it works for us both! Good luck!!
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    Finished week 2 strong even upped my pace a bit so i can slow it down for the start of week 3.
    W2D2 - Done! Felt pretty good ... but I missed Zumba last night so my legs were pretty fresh. Even tacked on an extra 15 sec at the end of the last interval to get to a spot that I had picked out ahead of me.

    Congrats to both of you! Keep up the great work! I am going to finish week 2 this afternoon. I think I may try to pick up the pace a little to get ready for next week as well. I am curious as to what everyone is doing over the weekend. I know the program is set up for 3x a week and I will finish my week today. Do you skip Saturday and start on Sunday for next week so it is still every other day or do you skip the entire weekend and start again on Monday? I think I will start this week on Sunday because of my schedule next week, but was just curious what every one else does.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    My run days are Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday just because that's what fits into my schedule better. Plus, Saturdays are usually the day that my eating isn't so great so I don't feel so bad about it since I ran in the morning. But my two days off in a row don't seem to bother me at all.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am going to do the w3d1 on Saturday, my off day from both my programs is Sunday, so I will not do W3d2 until Tuesday.
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm doing a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule (I use Sunday as my catch-up day if I happen to miss a day during the week). Right now Friday is my rest day...except for maybe a quick walk if nothing hurts!
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    Finished w2d3 with enough energy left to do insanity. Great day!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    I did w2d1 this morning. I must say that I was really impressed with my strong finish. I felt like I could definitely do a few more rounds but time was an issue for me this morning.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    acarmon55 wrote: »
    Finished w2d3 with enough energy left to do insanity. Great day!

    Thats a great feeling. Insanity is tough. I tried about a year ago, but I barely made it through the assessment. LOL
  • Carvin102
    Carvin102 Posts: 9 Member
    W2d2 for me today. I'm amazed how easy this has been so far. I'm hoping to be able to do this outside today weather permitting.
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    I did W2D1 yesterday and I'm really proud of myself for being able to do it! It was HARD for me. But not nearly as hard as was warranted by the fear I had built up over it. That second 3 min stretch was a stretch. I've been running on a treadmill and had hoped to be able to do this run outside because I thought it would be easier, but the weather didn't cooperate. The first two weeks I was able to do at 3.5 mph walk and 5 mph run. I bumped W2D1 down to a 4.8 run and I'm really glad I did. This whole program feels monumental to me, and it is hard not to become intimidated. MENTAL TOUGHNESS is what I keep telling myself! :) But I finished day 1 and I think I can get through the next 2. I haven't gotten brave enough to look ahead to W3... I might just wait so I don't psyche myself out. This is my first post on this board, but I've really found it helpful to follow everyone else's progress. Thank you for doing this thread!!

  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    peacemongernc - Thanks for sharing your post. Great job with finishing w2d1. I agree its mostly mental. Keep up the good work. (*)
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    I did W2D1 yesterday and I'm really proud of myself for being able to do it! It was HARD for me. But not nearly as hard as was warranted by the fear I had built up over it. That second 3 min stretch was a stretch. I've been running on a treadmill and had hoped to be able to do this run outside because I thought it would be easier, but the weather didn't cooperate. The first two weeks I was able to do at 3.5 mph walk and 5 mph run. I bumped W2D1 down to a 4.8 run and I'm really glad I did. This whole program feels monumental to me, and it is hard not to become intimidated. MENTAL TOUGHNESS is what I keep telling myself! :) But I finished day 1 and I think I can get through the next 2. I haven't gotten brave enough to look ahead to W3... I might just wait so I don't psyche myself out. This is my first post on this board, but I've really found it helpful to follow everyone else's progress. Thank you for doing this thread!!


    Congrats!!! It definitely a mental challenge as well as physical if not more so. Keep it up and keep positive thoughts
  • acarmon55
    acarmon55 Posts: 135 Member
    I am a little discouraged because I have not been able to run or exercise for three days. My son had a 4 wheeler accident and taking care of him has been more important. I hope to get back on track soon, but it may be a few more days. I guess I will be redoing week 2 to make sure I am ready before continuing with week 3
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    acarmon55 wrote: »
    I am a little discouraged because I have not been able to run or exercise for three days. My son had a 4 wheeler accident and taking care of him has been more important. I hope to get back on track soon, but it may be a few more days. I guess I will be redoing week 2 to make sure I am ready before continuing with week 3

    I'm sorry to hear about your son.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Completed w3d2 last night. It was tough, but I felt good after. I am definitely improving but my cardio definitely has a way to go. My legs felt a bit rubbery on the last 3 min run, but was able to push through it.
  • dexteropolis
    dexteropolis Posts: 17 Member
    I have really been struggling lately. My feet and calves have been hurting so bad. I got some real running shoes and they are for stability which I need but they gave me a blister on my heel. I powered through but I am really discouraged!! I could not run all of Week 3 Day 1 (third time I tried this day!!) I managed to finish but felt bad for not running all of the 3 minutes. I pray Week 3 Day 2 is better. :(
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Two things I'd suggest:

    As far as finished each session is concerned, slow your pace down a little. Your objective is finishing the run, not finishing the run at a specific pace.

    As far as the shoes are concerned, you might have an issue with the fit. Does the shop where you got them have a returns policy? It's worth going back in for a chat, as they may be able to advise you on lacing to secure the heel a little more or they may be able to identify another pair that might work better for you.

    Running shoes don't need broken in, so it's not that. What type of shoe are they?
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Thanks Meandering.., but if I can push myself and finish at a pace isnt that the best of both worlds? I am not keeping a pace and not completing my workout, I am trying to keep that as a standard. If I cannot complete I will slow down, but I am not prepared to move onto the next workout until I can complete the current one ant my pace.
  • dexteropolis
    dexteropolis Posts: 17 Member
    Two things I'd suggest:

    As far as finished each session is concerned, slow your pace down a little. Your objective is finishing the run, not finishing the run at a specific pace.

    As far as the shoes are concerned, you might have an issue with the fit. Does the shop where you got them have a returns policy? It's worth going back in for a chat, as they may be able to advise you on lacing to secure the heel a little more or they may be able to identify another pair that might work better for you.

    Running shoes don't need broken in, so it's not that. What type of shoe are they?

    They are Asics, they do great when I walk and I wore them all day the other day and they did not bother my heel or hurt my feet it is just when I jog that they are uncomfortable. I wonder if it is the way I tie them I like my shoes to be tight, maybe I had them tied too tight? The guy at Dick's sporting goods was such a snarky jerk (I assume he was a that way because I am overweight and trying to find a good running shoe...he was in disbelief I think) I really do not want to see his face again or go back there.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    .. but if I can push myself and finish at a pace isnt that the best of both worlds?

    I was responding to Dexteropolis
    I am not keeping a pace and not completing my workout, I am trying to keep that as a standard. If I cannot complete I will slow down, but I am not prepared to move onto the next workout until I can complete the current one ant my pace.

    Notwithstanding that, if it works for you then do it. The programme is a framework to develop the capacity to run for 30 minutes continuously. I used to fast finish so my last minute, or two minutes etc was at a faster pace than the preceding.

    Even now, it's just that my fast finish might cover the same distance that I completed overall on W1D1 of C25K.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    They are Asics, they do great when I walk and I wore them all day the other day and they did not bother my heel or hurt my feet it is just when I jog that they are uncomfortable.

    I would suggest dedicating your running shoes to only running. If you use them for other things then notwithstanding the accelerated wear, the wear pattern won't conform to your gait, so you end up risking a mismatch.
    I wonder if it is the way I tie them I like my shoes to be tight, maybe I had them tied too tight? The guy at Dick's sporting goods was such a snarky jerk (I assume he was a that way because I am overweight and trying to find a good running shoe...he was in disbelief I think) I really do not want to see his face again or go back there.

    Don't know anything about the chain, but it's been discussed on here and few people rate it as having staff who know what they're on about anyway. I'd anticipate that they don't have a returns policy anyway.

    So it's difficult to tell, but put the shoes on and see how the seams all line up, particularly with your running socks on. There are usually a couple of different ways that you could lace up to change the tensions, but it sounds like it's not out of the question that you're too tight across the bridge and a little loose in the heel cup.